Chapter 220
Yun Shu moved away his stiff body after the other party had completely slept peacefully, and finally took out a silver needle to give him a mend injection, thinking how dishonest you are this time.

He took the opportunity to change the medicine and gauze for the other party, and when he was done, Gu'an's medicine was also delivered.

Yun Shu wiped the sweat from his head, feeling that he was not so tired from working.

She told her to take good care of her, and then left, but Gu An caught up and handed over a bank note, "My lord, tell me not to treat Miss Yun badly."

The bank note was in denomination of 100 taels, but thinking about the chaos these days, Yun Shu accepted it without hesitation.

Seeing this, Gu An also breathed a sigh of relief. The master said that if the banknotes are accepted, it means that Miss Yun is willing to come next time, so that's it.

That's it for the first day.

However, only one day later, before Yun Shu could breathe a sigh of relief, Gu Fang came again.

It's still a fever this time, but it's even worse than before?
Yun Shu wondered, if her medicine had never had any problems, why didn't it work on him?

I can only feel the pulse of the other party, give acupuncture according to the procedure, and prescribe medicine again.

Finally, there was no movement on the third day. Yun Shu thought that it would be quiet for a day now, but a day later, Gu Fang came back crying.

Yun Shu frowned when he heard the cry.

This is on purpose?
"Could it be that your master went to steal chickens and dogs at night? Otherwise, how could he have a fever lying in bed?" Yun Shu questioned for the first time, but her tone was not very good.

"I don't know, anyway, that's how it is." Gu Fang cried like a woman.

Yun Shu was already upset, but when he heard the crying, his heart ached and he said casually, "Didn't you give him medicine?"

" is this possible, I...don't dare." As he spoke, he didn't dare to look at Yun Shu, hesitating.

Yun Shu had known him for a long time, and knew that he was completely careless. Seeing him like this, she became more suspicious, so she didn't leave, and looked at him with her arms folded.

"Why didn't you leave Miss Yun? My lord... My lord is still waiting for you. If you are late, he will blame me." Gu Fang found that Yun Shu didn't go out with him, so he turned back.

"Really? It has nothing to do with me. I am busy every day, and I really don't have time to make fun of the three of you master and servant. If you tell the truth today, I might go with you. If you don't tell me, don't look for it in the future." me."

"Don't! I can't say, really can't!" Gu Fang was also anxious.

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows to look at him, but didn't speak, his eyes were half a smile, but he looked very difficult to provoke.

Gu Fang looked perplexed, seeing that she was not joking, he hesitated for a long time, and then seemed to have made a decision, "Then...then I will tell you, but you promise not to tell anyone, including the Lord."

"You speak first."

"Actually..." As soon as he said two words, Gu Fang looked around vigilantly.

Other than the two of them here are those busy workers, who has the leisure to eavesdrop?But he looked like he was afraid of being heard, approached Yun Shu, and lowered his voice, "Actually, I saw the master practicing sword in the middle of the night last night."


At the end, I thought of something, and added, "No clothes!"

After Gu Fang finished speaking, he saw the inscrutable expression on Yun Shu's face, which made him tremble a little, "You promise that I will not tell the Lord."

At that time, when the master was practicing swords, he saw Gu An was also there, and the two secretly said something, but he didn't let himself listen. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, so Yun Shu just said it when he asked.

But Yun Shu still had that incomprehensible look on his face.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Gu Fang, then raised her lips and smiled, "I see, don't worry, I won't tell him."

Oh, so it is!

To amuse her on purpose, right?
She repeatedly told her not to move around, not to blow the wind, and she got up in the middle of the night to practice swords without putting on clothes. Wasn't this intentional?
In vain, she suspected that her medical skills were not good enough, so she was busy for an hour and re-prepared the medicine.

Thinking of this, Yun Shuchui shook his hands.

If you dare to lie to her, it won't be good if she doesn't reply, right?

Gu Fang suddenly felt the cold wind gusts around him, his arms were inconvenient, and he was wearing very little. At this moment, he felt a gust of cold air rushing up from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and subconsciously hugged himself tightly.

This time, when Yun Shu came, Wei Chengfeng was awake.

The first two times, he knew from Gu'an that she was extremely unhappy when she came, and today he tried to pretend that the other party was sullen and unhappy, but when he saw Yun Shu, he realized that there was a rare smile on her face .

From the moment she entered the door, she had a faint smile on her face, showing no displeasure at all.

Wei Chengfeng even noticed that she was as gentle as water when speaking to him, and that she made him happy, but felt that something was wrong.

Gu Fang was afraid that Yun Shu would slip up, so he found an excuse and slipped out.

And Gu'an took the new medicine that Yun Shu brought, and went to boil the medicine.

There were only two people in the room at this time.

Wei Chengfeng was the first to break the silence, "Is there any clue about my illness?"

"This..." Yun Shu hesitated for a moment, glanced at him with a perplexed face, "I've researched it for the past two days, and I think it must be due to a wrong diagnosis. Your illness may be a little serious."

Her expression was serious and earnest.

Wei Chengfeng was stunned, the surprise in his black eyes was obvious, but he quickly covered it up, and said softly, "What do you say?"

"Before, I always thought your fever was caused by wound infection, but later I found out that your fever has nothing to do with the wound, it is indeed from the body and mind. It should be a kind of heat poison with a very low incidence rate. This disease is more troublesome to treat. So I may come more often in the future.”

What she said was something he had never heard of. Seeing that she was so serious, Wei Chengfeng couldn't help but reflect on what evil he had caused by his actions being too big.
But when he heard the latter words, these doubts disappeared in an instant, and the deep ebb tide in his eyes seemed to be very cheerful, "This is the best, I am more at ease when you are by my side!"

Are you not even afraid of illness?

Yun Shu said it seriously on purpose, but he didn't expect such a reaction from the other party.

He glanced at him suspiciously, not forgetting his plan, and put on the smile just now, "You don't find it troublesome, as long as you don't find it troublesome."

Wei Chengfeng looked at it silently, although he didn't speak, but his eyes clearly spoke, and it wasn't troublesome at all.

This day before Yun Shu left, she kindly explained the matters that the master and servant should pay attention to, and then watched the other party drink her medicine before moving away.

When she walked out of the house, the smile on her face instantly turned into a sneer.

In the next few days, Yun Shu came every day as she said, and her attitude was astonishing.

Every time she left, Gu'an would stare at the door for a while, and then recall the atmosphere, always feeling a little weird.

It's just that he didn't express his doubts when he saw what his master was happy about.

But this situation lasted until Wei Chengfeng became weaker and weaker, and they realized something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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