Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 221 The Lie Exposed

Chapter 221 The Lie Exposed
One day, Yun Shu had a routine inspection, but before leaving, a man grabbed her hand.

From the gloomy eyes, the inside is quite calm, "What did you eat for me?"

It seems that he is not too stupid.

Yun Shu pulled his hand away expressionlessly, stood up, and looked condescendingly, "Some people like to be sick, I just collected money to show kindness and help fulfill their wishes, don't thank me."

Said eloquently and left.

Wei Chengfeng stood up, his body was indeed very weak, but apart from these, during this period of time his wound recovery increased several times than before.

He stared at the door for a while, and called Gu An, his voice was low, "Ask Gu Fang, if he said something that shouldn't be said again."

Wei Chengfeng saw countless people. In his heart, Yun Shu was indeed a special and intelligent woman, but she also had a small flaw.

She would relax her vigilance against the weak, that's why she was deceived by herself in the first place.

Of course he didn't think he was cheating, because he was really sick.

Now that there is such a change, of course he will not doubt what he has done. If it is ruled out, the only possibility is the ancient prescription.

When Gu Fang came in with his clothes carried by Gu An, he lowered his head and looked shyly, but didn't look forward.

"My lord, it was Gu Fang who told you about you getting up to practice sword at night." As he spoke, he let go of his hand, and Gu Fang stumbled forward like a big girl.

Unprepared, he raised his head to meet Wei Chengfeng's eyes, and forgot to take them back nervously. Perhaps it was because of the unusually sharp eyes. Gu Fang broke his hands and stumbled, "Master...Master, I didn't mean to say it, it was the time I asked you Miss Yun came over, she saw it, forced me to ask and threatened me, so I mentioned it,...But isn't Miss Yun coming every day after that, I think she's pretty good too. "

Good?Gu'an wished he could open his elm bumpy head to see if it contained water.

His Patriarch was able to get up and practice swords from the beginning, and now he is lying on the bed weak and sick, is this still good?

Wei Chengfeng also spoke, but he realized something, "No wonder she is like this."

When he met Pei Yu last time at the Ruyi Embroidery Building, he mentioned something to Pei Yu, and she tolerated it in every possible way, until the Song family's behavior of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, isn't it the kind he used on himself at this time?

After thinking about it, the corners of Wei Chengfeng's lips curled slightly, as expected, he still hadn't lied to her.

He may have really used a stupid method.

Gu Fang still didn't know what was wrong, and looked at the displeased Kanren strangely.Even now, he still thinks it's good to be honest, at least Miss Yun treated her kindly afterwards.

"Miss Yun is actually very soft-hearted. The first few times she was not willing to help, but then I agreed as soon as I asked. ... If something really happens, just ask again?" Gu Fang said aggrievedly.

Gu'an looked blank.

Wei Chengfeng's breathing was indeed stagnant, he raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly, and told Gu An, "Take him down, and don't appear in front of me again these few days."

Before Gu Fang had time to say anything, Gu An skillfully covered his mouth and dragged him out with brute force.

In the room, Wei Chengfeng was indeed rubbing the center of his brows, his flying handsome eyebrows moved closer to the middle, did he go to beg her?

Wei Chengfeng waited patiently for two days, and asked Gu An to send an explanation letter, but Yun Shu never responded.

On the third day, when he heard that Pei Yu had gone to Yun Shu's house again, Wei Chengfeng couldn't sit still.

How could he not know what Pei Yu was thinking.

But since we are brothers, this kind of thing can't be regressed.


The outside of Yun Shu's home has changed in less than ten days.

There is a circle of sharp [-]-centimeter barbs on the wall, and the yard is powdered with her reconcilable white lime, with a circle of blue paint patterns on the back.

The courtyard gate was replaced with a thick iron plate, with three large locks in the upper and lower middle.

Only the main house was painted and not remodeled, because once construction started, no one could live in it.

Yun Shu booked an inn in advance, but Pei Yu came over to discuss the matter the day before yesterday, and when she heard about it, she immediately moved out of the inn for her and moved into Pei's other courtyard.

The Pei's house is on the right side of the Pei's house. It has the same gate as the Pei's house, but the inner gate is different.

Usually entertaining guests, it happened that the house was idle, so Pei Yu made this suggestion.

Yun Shu didn't agree at first, but Pei Yu said that it would be convenient for the two of them to discuss the matter of Yudu within this month.

After thinking about it, Yun Shu thought it made sense.

She told Pei Yu about the land deed, and the other party meant to buy it at the price, but Yun Shu didn't mean that.

The two met today to make things clear.

Qin Shi was still packing her things in the house, because she was going to the town in the afternoon, and she didn't even go to the Yunxiu Pavilion.

Yun Feng didn't have a vacation, but he didn't have anything. He only told Yun Shu to bring his few books.Yun Shu had thought about this a long time ago, and gave him space in advance.

When Pei Yu came, Yun Shu didn't invite him into the house, and the two walked outside on the grass.

Seeing his gaze resting on the barb in her own yard, Yun Shuxin nodded understandingly, "It's for thieves."

Thieves with high martial arts skills can't be defended, but ordinary thieves can still be defended.

After hearing this, Pei Yu smiled knowingly, "The idea is very unique, and it is indeed needed." Although it is a remote place, it is inevitable that some people will be motivated by money, and Yun Shu's family is a small and weak combination, so you might as well prepare for something that might happen. .

Yun Shu nodded in agreement, and suddenly heard the crisp sound coming from under her feet, Pei Yu looked at it in surprise, Yun Shu had no choice but to say again, "Yu Cuilan came to my house to set fire to it, and accidentally destroyed this beautiful grassland." She was the night before yesterday I poured some spring water, and now it is sprouting, but it is not obvious.

When Yu Cuilan was mentioned, the smile on Pei Yu's face faded. The last time Yu Cuilan was brought to the government office, Qi Wenshan notified him to go there.

Only then did he learn that Yu Cuilan had escaped from the government servants and was discovered by Yan's family in Xiaoxu Village a few days later.

Unexpectedly, the two were like dogs and didn't want to live a good life. One poisoned Master Yun Shu's medicine field, and the other went straight to the house and set fire to it. It made people wonder what they wanted to do.

"It's because my younger brother didn't know how to measure. He asked someone to bribe the yamen servant to release Yu Cuilan. That's what happened next. You and your family are fine." Having said that, Pei Yu glanced at Yun Shu, as if he was glad to leave Other.

Yun Shu avoided that look, and said meaninglessly, "There are clowns on the left and right. I was not decisive enough before, otherwise it wouldn't be their turn to cause trouble. I also heard that it was you who made Mr. Qi arrest Mr. Yan's family. You are better than me, I have been a doctor for a long time, and I always have some compassion for those who shouldn't." When it comes to people who shouldn't, Yun Shu's voice is indeed a little deeper.

Pei Yu looked at the undercurrent in her eyes in surprise, then looked away, and said calmly, "It should."

Yun Shu also recovered and smiled.

Yan's third family had been sent to the border by Qi Wenshan, and it was said that Yan Yutao couldn't avoid it, and the family was freed on the charge of complicity, and went to the border to do odd jobs for others.

The relationship between Yu Cuilan's escape last time, she was worse than Yan Yutao, and she had to follow her father to the top of the mountain to shoulder the burden.

For a delicate young lady who hasn't worked much since she was a child, if she does those things, it can be imagined that her fate will not be very good.

(End of this chapter)

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