Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 211 Do you want to hit me?

Chapter 211 Do you want to hit me?

Yun Shu glanced at him, knowing that he was embarrassing an honest man, but there was nothing he could do.

In a good life, there will always be some people who don't know how to live or die. It's too annoying.

But what Yun Shu didn't expect was that another incident happened before the plan came to fruition.

It was afternoon, and Yun Shu locked the door and stayed in the space.

He suddenly heard movement outside the door, so he went out to have a look.

The place where she lived was remote, if someone had come to her, she would have knocked on the door long ago, but the movement outside seemed to be made by people walking around, but they kept lingering at the door without making a sound.

Yun Shu walked to the door calmly, and vaguely saw a shadow moving through the crack of the door. She heard more and more obvious breathing sounds at the tips of her ears, and her expression suddenly became meaningful.

Judging from the movement of walking, it should be a woman.

Could it be that person retaliated against her for failing to make a plan and making another plan?
Outside the house, the figure carefully poured the things in his hands into the corner of Yun's house, looking furtive, and sometimes looked around with the eyes exposed from the wrapped head.

You should not worry!

Those people are busy with the school, and this place is remote, how can anyone see it?
If there was anyone, it was only the woman in the room.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and glanced at the closed door, her dark eyes were constricted by anger, to see how arrogant she was this time.

"It's you!"

No one expected that the closed door would open unexpectedly, and the figure froze even more, forgetting to hide, staring at the figure standing at the door.

His scrutinizing and clear eyes swept towards the face that couldn't be seen, as if he had already seen who she was.

No, she pretended so well that she couldn't recognize herself, so she must have deliberately frightened her.

Run, yes, she has to run, she can't get caught.

After Yun Shu saw the eyes of the person on the opposite side shrinking, she turned her head and left. She couldn't see what she was thinking.

She dodged forward, stood in front of the other party, and tore off the linen cloth covering the other party's head with her hands, revealing the face she had imagined.

Under the sackcloth was a pretty little face. After being pulled to disguise, she stretched out her hands in a panic to cover her face, but it was too late, Yun Shu recognized her.

"Miss Yu, long time no see."

Yu Cuilan's body froze, her face was still flustered, she stared at Yun Shu in a daze, "You knew it was me from the beginning?"

Yun Shu smiled, "Before answering your question, you should first explain why you sneak around here in broad daylight?"

"I'm just walking around here, who is sneaking around here?" Yu Cuilan, who had calmed down, stopped covering her face, and stood opposite Yun Shu with an aloof expression, very arrogant.

"Walk?" Yun Shu's smile deepened, "As far as I know, Dr. Yu is in prison, and you should be in the cell. Are you sure you're just walking, not hiding here?"

When Yun Shu mentioned 'Doctor Yu', Yu Cuilan's originally calm face suddenly rekindled with anger, and that face was distorted to stare at Yun Shu, "You are responsible for all this, why are you still alive like this? Well, you damn well."

As she spoke, she suddenly walked towards Yun Shu, holding a sparkling fire guide in her hand. Yun Shu dodged sideways, and quickly tapped Yu Cuilan's wrist with her finger. The other party exclaimed, and the fire guide flew straight away. went out and fell to the ground.

It was such a coincidence that there was a 'boom' sound from the ground, and a mass of fire spread like a snake.

Yun Shu turned his head to see the flames burning in the corner of his house, and curled his lips, "So this is your purpose."

Yu Cuilan didn't expect that the fire would catch on. She originally wanted to do it secretly, but now she was happy that it happened by chance, but the only dissatisfaction was that Yun Shu was not in the fire.

She let out a vindictive laugh, "Look, even God is punishing you, haha!"

Is it?When her nose is bad?Everyone can smell the strong smell of oil in the air, right?
Yun Shu was not in a hurry to put out the fire, but folded his arms and looked at it with a smile, "This fire is just right. It just so happens that there are a lot of weeds on the wall of my house, so I can finally get rid of it this time."

Seeing that she was not in a hurry, her face was calm, and she said these complacent words, Yu Cuilan directly smiled, "You can be proud for a while, if you don't burn to death today, there is still tomorrow, and one day I will kill you to replace my family revenge."

"You really dare to think, but you have no tomorrow."

After Yun Shu's words fell, Yu Cuilan hadn't reacted yet, her eyes darkened, and she fell limply.

Yun Shu withdrew his palm, saw the sound of falling on the ground, and sneered.

Just as he was about to ask Su Yi to come out and deal with the person, a loud shout came from a distance, "Hey, don't touch Cuilan!"

Cuilan, this is really intimate!

Yun Shu looked up, and saw a figure stumbling over in the distance. Before she could touch Yu Cuilan, he ran over to block him, glanced at the raging fire, and glared at Yun Shu angrily.

"Second Young Master Pei, you are really everywhere, so Pei Yu doesn't care about you?" Yun Shu mocked.

When Pei Hao rushed over, he regretted it. He didn't expect to meet Yu Cuilan who hadn't seen him for half a month, and he didn't expect this woman to knock him out.

I came here just to have a look, how could I know that I couldn't help it.

After hearing Yun Shu's words, he was also angry, "You are still not a woman, Cuilan is so delicate, you actually attacked her."

When Pei Hao came, what he happened to see was Yun Shu's hands-on scene. In addition, he didn't have a good impression of Yun Shu, so naturally he didn't think of her well.

Delicate?Hearing this adjective, Yun Shu felt that the Second Young Master of the Pei family was not only stupid, but also blind.

On age.Yu Cuilan is older than Yun Shu, and in terms of size, fat and thin, Yu Cuilan has the advantage.

He really dared to say it.

"So, are you planning to come to a hero to save the beauty?"

Pei Hao glared at her, "I won't let you hurt her."

Yun Shu just raised her lips, "It doesn't count if you said it." She originally wanted to hand over Yu Cuilan to Su Yi to kill her directly, and then destroy the body and wipe out the traces, but since Pei Hao saw it, this plan must be It's not working.

Pei Hao's eyes widened, and his breathing became short of breath. Thinking of what his elder brother said that day, he blurted out, "You want to hit me?",

"You can understand that."

Pei Hao's face turned red immediately, "Stop talking big, I'll teach Cuilan a lesson for you today." After finishing speaking, he suddenly rushed towards Yun Shu.

for real?
But the person left the spot, avoiding Pei Hao's fist, she looked back at him and said, "Then don't regret it."

Her contemptuous tone showed that Pei Hao was even more violent after being so excited.

However, no matter how powerful the move was, it often fell through before Yun Shu saw it.

Yun Shu was also about to teach this ignorant boy a lesson. Seeing that the other party failed repeatedly, she took the lead this time.

(End of this chapter)

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