Chapter 210
Many villagers surrounded the field, discussing a lot. When Yun Shu arrived, Liu Hongshan was standing in the field with several older generations of the village looking at the herbs, frowning and looking sad.

On the other hand, Yun Shu, who came over, had a calm expression and didn't seem nervous at all.

The mentality of the two obviously switched positions.

Yun Shu knew it in her heart. When she asked the villagers for a chance, Liu Hongshan was grateful to her.Although he was busy planting these herbs a few days ago, he would come to have a look whenever he had time, and urge everyone not to be lazy and so on.

He clearly felt that Yun Shu had helped too much, and felt very sorry.

Just now the villagers called him to say that it was an accident in the field, so he just ignored the school and came up.

It's a pity that there are still some researches on farming, but the cultivation of herbs is at a loss.

"Uncle Liu, what do you see?" Yun Shu passed through the crowd, and the villagers around saw her, and all of them sighed and sympathized. She looked at Liu Hongshan questioningly as if she was ignorant.

The other party's expression was not very good, "I let everyone see it. I feel that the toxins in the land are not clean. These herbs probably won't live for two days." He sighed again.

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why do you think it's the poison of the land?"

Not seeing the deep meaning in Yun Shu's eyes at all, Liu Hongshan looked worried, "The condition of this black root is the same as our reaction to farming before. It's not a toxin, but what is it?"

He thought the herb was really useful, but he didn't expect it to be a waste of work.

"That's not sure!"

When Liu Hongshan heard this, he looked at Yun Shu in surprise.

But Yun Shu walked through the crowd into the field. Like everyone else, she first observed the herbs, but finally pulled out a plant and sniffed it close to her nose. Then she laughed.

After watching her movements, Liu Hongshan was keenly aware of something, and his expression became more serious.

The rest of the villagers also seemed to smell something wrong, and silently agreed.

"It seems that someone wants to target me? But this method is too stupid!" Yun Shu threw away the herb, glanced at everyone, with a mocking arc on the corner of his mouth.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, what does this mean?Isn't it a matter of the land that the herb turns black?
At this moment, Yun Shu had already walked to the edge of the field. She patted the dust off her hands and said casually, "Everyone should be wondering why I said that, right? In fact, you only need to take the herbs and smell them to understand."

You know it just by smelling it?

Before the villagers could react, Liu Hongshan, who was standing in the field, picked up the herb thrown away by Yun Shu and smelled it, but he said it was a smell, but before the herb reached the tip of his nose, he wrinkled his head violently and covered it subconsciously. Mouth, the expression on his face was clearly stunned, "This is..."

Seeing him in a daze, the others didn't say a word for a long time, so they also tried it impatiently, but the reaction was even bigger, "It smells so bad, wait...why is this smell familiar?"

Hearing this, a few more people frowned when they smelled it, and one of them blurted out, "This is grass snake powder!"

"That's right, that's the smell. I felt familiar just now, but I didn't remember it all at once." The other person immediately realized it.

"How can there be such a smell in the field?"

"That's right."

Grass snake powder, a popular herbicide powder in a village and town!

It was made by an old doctor who likes to study medicinal powder many years ago. It is said that he once saw a curved strip mark on a vegetable leaf in the field. Out of curiosity, he followed the mark and found it was a green grass snake.

Later, the old doctor used the grass snake to make a kind of grass snake powder. Whenever the field was overgrown with weeds, as long as the grass snake powder was soaked and sprinkled, within three hours, the field would not grow any grass.

And this grass snake powder will not harm the fields, so if you have some spare money and don't want to pull weeds, you can buy some and keep them at home.

But now that Yunshu's herb root has this smell, there is obviously something wrong.

Thinking of the revenge that Yun Shu just said, Liu Hongshan's face became more serious, "Could it be someone from the village did it?"

The fact that their fields were damaged has long been known to all the villages, but now only the villagers of Xiaoxu Village know about Yunshu's cultivation of medicines.

Liu Hongshan didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the end when he had the cheek to beg Yun Shu for a job, and his face turned black and white.

Just then Yun Shu spoke again.

"I believe it's impossible for the uncles present to do this, because I, Yun Shu, have noticed that you have bothered to take care of me these days."

Unexpectedly, Yun Shu would say such a thing, and everyone fell silent.

They are not stupid, they have also thought of the problems that Liu Hongshan thought of.

Although he knew that this matter had nothing to do with him, his face burned when he thought of being from this village.

"But the medicinal herbs have become like this. This matter can't be left alone. You can also see that my family has never been an enemy in Xiaoxu Village. There are only a few who really have festivals. Of course...without evidence, I won't slander anyone, so I would like to ask the uncles to do a favor, help me put on a play, and find out who is behind the scenes!" When Yun Shu said this, her head was slightly lowered, and her voice was low, which seemed to outsiders to be true. Suppressing grievances.

In fact, she was indeed aggrieved, but not wronged, but held back.

She guessed who did it almost instantly, but if she made a big fuss to find the trouble, the other party might not admit it, and made herself seem arrogant, so she thought of a plan that got the best of both worlds.

The villagers themselves were a little embarrassed, and seeing that Yun Shu was so generous and did not vent his anger, they almost apologized to Yun Shu for the murderer.

After Yun Shu finished speaking for help, she agreed without saying a word.

It was rare for Liu Hongshan to lose his smiling face, his eyes flicked back and forth, apparently thinking of something.

Seeing that they agreed, Yun Shu slowly said her plan, " long as you do what I say, that person will definitely not be able to sit still."

Others are indeed not sure, and always feel that this plan is no different from no plan.

It can be seen that Yun Shu was full of confidence, so he nodded in response, "Don't worry, we won't leak anything."

The villagers went down the mountain one by one according to the plan. Before leaving, they had prepared their emotions and cooperated very well.

Yun Shu was watching, when Liu Hongshan apologized, "Yun Shu, I'm to blame for this!"

"You didn't do the poison, what are you doing?" Yun Shu looked at it calmly, but his eyes were clear.

"I know who you guessed, and I guessed it too, so I'm still to blame." As if it would be more comfortable to take the blame for himself, Liu Hongshan tried his best to put the responsibility on himself.

"Uncle Liu, since you have said so, let me express my opinion. I did show mercy to those people for your sake before, but this time I don't intend to tolerate it, but I am an outsider after all, because I have already left If I killed a villager, if I did something else, even if everyone knew it wasn't my fault, they would say something..."

"I understand, you don't need to talk about it, I'll take care of it." Liu Hongshan said in a deep voice as if he had made some big decision.

(End of this chapter)

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