Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 224 Happy Cooperation

Chapter 224 Happy Cooperation
"Then why did Mr. Wei come here? I mean, this place is far away from the capital." After Qin finished speaking, she explained, and then stared at Wei Chengfeng, as if eager to hear his answer.

Yun Shu was about to speak to stop the conversation, but the man beside her spoke first.

"The family has a lot of assets, and my father wants me to travel around and learn some skills!" The man said lightly.

Do you want to be shameless?Rich assets?learn skills?
If it weren't for Qin's presence, Yun Shu even wanted to snort coldly to express his disdain for this lie.

"It turns out that's the case, but your family is relieved! I see that you... have reached your age. I wonder if you're married yet?" After sighing, Qin suddenly changed the topic to ask about his family's lifelong affairs.

If she couldn't see the purpose of her conversation before, everyone who revealed it now will know.

Yun Shu's face froze immediately.

Wei Chengfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, looked up, "I'm not married yet, because I want to find someone I like." After saying that, he turned his head slightly.

Yun Shu noticed the gaze on her body, and immediately looked at her coldly, her scalp tingling, what did she do?
Qin's eyes were indeed slightly bright, she nodded secretly, with a trace of satisfaction in her eyes, and then asked some questions about Wei Chengfeng's family relationship intentionally or unintentionally.

After all, he is a prince, Wei Chengfeng didn't directly confess his identity, so he can describe it similarly.

In short, after talking along the way, Qin looked at him with gentle eyes, especially when he looked at Yun Shu frequently, his eyes were slightly brighter.

"Mom, aren't you uncomfortable in the car? Let's take a rest first, and we'll talk when we get there." Afraid of what to say later, Yun Shu blocked Qin Shi's back path before she could speak, and she was relieved when she saw the other party nodding.

However, the aura of the person beside him became stronger and stronger, and Yun Shu didn't need to turn his head to know that the person was looking at him.

She deliberately turned her head to the other side, never meeting his eyes.

Wei Chengfeng looked at the half of her face facing him, elegant and cold, but clearly revealing his alienation from him.

Knowing that he was not in a hurry, he withdrew his gaze, leaned against the wall of the car, and lowered his eyes slightly, as if closing his eyes to rest his mind.

The area of ​​the Pei's house is only a little smaller than that of the Pei's house, and the location and shape are even more generous. After entering, I just feel that those high-end inns are not comparable.

On Yunfeng's side, Yunshu told her yesterday that the other party would come by himself.

Steward Pei arranged rooms for the three of them, leaving five maids to wait on them. Looking at Wei Chengfeng who was still standing, he couldn't help feeling troubled.

This is the distinguished guest of the eldest young master. I didn't say it before, the main house was prepared for Miss Yun's family, and I thought that I should go to the courtyard next to it, even if it is a little far away, the scenery is also good.

It's just that when he told the other party this idea, he was rejected.

"Don't worry, I live next door."

Steward Pei watched the man go straight past, and only realized after entering the room. It was Miss Yun's next door, but it was just a small guest room, wouldn't that be good?

Regarding this one, Steward Pei didn't care to tell him directly, after thinking about it, he told the maid to take good care of him, so he went to find Pei Yu.

At this time, Pei Yu was already walking back and forth in the shop below Pei's house, but it took an hour for Butler Pei to find him.

When he heard that Wei Chengfeng lived next to the Qin family, Pei Yu seemed to have expected it, but still frowned.

"Don't worry about anything else, that is, the room is too small, and you might neglect Mr. Wei, so why don't you go back and talk about it?" the housekeeper asked.

"No, it's useless for me to say what he decided, so let's do it first." Pei Yu said lightly.

The housekeeper seemed to want to say something, but then gave up.

Forget it, the young master doesn't care, and he doesn't care, but he thought the young master liked Miss Yun, it seems not, otherwise, why would other men live next to Miss Yun?

However, the Pei family is strict with their servants, and if they damage Miss Yun's reputation, they will naturally not be said, so they are not worried.

Yun Shu just stayed at Pei's house.

During the day, Mrs. Qin went to Yunxiu Pavilion, and Yun Shu either went to Wangzhuang or stayed in her room.

Three meals a day are prepared by the servants, and even the water for washing and bathing is served at the right time.

Pei Yu would come over every day, but he hadn't made a decision yet, but it didn't prevent them from discussing Yudu's plan.

The only bad thing is that every time the conversation is normal, there is always someone who is in the way to interrupt.

Wei Chengfeng was not around that day, and Yun Shu finally felt a little better.

Pei Yu glanced at her disappearing smiling face, his eyes moved slightly, and then he mentioned the previous matter, "I have considered that matter, five or five is not impossible, but the Pei family has to see some hope."

His hope refers to establishing a long-term cooperative relationship with Yun Shu.

Apart from Yudu, there are other matters, which is equivalent to finding a staff member.

Yun Shu agreed without thinking, "If I have time, I can do it anytime."

She readily agreed, and Pei Yu also smiled, "So, happy cooperation in the future?"

Yun Shu raised the corners of her lips, looked at him fixedly, and showed her face, "Happy cooperation!"

The two had just finished talking when there was a knock on the door. Yun Shu frowned subconsciously, but soon noticed something and relaxed.

Not him.

For the past two days, that person's ghost has been haunting her, and she has been shadowed.

"Young master, someone is looking for Miss Yun outside." It was the servant girl who spoke carefully, as if she was worried about disturbing the two of them, and her tone was nervous.

Pei Yu glanced at Yun Shu, Yun Shuyi would get up and open the door, nodded to the maid at the door, and then looked forward.

It was a middle-aged woman, dressed in ordinary clothes, looking at Charity, caught a glimpse of Yun Shu approaching, looked at her hesitantly, and asked, "Are you Yun Shu?"

Yun Shu was sure that he didn't know her, and it was obviously not a coincidence that he might have found her here, "It's me."

Seeing the woman suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect that he really didn't lie. I wondered why he was still suffering there because he knew the Pei family."

The first half of the sentence was completely muttering to himself, and then he said to Yun Shu, "Is Yun Feng your brother? Something happened to him, since you know Pei's family, hurry up and find someone to save him, he is about to be beaten to death." "When it comes to the back, I am anxious.

Yun Shu's originally indifferent expression suddenly sank when he heard this, "Where is he?"

"Yuxuanlou, he's over there, go quickly, he only had time to let me send a message, and he was caught, hey... why are you alone..." Before the woman could finish speaking, the wind passed by in front of her, and she opened her eyes again. Eyes, where is the appearance of that girl in front of him?
I am also in a hurry now.

Yun Feng often bought sesame seed cakes at his shop, she recognized the boy and thought he was a good boy, so she took the risk to make a trip.

But the purpose of coming here is to let her find the Pei family, why did she leave alone?

The woman turned around for a while, and suddenly noticed something looking up, but was taken aback, this...isn't this the young master of the Pei family?

Pei Yu had already heard the conversation between the two at the door, so he came out and asked the woman, "Are you sure it's Yuxuanlou?"

"Is this still fake?" The woman subconsciously asked.

Seeing that Pei Yu frowned, this Yuxuan building is the property of Xie's family, so coincidentally it is also Xie Wei's territory.

 I feel that I will be sorry to everyone again soon. This book is seriously crooked. What supports me to write it down is the support of my loyal fans, and I don’t want to be as anticlimactic as the previous one.So the full text should not have many words, but the plot will be complete, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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