Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 218 The idea of ​​playing

Chapter 218 The idea of ​​playing
The room was dark before, and Yun Shu didn't even notice that the screen was hollowed out and embroidered.

Maybe it was because she opened the window just now, the room was very bright, so the screen could see the projection on the opposite side as if it were transparent.

Thinking that she was completely stripped behind this transparent object just now, Yun Shu felt her face getting hotter and hotter.

"You didn't peek just now, did you?" She pretended to be calm and asked.

The man raised his eyebrows, his eyes were indifferent, and he caught a glimpse of her loose black hair, his eyes paused, and then he said, "What do you think?"

Yun Shu was relieved.

Probably didn't read it.

I am not a beautiful woman, not a person with a good figure. This man has an outstanding appearance, so he has seen many stunning looks. How could he do such a shameless thing?
She looked at the other person a few more times without showing any traces, and seeing that face was still indifferent, she was even more relieved.

When Wei Chengfeng raised his head slightly, he caught the reassurance in her eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, and thought of the reflection he saw just now, his expression suddenly became confused.

Before Yun Shu looked at him, he first looked away, and when he raised his head again, his face was already calm.

It's just that his breathing seemed to be messy, and he subconsciously pressed his heart.

When Yun Shu looked over, he happened to see his movement. Seeing that his expression was not right, he had already come over, "Uncomfortable?"

Wei Chengfeng's expression froze, then he nodded, "A little bit."

Yun Shu's frown deepened, "The wound is easily infected when it sees water. If you blow some more wind, I'm afraid you'll get a fever. I remember you have a pharmacy here. I'll go and prepare something. You ask Gu'an to soak the gauze in wine before taking it off." , I will give you medicine when I come back."

Just as Wei Chengfeng nodded, she had already left.

Thinking of what she just said, she raised her lips slightly.

Not long after, Gu'an came in, as if he had heard Yun Shu's words, with a bottle of wine in his hand.

Wei Chengfeng glanced at him and thought of something, "Put down the wine, you can go out."

Gu'an, who was already ready to do something, heard this, looked up and saw the gloomy eyes of his master, and immediately didn't dare to ask the reason, nodded and retreated.

When Yun Shu went to the space to prepare and came back with some medicine, what he saw was that the man was still sitting in the previous posture, staring at the gauze stained red with water and blood, sitting calmly.

She frowned, "Why didn't you remove the gauze?"

"I can't find Gu'an." He replied seriously.

Gu'an, who was standing somewhere in the yard, almost fell off when he heard this.

It turned out that the master had come up with this idea.

After thinking about it, I still think it's better to leave. If he is found out, the Lord will have to kill him.

When the wind blew, the shadow followed and left without making any sound.

Wei Chengfeng in the room raised his eyes and looked up, a trace of satisfaction appeared in his eyes, Gu An is smarter than Gu Fang after all.

He then looked away, but saw the people around him frowned and said nothing, and thought about whether it would be bad for him to 'cheat' like this.

But this problem, when the little hand slipped on the back, Wei Chengfeng put it aside.

This is not a lie, Gu'an is indeed not here, isn't he?

With wet hair on her head, Yun Shu looked at the smell of sorghum wine in her hands, her nose was choked and felt uncomfortable.

Maybe it was a little heavy handed, the man froze, "The wound is too tight, be a ninja."

Wei Chengfeng heard that her voice was gentler than usual and there was a little comfort in it, and he felt that what he did today was worthwhile, and at the same time he was still planning another thing in his heart.

It took an hour for Yun Shu to remove all the gauze for him.

At this moment, the sun was shining brightly, and even some light came in from the room.

Yun Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and applied the medicine without delay.

Although Wei Chengfeng's wound was bloody this time, the wound was not as deep as before due to the use of his own medicine after all, so it seems that there is no need to worry about it in the future.

It should be said that if it wasn't for her this time, Yun Shu would not have done these things.

"I'll go see the medicine." All the wounds were replaced with new gauze, Yun Shu nodded with satisfaction, and left the room.

Almost immediately after she had gone, a carriage stopped in front of the gate of the house.

Regardless of the wound, Gu Fang jumped off the carriage, looked at the 'home' he had been away for a long time, and almost cried.

If it wasn't for his strong request this time, King Yu would never let him come back.But he really didn't want to stay there anymore, he still wanted to protect the Lord.

The naive Gu Fang thought that both the Lord and Gu An had received his letter, and they must be ready to welcome him.

Excitedly, he rushed straight into the master's room without saying a word. The person who was sitting on the chair and turned around with a smile suppressed his smile when he saw him, "Go and rest when you get back."

With that indifferent look, he almost said directly, don't stand in my room and get in the way.

Hanging his head, Gu Fang turned around, but at this moment the other party's voice came from behind, "Wait..."

"My lord!" Gu Fang looked over happily, but he heard Wei Cheng's wind say, "Send the title deed of Yu Capital first."

"...Yes!" It turned out to be concerned about the land deed.

Gu Fang almost hugged the door in pain, it turned out that in the eyes of his master, he was not as good as that box of paper.

When the coachman helped to carry it in, Gu Fang kicked his feet to vent his anger, and found that Wei Chengfeng didn't look up at him at all, so he had to go back to the room.

But on the way back, he accidentally caught sight of a familiar figure, "Miss Yun?"

Just as Yun Shu poured the medicine, when he heard the voice, he looked up and saw Gu Fang with a beard standing opposite him.

I heard that last time he was injured, he tossed back and forth and almost died. Later, he was left in Yudu by Wei Chengfeng, and now he seems to be in good spirits.

Just thinking that since he has come back, there is no need to worry about the rest, "You came back just in time, this is the medicine from your Patriarch, you can take it."

Because there are two bowls in total, and they are both very full bowls.

Without further ado, Gu Fang came to help. He felt that he had known Yun Shu for a long time, so he casually said, "My lord is not worried about me at all, but more concerned about the box I brought back."

"The box? Could it be the land deed of Yudu?" Yun Shu also remembered something she had almost overlooked.

Seeing the other party nodding, she didn't hesitate, picked up the medicine and went there.

The reason why she stayed here for so long was because of the title deed. Now that the title deed is here, she can leave.

Only Gu Fang stared blankly at the bowl in his hand, why did he feel that Miss Lian Yun cared more about the land deed?
In the room, Wei Chengfeng had clear eyes and ears, and when he heard the movement outside, he knew that Gu Fang hadn't listened to his orders.

Furthermore, Yun Shu walked in quickly, and he had already guessed something. Sure enough, as soon as the other party put down the medicine bowl, he stared straight at the box in the room, not even interested in looking at him, "I won't keep the things when they come. Let Gu Fang help you with the rest." After finishing speaking, he picked up the bag and left after thinking about it.

After walking a few steps, he remembered his clothes again, folded them back and took them away.

He didn't even look at Wei Chengfeng from the beginning.

Wei Chengfeng, "..."

Before Gu Fang entered the door with the second bowl of medicine, he found that Wei Chengfeng had closed the door. He knocked for a long time and no one answered, so he had to put the medicine at the door, "Master, I put the medicine at the door, remember to drink it .”

In the room, Wei Chengfeng held his forehead and closed his eyes, not wanting to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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