Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 217 He Worried About Her

Chapter 217 He Worried About Her
Everyone only heard the sound of falling into the water two times in succession, turned their heads and looked, and the two young people who had just stood aside had disappeared.

"They went down to save the child, the child is here!" Someone shouted when they found something.

When the old man heard this, he didn't care about other things, so he ran over to have a look, and he saw the child's body protruding from the water.

I also noticed that the child didn't struggle, his eyes were closed, and his heart was raised.

At this time, the child's family also rushed over.

It's just letting the child play with a friend, and he fell into the river in the blink of an eye. Why not rush?
He didn't pay attention to the situation at this time, crying to the bridge deck.

Until a voice came from below, "The child is fine!" It was indeed a little girl's voice.

Only then did someone notice that the two people who jumped down actually had a little girl.

Yun Shu wiped the water off her face and looked at the boy lying on her arm.The child fell into the water and was frightened, swallowed water again, and passed out. She checked that there was no serious problem, and it would be all right to go ashore and drain him later.

At this moment, there was a hand around the waist, and Yun Shu turned to look at the man behind him at some point.

With a stern face, he was unhappy when he saw it, and his eyes were staring at her.

It's rare that she didn't open that hand, but she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Just after jumping into the water, she heard movement and realized that he had also followed.

She wasn't sure if she was dazzled, the man's usually calm eyes seemed to be full of worry, until she saw herself, she seemed to be able to hear him heaving a sigh of relief.

Did he really follow her because he was worried about her?

"Let's go." The voice came close to her ear, spraying water vapor on Yun Shu's earlobe, she shrank her neck involuntarily, but the tips of her ears turned red.

The clothes on her body were already wet, no darker than a man's coat, she didn't wear a few under it for convenience, one could imagine that after going ashore, she would be pointed and watched by countless people.

Just thinking about going all out and forgetting about it, he sent the child to the shore responders, and the next moment his body lightened.

She exclaimed, and her body sank again. The man glanced at her tightly hugging arms with a sullen face, and took off his coat to cover her body expressionlessly, while her whole body was lifted up by her.

"That child needs medical treatment..." Yun Shu tried to get down.

The man's strength is stronger than she imagined, he looked down, his eyes were dark and heavy, "His family will find a way."

Then he strode away unquestionably, passing through the crowd, ignoring the gazes cast on him.

But after realizing something, he tightened the robe that covered Yun Shu.

Yun Shu could only move, but his head was wrapped.

She lay on the man's left atrium, only hearing the 'thumping' heartbeat in her ears, and felt strangely relieved.

She never thought that one day she would be held in the arms of a man.What was even more unexpected was that she was lost in this embrace?

I don't know how long he walked, but the voices of people around him are getting better and better, and the heights and lows below him are also fluctuating.

When she looked up, she came to that house.

This is where he lives.

"Gu'an, prepare a set of women's clothes." He didn't hear anyone's footsteps, he ordered out of thin air, and then Yun Shu heard the sound of clothes swinging above him.

She was placed in the room, and Yun Shu grabbed the black robe by himself, only to realize that it was his room.

Looking aside, he was taking off his shirt.

Probably because it was inconvenient to wrap his hands in gauze, he roughly tore his clothes.

Yun Shu wanted to look away, but when he caught a glimpse of the blood-soaked gauze, his eyes froze.

At this time, he had taken off his shirt, revealing the gauze all over his body, and his refined body was undoubtedly exposed.

"Close your eyes!" The voice came suddenly, and Yun Shu blushed suddenly and lowered her head, but she just forgot to look away when she saw him unfasten his belt.

It turned out that he knew he was peeking.

Pooh!She didn't peek at it, it was just looking at it openly, after all, she touched it before!
The breathing of the man in the room suddenly became thicker, as if he was suppressing something. Yun Shu didn't want to watch it at first, but felt that the breath was too messy, so he couldn't help raising his head.

As a result, after looking at it, he couldn't help standing up and shouting, "Don't touch those gauzes!"

Wei Chengfeng just grabbed a piece of gauze, and these things were not very comfortable sticking to his body.

He was going to pull it away all at once, but when he heard a voice behind him, he paused.

When Yun Shu saw him turn around, standing in front of him with only white trousers left, he felt that the atmosphere was very awkward.

However, he continued, "Treating the wound like this will require at least three days of rest, don't you want?"

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, three days?He has been injured for so long, but he hasn't had a good day.

The black eyes looked slowly, "In your opinion, what should I do?"

When Yun Shu heard this, she knew that she had dug another hole for herself. She wanted to go over to see the condition of the wound, but she didn't say anything because she was covered in water. She even pulled a piece of clothing, and said simply, "I'll talk about it after I finish changing. , sit there."

Wei Chengfeng actually sat down.

There were only two people in the room, one was almost naked and the other was tightly wrapped, but they couldn't bear someone's direct gaze.

Yun Shu frowned slightly, and for the first time felt that Gu An was really slow in doing things.

Just when she couldn't stand the weird atmosphere, there was a knock on the door, "Master, the clothes are ready."

"come in."

When Gu'an came in, he felt the weird atmosphere, felt that this scene didn't seem suitable for him, he lowered his head the whole time, waited to put down his clothes, and left without stopping for a moment. When he left, he closed the door by the way.

When Yun Shu saw the clothes, he didn't care that Wei Chengfeng was still staring at him.

Wrapped in the long robe, she picked up the clothes, saw a screen in the room, and was about to go there, but saw that the man was motionless, so she frowned, "Aren't you going out?"

"this is my room."

"But I want to change clothes." Doesn't he know the difference between men and women?

"You think I'll take a peek?" The voice was also low.

Yun Shu almost couldn't resist throwing the clothes in his hand. It's not a question of peeking or not, but a question of basic manners, okay?

Understand that it is obviously useless to argue with the other party.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to go to the space to wipe off her body, but now it seems that she doesn't have to think about it at all.

After following the screen, she glanced at it and found a skylight above it, which she opened by stepping on the edge.

The room was too dark, and she just wanted to take a breath.

Quickly took off the wet clothes, put on the long skirt similar to the one she was wearing, let down the congealed hair, and stroked it before walking out.

Wei Chengfeng was looking in the direction of the door at this moment, and if he looked closely, he could find that the tips of his ears were reddish.

Yun Shu packed her clothes and hugged him, didn't bother to look at him, and was about to ask him to call Gu An to come in for help, when she accidentally glanced at the screen, her face burned up.

(End of this chapter)

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