Chapter 219
Yun Shu hugged the box, walked to the corner of the street, and put it into the space together with a pile of clothes.

Fearing that her long hair would attract crowds, she tied her hair in a bun with a hair tie, and then went to the street.

Originally, I wanted to go to see her mother, and if I had nothing to do, I would go back directly.

Unexpectedly, when I went to Yunxiu Pavilion, I found a familiar figure standing at the door.

Qin Shi was talking to that person, her brows were slightly frowned, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

The man bowed and said something, with a little anxiety on his face.

During this period of time, the people arranged by Jiang's family were still in the store to take care of them, and the Qin family was asking the servant to say something before leaving.

Yun Shu roughly guessed something and walked over quickly.

"En... Shu'er?" Qin Shi left in a hurry and almost bumped into someone, only to find out that it was her daughter when she looked up.

His eyes stopped on his daughter's wet hair, "What's the matter with this hair, the clothes don't seem to be worn this morning, but what happened?"

Sure enough, it was her mother. The clothes she changed into were almost the same as those she wore in the morning, but she was still found.

It's hard to say that she jumped into the river to save someone, otherwise her mother would have died of fright.

While walking, he fell into the ditch at the entrance of the village.

There is indeed a ditch at the entrance of Xiaoxu Village, the water depth is less than one meter, the water is very clear, and there is no fear of accidents if it falls into it.

Hearing that her daughter changed her clothes and wet her hair for this reason, Qin nodded her head and said something careless, but she was relieved.

On the contrary, Yun Shu glanced at the person in front of her who had been looking at her from time to time, and asked her mother, "Where are you going, mother?"

Qin seemed to have just thought of this, with a trace of annoyance on his face, "I forgot the business!" As he spoke, he pulled Yun Shu to the door of Yunxiu Pavilion.

"This is Boss Zhong from the tea shop in the street. He said he had some business with you before, and he was anxious to see you. Mother wanted to go back to find you, but you just came." Qin believed the other party very much, and introduced him.

Only then did Yun Shu look up at the other party.

Compared with the last time we met, Zhong Wan was less open-minded than before, and he was a little embarrassed to look at Yun Shu.

In fact, Zhong Wanli was so angry after Yun Shu made his suggestion last time, so he didn't think about it at all.

Unexpectedly, Pei's house in the town has undergone renovations again, and several shops have been opened. Coincidentally, there are also many teahouses.

His business was just enough to make a living before, but now that the new teahouse opened and the price is cheap, all the customers except those he knew well left at once.

After a few days, I remembered Yun Shu's previous words.

Yun Shu also said back then that time waits for no one, but he didn't take it seriously.

Now I regretted it, and after thinking for a long time, I closed the door and came over, but no one was there.

He was determined to see Yun Shu, so he would rather wait for Qin Shi to go back to look for him, but Yun Shu would come.

It's just that the last time he said it was good or not, and he was rude to the little girl, Zhong Wanli was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Boss Zhong is looking for me? I don't know why?" Yun Shu glanced at the other party and asked slowly.

As soon as Zhong Wanli heard this, he understood that he said it on purpose, wiped the sweat from his brow, and said, "Miss Yun, that... you should call me Uncle Zhong as before, I was wrong before, but This time, I really want to talk to you.”

He was obviously humiliated by himself, but he was not angry, but extremely patient.

Qin Shi also felt something, looked back and forth between the two, but didn't say anything.

Yun Shu smiled and said, "Uncle Zhong refused last time, I thought you had nothing to talk to me about?"

Zhong Wanli was even more embarrassed, "There is no one who can't figure it out, so I came this time to make amends."

The other party said so, Yun Shu couldn't say something harsh, he just said, "Business is all about your feelings, I am willing, how can Uncle Zhong make amends if he didn't do anything wrong? But if you really want to do business with me, I still welcome it , but you have to change the place, my mother's shop is too small, everyone dare not come in when Uncle Zhong is standing here."

"This... This is my mistake." Zhong Wanli understood that Yun Shu had let go, and he was happy to apologize to Qin Shi, "I took the liberty, madam, don't mind."

Qin naturally said no.

Zhong Wanli hurriedly said to Yun Shu again, "How about going to my shop?"

Yun Shu nodded, a quiet place is suitable for talking.

She told Qin Shi that she would go back immediately after the meeting was over, and then went to the teahouse with Zhong Wanli.

As soon as he arrived at the place, Yun Shu noticed that there was another teahouse nearby, and seeing Zhong Wanli's sad face, Yun Shu finally figured out why the other party had changed his mind.

The two of them entered the store and sat down. This time it was Zhong Wanli's turn to speak first, but he asked a question as soon as he opened his mouth, "I just want to know, can you count on what you said last time?"

Yun Shu took a sip of tea unhurriedly, and remained silent for a while, only waiting for Zhong Wanli to feel anxious, so he said quietly, "It's a matter of course."

Zhong Wanli was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out a thin piece of paper from under the table and handed it over, "This is the land deed of the teahouse."

As he spoke, he brought a few notebooks from the side, "These are the account books of the teahouse from previous years."

As if afraid of Yun Shu's repentance, he also reported the recent situation of the teahouse.

But there are good and bad things to say, nothing to hide.

Yun Shu raised his hand and knocked on the table, stopped for a while, looked at Zhong Wanli who was waiting patiently, pushed back those ledgers in front of him, and only took the land deed.

"This is?"

"The previous accounts have nothing to do with me, and I never thought about getting into your bottom line. What I want is for the future accounts to be clear." After Yun Shu decided to finish speaking, seeing the other party stunned, he got up, "The shop will be closed for the next two days. Go back and think about how to rebuild it before looking for you, do you live behind the teahouse?"

There was an alley behind the teahouse. Zhong Wanli had mentioned his family's residence before, so Yun Shu remembered.

Zhong Wanli replied, "Yes, the third one is inside, and there is a red lantern at the door."

Yun Shu nodded.


When Yun Shu returned to the village, he remembered that he had forgotten one more thing.

The school was completed yesterday, and the remaining work does not require many people, so Liu Hongshan sent all the villagers to his home to prepare.

At this time, she was standing at the door looking at the house where people were coming and going, and she couldn't help but touch her forehead. This is not okay, if she goes in, she will definitely die of noise.

It happened that one of the workers saw her, "Yun Shu is back?"

Others looked at it and greeted each other.

The youngest of these people was two times older than Yun Shu, so Yun Shu had no choice but to step forward, shouting at Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li one by one.

"Yun Shu, can you see if it's fine? We don't know what you want to do, so we're afraid it will go bad." The man who spoke was Wan Mazi's elder brother, an honest and responsible person. Yun Shu met him before, So remember.

Seeing that he was referring to the barb he had added to the wall, he observed it and nodded, "Yes."

"Will this stone pier be too thick?" He pointed to another place.

When Yun Shu saw it, she was speechless. It was the steps she asked to make, but she was still not very good at converting the size here. It must be that the other party misunderstood, and quickly said, "It's not thick, it's just narrow. Extend it twice."

The other party nodded with a vague understanding.

Yun Shu simply took the initiative to ask if there was anything he didn't understand, but the other party said a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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