Chapter 208
Gu'an has always known that his Patriarch is a man of action, but he did not expect to be quicker in this matter.

Only then did he wonder if the lord was interested in Miss Yun, and in the blink of an eye, he attacked Miss Yun.

But from the perspective of a bystander like him, the behavior of the Lord seems... not quite right.

Miss Yun herself is different from those women, he has long had the illusion that Miss Yun still seems to reject the Lord a little bit.

So to sum it up, the Lord is just too impatient.

Now Miss Yun was left in anger, and the master's injury was going to be troublesome again.

"Have you seen it all?" A man's voice came from the room, low and depressed, and the ending sound seemed to be slightly raised.

Gu'an didn't sigh in one breath, his hands and feet trembled subconsciously, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he just bit the bullet and went down, "My lord."

Wei Chengfeng raised his eyebrows to see that his dark eyes were deeper than before.

Gu'an knew at a glance that his Patriarch was angry, and he was very angry.

But it was obviously a failure to play hooligans, and Miss Yun might not be so angry, so why did the master react even more.

Gu An was very puzzled by this point, but he didn't dare to ask.

Wei Chengfeng paused for a long time, and finally asked, "What is a neuropathy?"

"This... I don't know about it because my knowledge is too shallow." It just doesn't sound like a good word on the surface.

"Forget it, ask her face to face." The man frowned.

"There is a sentence that my subordinates don't know whether to say or not." Gu'an said hesitantly.

Wei Chengfeng raised his eyebrows, "Say."

"My lord treats Miss Yun like that, and my subordinates guess that she will avoid my lord even more in the future." Against the oppressive aura, Gu An said neither humble nor overbearing, "Women always pay attention to their reputation, and this subordinate thinks that the lord should go to Yun. Sorry girl..."

"Gu'an, you should go." Wei Chengfeng interrupted him quietly.

The corner of Gu'an's mouth twitched slightly, "This subordinate obeys."

In fact, Gu'an himself regretted it when he said it.He has been with his master for so many years, and he has never seen him lose in any way.

Even if it is different for Miss Yun, there should be no exception.

After thinking about it, I just don't want to.

That's fine, the lord's status is complicated, and Miss Layun's coming in will only make the lord have another weakness.

As for his current position, his weakness is his fatal flaw.


When Yun Shu went back with a sullen face, she forgot to change her clothes, and just happened to meet everyone who was about to go up the mountain, so she just stared at them one by one, some envious, amazed, and pensive.

This pensive person is Liu Hongshan.

Although he hasn't been out of the village for the past few days, he heard the villagers talking about what kind of landscape garden the Pei family built today and opened it today.

That day Pei Yu came over in person again, maybe it was for this day.

The girl kept saying that she didn't like Pei Yu, but she turned around and dressed herself up beautifully.

After all, she is still a little girl, with a spring heart sprouting.

But Yun Shu was indeed beautiful.

She has a fair complexion, and this light blue dress complements her jade-like skin.

In the past, they were covered by coarse linen shirts, and they only knew that Yun Shu had good facial features, but with light makeup on, the facial features became three-dimensional, and the difference with them villagers instantly became apparent.

If you don't know, no one will doubt that she is the daughter of a rich family.

So a few people looked at that face and were fascinated.

"Sister Qin is really lucky. Look at Yun Shu. With a little dressing up, she is more beautiful than the girls in the town. If she adds pearls, jade and gold ornaments, she is probably even more beautiful than those princesses in the capital." A woman was stunned. He stared blankly and said enviously.

Everyone looked and nodded in agreement.

It's true that Yun Shu changed her clothes and dyed her lips, but her hairstyle was still as casual as usual, so she could only barely tidy it up.

"This girl must be fifteen years old, right? It can also be said to be kissed."

"Not yet, Yun Shuniang said last time that it won't be fifteen until the end of the year."

"Isn't it coming soon? Look at this appearance, I don't know who has this blessing."

This topic is distorted when we talk about it.

"Ahem, everyone, let's get busy." Liu Hongshan realized that the crowd couldn't stop their gossip, so he quickly seized the threat from the village chief, and everyone who had to go left.

Then he walked up to Yun Shu by himself, thought for a while and couldn't help but said, "Go to Jingyuan?"

"how do you know?"

When Liu Hongshan heard the answer, he was even more sure that his guess was right.

With a perfunctory sentence, he glanced at Yun Shu with complicated eyes, waved his hands and left.

Duliu Yunshu stood there inexplicably. She wanted to check on the progress of the school, but she was a little irritable, so she just went home.

This day, Yun Shu never left home again. After dinner, he went to the space to be busy for a while. After seeing his family rest, he went to Su Yi to check his face and put the medicine on before returning to his room to rest.

But they didn't know that in another place, because of her, the Pei family was busy going around.

In the afternoon, Xie Shuting heard that her younger brother Xie Wei was beaten, so she went to Jingyuan to confront Pei Yu.

Seeing Xie Wei who was beaten into a pig's head for the first time, Pei Yu didn't recognize him, and wondered who was so brave and dared to attack Master Xie's family.

Until Xie Wei used his swollen and deformed mouth to talk about the appearance of the assailant: a pretty girl in a blue dress, someone saw him entering the attic with Pei Yu.

Pei Yu never thought that that person would be Yun Shu. He began to wonder if it was Pei Hao. After all, this kid had disliked Xie Wei for a long time.

It was a little surprising at first, but after thinking about Yun Shu's character, Pei Yu realized it.

Then Xie Jia Xie Wei is also a bad learner, probably because he had a conflict with Yun Shu.

In Pei Yu's memory, Yun Shu never suffered a disadvantage, so it is very possible that Xie Wei was beaten like this.

"Pei Yu, what is your relationship with that woman? Have you forgotten Uncle Pei's words? Are you doing me any favors?" Xie Shuting seemed to be asking questions for herself rather than trying to find a place for her younger brother.

No wonder Xie Shuting spoke directly.

Master Pei wanted Pei Yu to marry Xie Shuting was not a matter of a day or two, so he didn't shy away from mentioning it in front of the two of them.

Xie Shuting thought that such a thing could not be just a joke, so she took it seriously.

In addition, in order to save face for her father, Pei Yu usually excuses herself by not thinking about getting married for the time being, so she gave Xie Shuting an imagination.

Xie Shuting felt pain in her heart when she thought that Pei Yu broke appointments many times and turned around to meet another woman in private.

Surrounded by Xie Shuting and Xie Jiajiading, Pei Yu kept her cool thanks to her calm temper.

In the end, he gave a sentence that he would look up and deal with it strictly, and he called Dr. Pei's family to check Xie Wei again.

Because of this incident, the two elders were alarmed again, and it continued until night.

In desperation, Pei Yu also darkened his face, "It's not that Pei Yu intends to protect, but what Young Master Xie said is that this person is kind to the Pei family and the people of Yudu, and her master is the one who solved the plague in Yudu this time." The people behind the scenes, even King Yu would not act rashly, Pei Yu advised Uncle Xie, instead of causing trouble for the Xie family, it is better to ask what Young Master Xie did,...Pei Yu still has something to do, excuse me now!"

(End of this chapter)

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