Chapter 214
Fortunately, everyone is willing to stay here with the acting this time. Who would have thought that Mrs. Chen would get hot water again when she saw that her plan would fail.

The commotion reached dawn, and the crowd dispersed. It was said that the Chen family would first be locked up in Liu Hongshan's woodshed.

Yun Shu looked at her herbs again, and left with the villagers who were waiting for her.

This time, there were only a few households, both male and female, who found something wrong with the herb in the morning, but Yun Shu didn't inform Qin's.

When she went back, the yard was still quiet, so she entered the house lightly and took the opportunity to sleep for a while.

At dawn the next day, Yun Shu heard his family get up and sat up.

Advanced space to exercise for a while, then wash and change clothes, just came out of the room, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the door.

Qin's voice sounded, it should be to say something to someone.

Just turning around to see the daughter who came out, he hurriedly said, "It's the Pei family, and I asked you to see a doctor for Second Young Master Pei."

This is interesting.

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows, seeing that it was indeed a servant of the Pei family, he knew it in his heart.This is not to ask her to see a doctor, but Pei Yu wants to avenge his brother, right?
It just so happened that she had time these few days to write the regulations for Yudu's plan, and drew a sketch for the construction of Yudu.


Gu'an went out early in the morning, and after turning around to tell Wei Chengfeng the news of the investigation, he saw that the Patriarch was silent, his face was pale, but his eyes were dark.

"When I went, I came across Pei's carriage. It was from Xiaoxu Village. It was probably sent by Young Master Pei to pick up Miss Yun." Gu An continued without fear of death.

The person on the opposite side still didn't speak, only the black eyes swept over and said after a while, "When will Gu Fang arrive?"

The topic was too sudden, Gu An was stunned for a moment and replied, "Noon at the soonest." He was on his way yesterday morning, but Gu Fang was injured too badly last time, so the carriage arranged by King Yu planned to let him come back slowly.

"Then at noon, I'll leave for a while, and you go to meet Gu Fang, the sooner the better." Wei Chengfeng got up suddenly, and left after saying that.

Gu'an couldn't guess the intention of his master, and wondered if he had any missions, so he didn't dare to ask more, nodded and left the yard.

Gu'an left, and Wei Chengfeng also left.

Behind the door of Pei's house, after Yun Shu got off the car, there were two people waiting at the door.

As soon as she stepped forward, a person suddenly appeared from the diagonal side. If she hadn't stepped back quickly, she would have stepped on him in the next step.

Frowning, looking displeased.

Just when the man turned his head, a stern and indifferent face appeared, glanced at her, and said calmly, "Are you looking for Pei Yu too?" His voice was low and his eyes shifted.

When Yun Shu saw who it was, her face immediately darkened. The last time was not over yet, and she was too lazy to talk to him.

Don't care if the other party is staring at you, if you miss him, go straight forward.

The man who was ignored raised his eyebrows, but followed him without getting angry.

The servant looked at the two people who came in together in surprise, and recognized that the one behind them was a good friend of their young master, and did not dare to underestimate them, and welcomed the two of them in together.

Not long after entering Pei's courtyard, the man came to his side again.

Yun Shu sullenly pretended not to see him.

But no matter how much she ignored it, the man's powerful aura was by her side, making it impossible for people to ignore him.

Yun Shu frowned even deeper, wondering why Pei Yu had asked this person over so early in the morning?
She would not narcissistically think that the other party came because of her.

The servant kept his head down all the way, not daring to make a sound, and only reminded him when turning a corner, because he was afraid of looking up at the man's dark and cold eyes, so he never dared to look forward.

It was only time for a cup of tea when we arrived, and we saw Pei Yu standing at the door waiting from a distance.

Hearing the movement, he was smiling, but when he saw the man next to him, he was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized, "I asked you not to come yesterday, but it's early today?" His eyes went back and forth between him and Yun Shu across the body.

"Not welcome?" The man also looked at it, his brows and eyes relaxed a lot.

Pei Yu then said, "Don't dare, but I have to wait a while, I asked Miss Yun to see Pei Hao's injury."

"Well, don't worry." He said and stepped in.

Pei Yu made a gesture of invitation to Yun Shu again, and Yun Shu followed with a faint smile.

Sure enough, he guessed right, Pei Yu invited him.

But next time this happened, she still hoped that it would be better to stagger the time.

This man, she doesn't want to look at him at all now.

As long as I see him, the events of that day will come to the fore.

I didn't expect that he usually looks like a human being, and I didn't expect that there was a gangster hidden in his bones.

The door was pushed open, and a faint smell of medicine wafted out of the room.

When Yun Shu entered, several servants were coming out, holding a plate with food on it.

"I said I won't eat, and I'm still leaving!" Pei Hao's voice was still in the room, his anger was not small, and the servants were terrified.

Pei Yu came in at this time, saw the situation in front of her, and raised her voice towards the inside, "Stop messing around, Miss Yun is here."

I don't know if it was a coincidence, Pei Yu fell behind, and there was a sudden silence inside.

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows slightly. He thought that Pei Yu's smiling face was for later settlement, but now it doesn't look like it.

She pretended not to know that she followed the other person in, and the curtain was lifted, revealing Pei Hao who was sitting on the bed in front of him, but he was facing the person who didn't even look in.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. Pei Hao was naughty and asked for trouble from others. He ended up asking for trouble. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen." Pei Yu suddenly said these words to Yun Shu, and then said, "He came back yesterday I avoided everyone, hid in the room, and I only found out when the servant girl saw it early in the morning, but the time was too short, and I didn't have time to express my apology to the other party."

From the beginning to the end, Pei Yu looked at Yun Shu with a smile on his face and deep meaning in his eyes.

Yun Shu fell silent.

It seems that she is narrow-minded, Pei Yu is more generous than she thought.

It turned out that he was not looking for revenge, but an apology.

Knowing that he said this deliberately to save face, he paused and said, "Aren't you angry?"

When she asked, her tone didn't have her usual identity, just like chatting with a friend.

The man who just sat down next to him smelled something different. He looked up at the two who were standing like tacit friends, and when he heard them say something he didn't know, something flashed across his deep eyes.

"There's nothing to be angry about, but I'm glad you didn't treat me as an outsider and showed mercy." Pei Yu laughed.

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows, what he said was interesting.

Shouldn't it be called being an outsider because of mercy?She did not act lightly this time, how did she become an outsider in his eyes?

Pei Yu seemed to know what she was thinking, and explained, "Pei Hao's temper can only be known after suffering."

The implication was that Yun Shu was right to do so.

The corners of Yun Shu's mouth twitched slightly, how could she remember that Pei Yu was not this kind of person.

Looking at Pei Hao next to him with reddish ears, Yun Shu decided not to talk about it anymore

She handed over the ointment that she had prepared earlier, "Three times a day, it fades away in three days."

Pei Yu was not surprised, took it over, and did not forget to joke, "The disciples of the genius doctor are different. You don't need to look at the wounds, and the medicine will come out."

(End of this chapter)

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