Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 202 Heading to Jingyuan

Chapter 202 Heading to Jingyuan
The Jingyuan of the Pei family is open, and many merchants should have been invited, but I seem to be inferior to the maids of the Pei family.

Anyway, I was invited, it's too embarrassing to do.

It's a pity that for the sake of convenience, the most feminine clothes at home were the pink skirt, but she washed it for her last night.

Yun Shu frowned. It seemed that he still had to buy a suit of clothes. What a hassle!
With a slander, he got into the carriage, thought for a while and told the coachman, "Uncle, I will stop at the clothes place in town later."

"Does the girl have a favorite shop?" the coachman asked.

"Not really, just go to a better one." Yun Shu said casually.

The coachman thought for a while, and the best one was Jiang's Linglongfang, so he planned to go there later.

The carriage swayed and walked to the country road, and the voices of passers-by could always be heard on the side of the road.

On the way, Yun Shu lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the corner, but saw that the road leading to the town was densely packed with many people walking. He was shocked, "Why are there so many people?"

The coachman said with a clear face, "The eldest young master informed the opening hours of the Jingyuan a few days ago, and there is no restriction on the status of the visitors. I guess these people are all going to the Jingyuan."

Is it?Is it open to everyone?

Without waiting for Yun Shu to ask more questions, the coachman said to himself, "Miss, I don't know, our young master is actually a dutiful son. Although it is always said that the relationship between the master and the young master is not good, those of us who are servants know that the young master treats the master very well. It’s old and nothing to say. Let’s just talk about this garden, it’s been built for a whole year, and there are a lot of strange things in it, in fact, it’s all for the master.”

Yun Shu was a little surprised, "How do you say that?"

It may be because Yun Shu was the first guest that Pei Yu personally wanted to pick up solemnly, and the driver did not hide it, "Didn't our master get sick by traveling doctors a few years ago? Later, it became more and more serious, even the wind I can't brag about it, but our master has a personality that can't stay. He always goes against the doctor's instructions and always makes the young master angry and embarrassing. So the young master built this landscape garden just to make the master unable to stay. You can go for a walk when you have time, because there are pavilions to keep out the wind in most of the places.”

Hearing what the coachman said, the first thing Yun Shu thought of was that this Pei Yu was actually a dutiful son.

The park that was built in a year is just for my own father to take a walk, even those who are rich may not be willing to do this kind of thing, right?
I also heard the travel doctor mentioned by the coachman.

Yun Shu's heart skipped a beat, but something became coherent.

At the beginning, everyone rumored that Pei Yu hated traveling doctors, but she saw Pei Yu's prejudice against traveling doctors with her own eyes. So all this was because Master Pei was deceived by traveling doctors?
It's okay not to know, but after knowing it, the only dissatisfaction with Pei Yu because of what happened at the beginning also dissipated in an instant.

As the saying goes, people who are not filial have a bad heart, and so do others!

Pei Yu's ability to do this for his own father shows that he is a person with a correct mind.

As for the cunning in business, it is inevitable for a businessman.

All combined, this Pei Yu is really a good man.

Wait...seems like overthinking.

Yun Shu felt ashamed, she felt that she must have been influenced by Liu Hongshan's words.

What happened to Pei Yu has nothing to do with him, and whether he is a lover is not her concern.

Immediately drive out all kinds of miscellaneous thoughts, now that I have time, I might as well think about the Yudu shop.

It took only a little more than a quarter for the carriage to reach the town.

The coachman parked the car near Linglongfang, and Yun Shu lifted the curtain and jumped off.

She left on her own, but didn't see that the coachman had just picked up the small stool and put it back after a pause.

Linglong Pavilion is divided into upper and lower floors, the lower floor is for silk and satin cloth, and the second floor is for ready-made clothes.

The embroiderers in the workshop were all discerning. When Yun Shu came down, they noticed that the girl was dressed in ordinary and rustic clothes, but they didn't ignore that she got off from the Pei family's carriage.

When asked about buying ready-to-wear, he warmly welcomed her to the second floor.

Yun Shu has a small body and looks thin. The ready-to-wear clothes on display are indeed elegant and beautiful. After looking at them for a while, she felt that if these things were worn on her body, whether they looked good or not was the same thing, and they would definitely get in the way.

The ladies from the rich families next to them had a great time choosing. From the content of the chat they overheard, they also planned to buy new clothes and go to Pei's Jingyuan.

And they mostly picked those flowing dresses.

Yun Shu's eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and he dragged his chin with his right hand, picking for a long time.

The embroiderer's mouth was dry from the introduction, and she found that the people around her were still motionless. If the people downstairs said that they had something to do with the Pei family, she would have wondered if she didn't have the money to come and have fun.

Xiu Niang breathed a sigh of relief, and when she was about to ask again, the person beside her pointed and said, "That's it."

"Which one?" Xiu Niang followed, but saw that she was referring to one of the ones introduced before.He was not impatient either, and picked it up as soon as he stepped forward, "Do you want to pretend, girl?"

"No, just give it to me. Where can I pay the bill?" Yun Shu said while looking around, seeing that there was no counter, she knew she was going downstairs, and went downstairs without waiting for the embroiderer to answer.

The skirt is twelve taels, which is relatively expensive, but the fabrics in Linglongfang are all high-quality. The shopkeeper also said that the ribbons on the clothes are carefully customized. In short, I just told Yun Shu that she bought them Absolutely worth the money.

Yun Shu herself saw that the clothes were relatively simple, so she didn't care so much, she put down the money and left before the shopkeeper finished speaking.

Seeing her coming back so quickly, the coachman turned his head to grab the bench again, but stopped thinking of something.Sure enough, when he looked over, Yun Shu had already stepped onto the carriage.

This girl looks a little bold!The coachman frowned and thought, it turns out that this is what the young master likes.

Yun Shu asked the driver to wait for a while, but he did go to the space to change into new clothes.

Just as she thought, even if she picked the simplest one, it was still a bit cumbersome to find out after she got up.

She dawdled for a long time, and after barely getting it done, she washed her face and put on a little makeup before returning to the carriage.

"Let's go!"

The Pei Family Landscape Garden has a large area and runs through the back of the entire street, which is very spectacular.

The carriage cannot enter when it reaches the gate. The driver turned his head and said to the carriage, "Girl, the road carriage inside cannot enter. Our young master is in the lotus garden of the scenic spot. Please move over there."

Yun Shu replied inside, "I see, thank you."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the car, turned over and jumped down.

But she forgot that she had just changed into a long skirt and couldn't move her legs at all. Fortunately, she held on to the shaft of the car to avoid the tragedy of falling face down.

The coachman was also startled when he heard the movement, "Girl, be careful, you... eh... you..." He fell silent, staring at the girl who had stood still in front of her, and smiled slightly to cover up her embarrassment.

At that time, I thought I had admitted the wrong person.

(End of this chapter)

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