Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 226 What Are You?

Chapter 226 What Are You?

When Pei Yu arrived, things were out of control.

He saw that Xie Wei's life was worse than death under Yun Shu's hands, but he didn't go up to stop him.

And Xie Wei was already in pain, but Yun Shu didn't show mercy.

"You should remember the lesson last time and don't provoke me."

"You may not know that what I hate the most is when someone touches my family, and you happened to bump into it."

"Let you taste the pain today, let's not rush, take your time."

She spoke slowly, but she bit every word very hard. Xie Wei's mind, which was dizzy from the pain, instantly woke up because of these words, his eyes were full of fear, and his body was shaking.

Seeing this, Yun Shu twitched her lips, "What are you afraid of, this is just the beginning."

What made people feel weird was that the bone's'cracking' sounded no less than ten times in the hall, they were all in pain watching it, Xie Wei also screamed miserably, but others seemed to be fine.

Pei Yu caught a glimpse of Wei Chengfeng standing aside, and walked over, "Why are you here?"

"Passing by." Said lightly, but kept looking ahead, and said proactively, "Do you see what she is doing?"

Pei Yu heard the words and looked, didn't he hit Xie Wei?But it feels wrong again.

"This is the Xie family. Provoking her is the stupidest thing the Xie family has ever done in their life." Wei Chengfeng opened his mouth, seeming to see something, and said to Pei Yu, "The pain of the wrong bone is not something ordinary people can bear, but the method she used , but it can leave him unscathed, she intends to torture him."

Pei Yu was startled. If Yun Shu wanted to continue, could this continue?
Just hearing the word 'wrong bone', Pei Yu knew how painful it was. He couldn't help but look at Yun Feng who was on the ground next to him, knowing that Xie Wei had touched Yun Shu's reverse scale this time.

"Stop! You are thanking my family so much. Pei Yu? Are you just watching them bully Xie Wei?" Suddenly, a coquettish sound came from the door, and everyone moved away, and it was indeed Xie Shuting who came.

She obviously rushed over after receiving the news, her hair was a little messy.

When she came, it happened that Yun Shu broke Xie Wei's hand bone again. She was so angry and furious, the gentleness and patience of a noble lady that she always had on her face ran away in an instant, and rushed over.

Yun Shu noticed someone behind him, and dragged Xie Wei aside.

Immediately looking at Xie Shuting who came over, she raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, "Xie family?"

"Yes, I'm Xie Shuting, the third miss of the Xie family. If you have anything to do, you can settle with me. Let Xie Wei go first." It seemed that she was calmer at this moment, and she was negotiating with Yun Shu on airs.

Yun Shu sneered, "With you? What are you?" Before he finished speaking, he looked at the other party's blushing face. Yun Shu let go of Xie Wei, and the other party fell on the ground with a 'plop', still face down .

"Or do you want to take the beating for him?"

Xie Shuting felt extremely humiliated, especially when the woman's bright eyes looked mocking, she felt that she was deliberately using Xie Wei lying on the ground to provoke and insult her, and finally her eyes turned red, and she turned to the side, "Pei Yu, you Do you still want to protect her? With such a face, are you sure you will like such a vicious person?"

There was an uproar all around, what's going on?This beating woman is also the sweetheart of the young master of the Pei family.

Pei Yu didn't expect Xie Shuting to say these words. Seeing that everyone was discussing and worried about damaging Yun Shu's reputation, Pei Yu frowned and said coldly, "Miss Xie said carefully, today I haven't distinguished right from wrong, there is no one I, Pei Yu, will protect."

"Do you dare to say that there is nothing at all?" Xie Shuting was aggressive, "Last time it was just a little misunderstanding, she hit Xie Wei with a bruised nose and a swollen face, even if there was another misunderstanding this time, she shouldn't treat Xie Wei like this. Years of friendship, Pei Yu, I am really disappointed in you."

After speaking, Xie Shuting couldn't hold back the tears and rolled down.

Everyone sighed again, they all knew that Xie's family and Pei's family were going to get married, why doesn't it look like it now?
This third miss of the Xie family is really infatuated. She obviously likes the eldest son of the Pei family so much, but the other party doesn't help her at this meeting. She is probably disappointed.

After thinking about it again, Xie Wei is indeed not a good thing. Although the woman was a little ruthless, they felt... very relieved.

Pei Yu's expression didn't move.

Reminiscing about the past, Xie Wei seemed to have fainted from the pain, so Pei Yu took the initiative to say, "Can I spare him for my sake today?"

Pei Yu was ready to be rejected, but after taking a look at him, Yun Shu stepped on the opponent's foot and kicked him directly to Xie Shuting's feet. The opponent screamed and jumped up, but stepped on Xie Wei's foot Hand, the other party woke up from the pain again.

She was angry and distressed, and was about to help him up, but her strength was weak, and finally the servants of Xie's family came to help before she gave up.

Yun Shu watched this scene expressionlessly, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly for a long time.

And this expression happened to fall into Wei Chengfeng's eyes, he glanced at Xie Wei with awareness, he didn't know what to think, his eyes darkened slightly, he really wouldn't let him go easily.

Pei Yu didn't expect that Yun Shu would really let her go, and he looked at her with gratitude.

In fact, he didn't have any sympathy for Xie Wei's beating, but when he was there and Xie Shuting was there, if he completely disregarded his feelings and Xie's family blamed him, his father would be even more angry.

What's more, with so many people watching, if Yun Shu beats someone badly, she will be in trouble.

After much deliberation, he begged for mercy.

"Let me do it." Yun Shu just helped Yun Feng up, but took Yun Feng with his hands.

She looked up, Wei Chengfeng held him up with a calm expression, and walked directly outside.

Although he came late, Yun Shu observed when he came in that his elder brother was a bit skilled, and it was impossible not to fight back against Xie Wei alone, but Xie Wei was unscathed, so he knew that there must be the help of Xie Wei's family before.

In other words, before I came, this person helped me.

No matter what grievances or grievances there were before, Yun Shu would thank him if he acted for him.

Yun Feng looked seriously injured, but it would not be life-threatening, so she didn't treat her on the spot.

Pei Yu had to deal with the rest of the matter, so he didn't leave right away.

The two went back to the other courtyard first.

When we arrived at the place, just as Wei Chengfeng put him down, a soft voice came from next to his ear, "Thank you."

He looked up suddenly, and the girl was looking away, the gratitude in her eyes was fleeting, as if the previous alienation had disappeared.

For this reason, he felt that the blood of outsiders was worth it.

The corners of her lips tugged slightly, "My own, you're welcome."

Yun Shu had a better attitude towards him just now, but was speechless after hearing the words.

The maids made hot water and wine with winks.

Yun Shu declined their help, and personally took off Yun Feng's coat and wiped the blood on his face.

Later, he used silver needles to evacuate the blood in his severely injured area, and finally saw the other party frowning and talking, so he pulled out the needles and gave him medicine.

Yun Feng, who seemed restless just now, seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, breathing more peacefully than before.

"How are you going to deal with Xie Wei?" Wei Chengfeng's voice came in a low voice.

Yun Shu's hand that retracted the needle paused, and his face was calm, "Why do you ask that? Didn't you see that I taught him a lesson?"

(End of this chapter)

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