Chapter 222

Yun Shu didn't feel sorry for her at all.

This is all self-inflicted.

Later, when we finally talked about my Yudu, Yun Shu stopped, with hesitation on his face.

In fact, she already had a plan in her heart, but Pei Yu obviously had more ideas than him, and now if she followed her own plan, there would definitely be some conflicts.

"What's the matter?" Noticing the complexion on Yun Shu's face, Pei Yu stopped, looked around asking, and then thought of something, he said clearly, "If it's about Yudu, you can just say it, I know You had something to say last time."

Was it so obvious that he had acted so clearly?
Yun Shu was a little embarrassed, but then thought, this is business, it's impossible not for yourself.

"You also know about the title deed last time, but I don't plan to sell it to the Pei family." After saying this, Yun Shu felt relieved.

Although there was a gap with Pei's family before, and Pei Yu didn't get along very well, but recently Pei Yu has been nice to her and very polite to her family, not to mention that after Pei Yu came a few times, the Qin family always Staring at people, occasionally hesitating to talk to Yun Shu.

Pei Yu's expression was very calm, as if he knew what she was thinking a long time ago, with a smile still on his face, "Is it because of this that you frown at me these days?"

Yun Shu nodded subconsciously, and then realized, how could she be frowning?
But meeting Pei Yu's smiling eyes, he couldn't explain it.

She felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere at this time, and when she was about to say something more, Pei Yu spoke.

"I can understand if you don't sell the land deed, but I have really thought about the plan of Yudu for a long time. If it is possible, I hope that the Pei family will be the one to renovate." Pei Yu also said calmly.

"That's natural." Yun Shu didn't hesitate, "The Pei family has a profound heritage, and I also need such a partner. It's just about cooperation. I hope that in the future, I can get a half-fifty share."

The atmosphere was silent again.

What Yun Shu considered was that she would provide the house deed, and the Pei family would make improvements and stock up, which would be equivalent to contracting the other party's hard work, and she would see a [-]% profit in the end.

Strictly speaking, Yudu didn't know what was going on in the future, and his own plan was considered a risky one, but now Yun Shu's request could be regarded as very harsh.

When Yun Shu planned, he had already considered the possibility of Pei Yu's refusal, because any shrewd businessman would think that Yun Shu was talking to a lion, but she didn't want the money for nothing.

Pei Yu's brows were also furrowed. It was the first time he knew Yun Shu's idea, so he was caught off guard.

According to the previous thinking mode, if the person who said this was someone else, he would definitely refuse it directly.

But it was Yun Shu who spoke, so it was different.

"Give me a few days to think about going down?" Pei Yu smiled wryly, it seemed that he really wanted to think about it.

Even with this answer, Yun Shu was already very surprised. She looked at it with clear eyes and nodded, "Yes, I can understand even if you refuse."

This is equivalent to giving the other party a good step down.

Pei Yu didn't answer right away, he needed to think about that sentence again.

A few workers from the other side of the house had already come over. Yun Shu heard the movement and looked around, and Qin Shi also packed his things.

Pei Yu also noticed and was about to say goodbye.

He rode a horse when he came, and the cart he sent later would come.

"The other courtyard has been tidied up, so Mrs. Qin doesn't have to be cautious. I have to go to the shop in the town. I can't see you off in person." The time is usually back and forth in the shop.

Yun Shu nodded, and was about to reply, when she caught a glimpse of a familiar voice coming from a distance, she squinted her eyes, and after seeing who it was, she subconsciously grabbed Pei Yu.

"Miss Yun?" Pei Yu had already taken a step, but was caught suddenly, looked down at the white fingers on his arm, and looked at Yun Shu in surprise.

"Actually, there is still something to do, just wait a little longer."

Seeing her strange expression, Pei Yu thought about it for a while, so she just nodded, "Yes."

But looking at the hand that hadn't let go, he was thoughtful.

Wei Chengfeng came to the village alone, because of self-cultivation, he has almost no physical strength, but it's hard to tell when he walks.

Although his body is weak, his complexion looks very good. When he walked these roads, he met many people who looked at him, and they all looked at them indifferently. Often, those people left in shock without even looking at him.

He had been to Xiaoxu Village first, and he also knew Yun Shu's home. He walked along the route he remembered, but he saw that place in a moment.

But when he raised his eyes and saw that the men and women standing on the hillside seemed to be Yun Shu and Pei Yu, his eyes became extremely sharp.

He strode forward, his black robe was like the wind, and when he got closer and saw her hand was still on his arm, Wei Chengfeng's expression became even darker.

"Chengfeng?" Pei Yu was a little surprised when he heard the movement and saw the person approaching.

However, Yun Shu didn't seem to notice. Seeing Mrs. Qin sitting at the door of the house, she raised her head and smiled at Pei Yu, "I've been here these times, and I'm in a hurry, and I haven't invited you to drink tea. Are you free now?"

Yun Shu's eyes were pure and straightforward. As soon as he said this, the expressions of the two people present moved slightly.

It was an accident for Pei Yu, she left him alone at this time, he turned his head to look at his friend with a slightly gloomy face, and felt that it was not so simple.

It wasn't until his wrist tightened that he realized that the girl had increased his strength. He nodded apologetically to Wei Chengfeng and turned around.

Behind the two, Wei Chengfeng looked at being ignored with a blank expression, thought for a while, and walked over.

"Shu'er, Mother has packed everything, what about yours?" Qin Shi was busy with work early in the morning, but Yun Shu didn't ask her to help, and only said that she had packed it by herself.

Seeing her daughter coming in at this time, Qin asked subconsciously, but then saw her standing with Pei Yu, her eyes were instantly fixed on Yun Shu's hand holding Pei Yu, and there was no hiding the emotion in her eyes, "You... "

"Mother, Pei Yu and I have something to talk about, don't overthink it." Yun Shu never underestimated Qin's imagination. When she retracted it like an electric shock, she asked Pei Yu to go to the house and went to the kitchen to see the burning fire. The stove followed with hot water.

Qin came back to her senses, but before she said anything, there was a sudden darkness behind her, and Wei Chengfeng's voice came, "Madam, can you let me in?"

She looked back, but saw a handsome and striking face in front of her, a strange man standing outside the house, asking politely, she didn't even ask who this person was, she nodded, "Yes... yes."

Wei Chengfeng nodded lightly at her again, and stepped in.

The helpers who were watching this scene at the door waited for several people to leave, walked over, and asked Qin Shi, "Who is this person? The people Yun Shu knows don't look ordinary?"

Where did Qin know, she is also wondering now.

A group of people stood at the door gossiping and looked inside, and after realizing that the man who came later also entered the main room, they stretched out their ears to hear something.

 Written so desperately, it has gone off track...

(End of this chapter)

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