Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 225 Xie Wei's Revenge

Chapter 225 Xie Wei's Revenge
Thinking of the unhappiness between Yun Shu and Xie Wei last time, Pei Yu could almost imagine what would happen if these two met?

Although the Xie family was reminded and warned by him last time, it was okay once, and they will definitely give it a go twice.

He was worried that Yun Shu would become a thorn in Xie's side.

Then the Xie family is not easy to get along with, if they play tricks, how can they avoid it every time?
The woman was stunned and only saw Pei Yu's back, she came to her senses and hurriedly followed, thinking that Yun Feng would be saved now.

Yuxuanlou is a combination of teahouse and restaurant, eating on the second floor and drinking tea while storytelling on the first floor, which is where Yunfeng works.

There are people coming and going here on weekdays, because the storyteller invited by Yuxuanlou has a clever mouth that can speak well. There are people in this town who have nothing to do, and they all like to come over to drink tea, eat something, listen to books and chat.

Coincidentally, Yuxuan Building is the property that Xie's family gave to their son Xie Wei, because Xie Wei usually likes to play this game, and if he has nothing to do, he will bring a friend here to eat and drink, so Mr. Xie gave such a place.

But a few days ago, I heard that I was beaten by someone, so I stopped for a few days, but I didn't know that I came here early this morning.

But this time it was a bit different, the regular customers all opened their eyes, and saw that although Xie Wei was still a bastard, he was looking for a miscellaneous tea.

So everyone guessed, could it be that Xie Wei did it on purpose because he looked good-looking?
"The woman surnamed Yun is your sister, right? Now it's time for you to vent your anger on me as an older brother."

After hearing this, everyone realized that they were really looking for trouble, and it sounded like they were implicated by their own sister.

Many people are guessing, what did that woman do to make Xie Wei lose his temper?

The Xie family is as easy to mess with as the Pei family. It is said that the two are going to get married soon. Seeing that the timing is not right, they are smart and quickly find a place to stand out of the way.

Pull frame?It's just a joke, whoever dares to fight is courting death, okay?

But when the boy was beaten to death, someone really stood up.

This is a man they have never seen before, he looks even more handsome than that Pei Yu, as soon as he came out, everyone noticed and looked, even Xie Wei stopped to look.

Xie Wei let off steam, and he was in a good mood.

Suddenly someone came over and looked up, followed by a moment, who is this person?

His face hasn't been in good shape recently, and there are bruises all over it. At first glance, this person looks like a human, but he immediately dislikes it.

"What? Want to meddle in your own business?" It sounded like a provocative tone.

Wei Chengfeng ignored him, and glanced at Yun Feng, who was held down by several servants and couldn't move. Now he was covered in blood, his mind was not clear, and his eyes were chaotic.

He had met Yun Feng once, and heard Gu An report the names of Yun Shu's family.

I just passed by and heard someone calling 'Yunfeng'. I thought it was a misheard, but I still came in.

The moment he saw Yunfeng, Wei Chengfeng thought, if she saw this scene, she would be very angry.

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Xie Wei's mood that had just eased instantly darkened.Ever since he was beaten by that woman, he still relied on his family to avenge him, but his father said that he couldn't mess with ninjas, how could he bear it?Seeing that this person didn't take himself seriously, Xie Wei grabbed the teacup beside him and threw it directly.

The man seemed to have eyes behind him, and he turned sideways to avoid it, but the teacup landed not far away and shattered into pieces.

The movement startled everyone, Wei Chengfeng also looked up, the next moment he waved his arms, Xie Wei was shaken away by an invisible wave of air, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Let go!" His voice was low, although his face was not angry and pretentious, the few who grabbed Yunfeng watched the scene of Xie Wei being beaten in fear, but they did not dare to let go.

Wei Chengfeng frowned his beautiful long eyebrows, and slowly approached.

Before he could make a move, those people couldn't stand the breath, they retreated tremblingly, and finally let go of Yun Feng.

Xie Wei just got up, and he was obviously not really hit just now, but his blood was surging. Seeing that the servant was timid and cowardly, he was very angry, "Get out of here!"

The servants stopped their feet, but they looked mournful, "Master, this man knows martial arts, how many of us can't?"

"What's wrong with martial arts? There are so many of you, why are you afraid of him alone?" Having said that, Xie Wei found a safe place for himself.

He still has lingering fears about the last time he was beaten.

However, at this moment, a familiar face flashed in front of his eyes, was it a fantasy?How did he see that woman last time?
Just thinking that he was blindsided, the next moment the surrounding crowd was pushed away, and a figure came out.

When Xie Wei looked, his face turned pale. This is the woman who beat her last time.

When he looked, Yun Shu also looked.

The strong smell of blood in the air already explained everything, Yun Shu didn't care to look at why Wei Chengfeng was here, and walked towards Xie Wei, "You hit my elder brother?"

This is the woman who has a grudge against Xie Wei?

The onlookers heard it clearly, and from their curious eyes, they thought that now that the Lord is here, Xie Wei shouldn't directly attack him, right?

However, what happened later left everyone unable to talk about it.

Yun Shu strode over, Xie Wei subconsciously backed away, but when he realized it, he became angry again, "What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Yun Shu stepped over and grabbed his collar, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Being grabbed by the collar in public, and by a woman, Xie Wei was so angry that he didn't care about being beaten so unsuspectingly last time. He suddenly backed away and abruptly won his freedom, and said in a ruthless tone, "I beat my own man!" What's the matter with you? This person belongs to my Yuxuan Building now, even if I beat him to death in front of you, you can't do anything to me!"

Said triumphantly.

The corner of Yun Shu's mouth curled up, and a sneer appeared on his face, "But I think you are the one who died first."

Xie Wei hadn't realized the meaning of this sentence before the afterimage moved in front of his eyes.

With his three-legged cat kung fu, he didn't even put on a posture, and Yun Shu kicked him directly on the pillar behind him.

"Wow!" The onlookers exclaimed in unison.

However, Yun Shu stepped forward again, pressed Xie Wei who was ready to stand on the pillar again, pulled his arm with one hand, twisted it hard, and the other party screamed like a pig, "Ah..."

After switching arms and moving again, the screams started again.

Yun Shu tossed back and forth four times, the first floor only echoed Xie Wei's painful screams, but the 'click' sound of dislocated arms.

Everyone looked at the girl in shock, unable to react from the scene in front of them.

Yun Feng seemed to have passed out completely, and fell to the ground unconscious.

Wei Chengfeng stood by his side, no one dared to approach him, but his eyes were on Yun Shu who was making a move.

When outsiders thought the sound of bones was terrifying and penetrating, only he found it pleasant to the ear, and even his gaze was gentle and soft.

(End of this chapter)

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