Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 207 Take advantage of her

Chapter 207 Take advantage of her
When it was dark in front of him, Yun Shu was about to frown when a man's voice sounded in a low voice, "Look at the road, below."

Only then did she notice that the sight below was unobstructed.Coupled with the smell of blood wafting from the dark place, and the corners locked by the swaying golden thread at the bottom, it is clear that he blocked the sight of those people with his sleeves.

There was a movement in my heart.

She followed suit and continued to walk forward.

But he slandered, the man still had some winks, knowing that she didn't like these sights, he even helped to block them.

But I didn't see that the man beside him raised his cold face at this moment, and glanced at the eyes that were frequently looking at him. The eyes were cold and stern, where was the weakness before?

Seeing everyone shrink back, and the person beside her was tightly wrapped by her so that no trace of her beauty could be seen, the lip shape that was like a sculpture moved slightly.

But this smile looks a little sinister to others.

Yun Shu didn't even know that just as she was blocked from seeing, a group of men came across aggressively and passed her by.

Walking ahead was Xie Wei who was being supported by his servants, and a woman was following beside him, but the woman's face was indeed suppressing her anger, she didn't pay attention to her surroundings, and walked towards the attic ahead.

The bystanders who found that the situation was not right had already stepped aside and watched the group of people leave.

The sharp-eyed ones recognized that woman as Miss Xie Jiasan, but it was rare to see her like this.

And the people around her, although they look out of shape, everyone can still guess who they are.

So a gust of gossip spread again.

And Yun Shu didn't know all of this.

A carriage outside Jingyuan stopped at the door and waited as if counting the time.

Yun Shu originally wanted to take someone to the medical clinic, but it's best to find a doctor and send a skilled person to change his medicine every day.

It's a pity that the carriage only went directly to the place where Wei Chengfeng said.

After the two got out of the car, Yun Shu stood in front of the house with complicated thoughts.

She came here for different purposes every time, sometimes dangerous, sometimes peaceful, she felt that she must have some sinful relationship with this man.

There was no one in the yard, so Yun Shu helped the 'weak' man into the room with ease, and then pretended to rummage through his clothes in front of him, but took out the ointment from the space.

It's just that she didn't expect that the recovery of this man's wound was slower than she imagined.

Leaving aside the reddened wounds on the palms, let's just say that the slightly shallow ones have only formed a thin layer of scabs.

Soon Yun Shu knew the reason.

These places where there is no scab are mostly close to the touch of movement, such as the abdomen such as the arm.

So to sum it up, this person didn't have a good rest at all.

"You plan to torture yourself to death?" Yun Shu said while giving him medicine.

Wei Chengfeng frowned, not quite understanding what she meant.

Yun Shu just snorted, "It's fun to run around with all your injuries? If I had you just lie on the bed and never go anywhere, you should know better than me the consequences of these wounds if they don't heal for too long. ?”

Although I didn't look at it on purpose, the old scars on the man's back were too obvious.

Not to mention the conspicuous front and back, but there are many flesh-colored scars on the sides.

Yun Shu didn't know him that well, so naturally he wouldn't ask, but just glanced at him occasionally, wondering if this person had been abused in any way.

But thinking about the identity of the other party, he dismissed this idea.

Anyone who dares to abuse the prince of the Great Zhou is probably tired of work.

"Well, I know." The voice came in a deep voice, with a hint of indifference.

As soon as Yun Shu heard it, he knew that he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't intend to say more.

Little did he know that the man was already absent-minded.

The last time Yun Shu applied the medicine to him, it was mostly Gu Fang who helped him, but this time he did it all by himself.

Wei Chengfeng could feel that soft little hand gently tapping and stroking across his back. He thought he would have no reaction, but as a result, wherever she touched, it seemed to be poisoned, slightly numb and soft, as if there was something wrong. Things were about to jump out of his heart, which made him feel worse than being seriously injured.

'Snapped! Wei Chengfeng's breath suddenly stagnated, and he grabbed the hand that moved down his waist.

If you look carefully, you can see the depression in his eyes.

Yun Shu didn't know, "What's wrong?"

"...It's nothing." He really let go.

Yun Shu glanced at him suspiciously, but didn't care about it, quickly finished the last bit of medicine, and put the remaining ointment in front of him, "You can do it yourself."

Wei Chengfeng didn't answer, just looked at him silently, then raised his hand with difficulty, and then coughed.

"Forget it, I'll do it." The corners of Yun Shu's mouth twitched slightly, and he sat down silently.

The girl lowered her head and lowered her eyes seriously, but she didn't notice that the eyes of the person in front of her were deeply fixed on her.
The eyebrows and eyes are still the same, but the makeup has changed a lot.

Her complexion is very good, her skin is as white as fat and beautiful jade, and the forehead facing Wei Chengfeng is also plump and smooth.

His eyes fell on those lips, her lips were so beautiful that she couldn't bear the beautiful shape of her lips, Wei Chengfeng suddenly wondered if those lips were as soft and warm as her hands.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and his eyes suddenly became sharp and dangerous.

Did she dress up like this specially to go to Jingyuan to meet Pei Yu?
Thinking about the scene of seeing the two 'intimate' in the attic before, the thick clouds in the black eyes were even more lingering.

When he himself didn't expect it, an impulse suddenly arose in his heart, and he already held that petite figure under his body.

Yun Shu was also stunned.

She was taking the medicine, but her shoulders were heavy, and after the world was turned upside down, she found something was wrong.

The man's face in front of him gradually approached, and his heavy breath sprayed on her face. It wasn't the kind of fragrance that she disliked, but it made her brain dizzy like a scent.

By the time she realized it, the man's face had already dropped, and now Yun Shu didn't understand what the other party was going to do, so he just read so many novels in vain.

She kindly gave him the wound medicine, but in the end she wanted to take advantage of her.

She snorted coldly, filled with anger, and without even thinking about raising her hand, she just slapped him.

Unexpectedly, her hand was caught by a man in mid-air.

Wei Chengfeng's originally cloudy eyes seemed to be clearer because of Yun Shu's actions.

The two were very close, and he could clearly see the anger in Yun Shu's eyes.

It was as if his heart was on fire, making his whole body on fire.

Can be close to Pei Yu, but can't stand him?
His face turned cold suddenly, he shook off Yun Shu's hand, sat up regardless of his frank body, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

Yun Shu had already sat up, but seeing that she hadn't gotten angry yet, this man was a step ahead.

She was so angry that she couldn't breathe freely, she didn't even look at the man, and she left without looking back.

After going out the door, she kicked the door panel vigorously, and cursed in the voice heard by the other party, "Crazy!"

In the room, Wei Chengfeng frowned handsomely, his face darkened.

Gu'an, who was hiding in the dark not far away, accidentally peeked at this scene, his expression was indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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