Chapter 213
Only Liu Hongshan thought a lot, and after nodding, his eyes were thoughtful.

He raised his head and glanced at Yun Shu. Although the little girl said she was angry, her eyes were very calm. I don't know if it was an illusion. Liu Hongshan had the feeling that she already knew who the accomplice was.

Perhaps guessing something, Liu Hongshan's eyes became darker.

No one cared about Pei Hao who was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and he himself did not stop everyone as if he was in a daze.


The moon is dark and the wind is high, and there is tranquility everywhere.

Under the hazy moonlight, several figures were carrying something and groping towards the field.

They walked the back of the house, and their feet were extremely light, so as not to disturb the livestock in the village.

When they finally came to the edge of the field, several figures got together and said something, and then went down to the field with the things in their hands.

From that unpleasant movement, it can be seen that the thing being lifted is not light, and the dense breath seems to be still flowing.

"Let's hurry up, it's too cold tonight."

"Shut up for me, it's time for people to find out."

Several people scattered into the field, and before they started busy, they lowered their voices to warn each other.

Just when they bent down to pick up the wooden ladle in the bucket, they felt that the surroundings were brighter.

"The sky is getting brighter so soon..." It was the same voice that said hurry up before, he subconsciously looked up at the sky, when the surrounding light was brighter than before, before he finished speaking, he glanced at the edge of the field again. His face suddenly flustered, and then he ran to the other side.

When Mrs. Chen heard the movement and saw her son running away, she blurted out, "Why are you running? I haven't done anything yet..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a "plop" behind him, and the youngest Yan seemed to be leaving too. Just as he took a step, he felt something, and his legs softened and he knelt down.

"Mother." Even Yan Yutao saw that something was wrong, her voice trembled, her little face turned pale because of the wind or fright.

Only then did Chen realize something, she followed her daughter's gaze and looked at Tian Bian.

The torches approached the edge of the field from far to near, overwhelming the light of the oil lamp that was held before in an instant.

Dozens of people were seen approaching the field in a surrounded state.

The man who had run away at the beginning was forced to step back. Under the light, the faces of the Chen family were extremely clear.

Even the steaming barrels around them were clearly visible.

"So it's really you!" The sigh came from the crowd, but unfortunately the light was so dazzling that Mrs. Chen couldn't see anyone, but she heard the voice of the village chief Liu Hongshan.

Chen blocked her face, rolled her eyes, no matter where the person was, she knelt down in any direction, "Village Chief, I know I was wrong, I am so angry, I want to find a place to vent."

"You watched Yutao grow up. My daughter is good at everything. Her father and I have worked hard all our lives waiting for our daughter to enjoy the blessings. It's all the fault of the family named Qin. If my family is like this, my family's Yutao is also good. The reputation is ruined, this is ruining our family! No one can hold back this mouth, village chief, you go around us this time."

Apparently, she also understood that she couldn't lie if she was caught, so Chen simply wiped away her tears and planned to play the family card.

But this time the calculation was obviously wrong.

"I want to ask, what did my family do to you? Is it because I trusted you so much that Yan Yutao betrayed me with my embroidered pattern? Or was it embarrassing for you, Chen, who came to the door and waited to be humiliated? Destroying my reputation, or something else? Everyone is here today, so why not speak clearly." The voice came from above, and it was exactly where Mrs. Chen was kneeling.

The light dimmed a little, revealing Yun Shu's calm and unfazed face.

The person who was moved by Chen's crying suddenly came to his senses when he heard this, he was almost misled by Chen.

Yeah, how did they forget these things?
The Qin family is usually peaceful, and if they don't give them things to do, they just say that they don't embarrass others. This is enough for the Chen family to learn for a lifetime.

Now they wait here most of the night, isn't it just to catch the disgusting person who poisoned the herb?
So when they looked at the barrels containing the poison, they looked at the Chen family who did not admit his mistake at all, and bit the other party back, and then looked at their family, and they always felt that the faces of this family were ugly.

" are talking nonsense, those things are all misunderstandings." Realizing that she was kneeling on the wrong person, Chen quickly got up, and did not forget to deny it.

Liu Hongshan was standing next to Yun Shu, and was really disappointed to see the behavior of this family.

Thinking that Yan Yutao was usually well-educated, he just looked at it, and Liu Hongshan shook his head even more at this look.

Although Chen didn't know how to repent, she still said she was wrong.

Yan Yutao did hide back when she saw this, just covering her face, she didn't look ashamed at all.

Occasionally a face was revealed, under the light of the fire, except for anger and fear, I really couldn't see anything else.

Things have come to this point, some words are useless.

"Everyone, do me a favor and arrest this person! This happened once or twice, and I can't tolerate it anymore. In the morning tomorrow, find a few people to accompany me to send them to the government office. Our Xiaoxu Village will not be able to accommodate this kind of person in the future." It's gone." The implication is that he intends to drive people out of the village.

Before, Mrs. Chen was still taking chances, but now she was stunned by Liu Hongshan's words.

She blurted out, "Why! Why are you arresting us? Isn't it just a little bit of land? At worst, we'll just pay. If I don't go to the government office, you don't want to touch my daughter." After speaking, she spread her hands, obviously intending to resisted.

It's just that no one cares about her.

The people in the village shook their heads and were speechless, they still had the face to say this at this moment.

She pay?Who doesn't know that master Yunshu spent a lot of effort to get this herbal medicine, not to mention how many acres of land it is, even if they sell it, they won't be able to pay for it, right?It is estimated that I want to procrastinate for time and take my time later.

Mrs. Chen did indeed have this idea.

But before she could say more, more than a dozen villagers came forward together, and their family didn't even have time to run, so they were held down.

The barrels they brought were carefully raised by everyone. Everyone frowned and held their breath when they sniffed it. That's right, it was the smell of snake grass powder.

Now there's all the evidence.

In the past, no matter how bad or bad the Chen family was, the villagers would not help at most, but now they just want to take the evidence to the government office and let Master Qi punish the Chen family.

In the past, those people just didn't care about it, but this time it's coming again, and it's inevitable that there will be a third time.

In addition, Yun Shu's family has been raising money for everyone during this period of time, and building a school for the children in the village. It is difficult to repay their kindness. Now they just want to help solve her troubles.

This time Yun Shu didn't say much, she just kept a calm face, and some villagers came forward to comfort her.

She shook her head, expressing that it was all right.

Actually it's all right.

These herbs themselves can condition the soil. Although the snake powder is more ferocious, it will not be destroyed all at once. As long as she pays more attention to watering, it may be able to improve.

Thinking about it, Chen is also considered impatient, but if everyone pretends that the herb is fine, the other party can't wait.

 Every time I write about men, I feel like people are floating. .

(End of this chapter)

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