Chapter 227
Wei Chengfeng looked at her deeply, but didn't speak.

However, Yun Shu saw the meaning in his eyes, and with a blushing on his face, he really saw it.

Even if Xin Dao knew that she had a conspiracy, he probably wouldn't tell it, so he didn't mind.

She just didn't intend to continue this topic, she said, "Although I am very grateful to you for saving my elder brother, but one thing is another thing, and before our grievances are resolved, you should seldom appear in front of me, otherwise I will Not sure what's going to happen."

These words amounted to a threat, but someone did not move.

Instead, he frowned, "Then make it clear now."

Yun Shu looked over in a daze, and Wei Chengfeng had already walked over, and then sat down on a stool beside the bed.

His pitch-black eyes fixed his gaze, the corners of his mouth turned lightly, and then he said, "Let's get started."

start what?Make it clear?
Yun Shu stared at him speechlessly, "It's not that simple."

"It's fine if you want to be complicated, I have time." It looked like he didn't plan to leave without making it clear.

Yun Shu was angry, but she didn't have time.It was the first time she knew that this man was shameless and self righteous.

Ignore her and continue to check Yunfeng.

There were many injuries on Yun Feng's body. Although they were all medicated, it was inevitable that some of them were overlooked, so Yun Shu decided to check again.

She cared about doing her own thing, and didn't see that when she started to untie Yun Feng's belt, the man squinted his eyes and looked deeply, and then when Yun Shu was about to take off the pants, he suddenly reached out with both hands to grab her open.

"What are you doing?" She looked angrily, but seeing the sullen look on the man's face, she even forgot to be angry.

She's not angry yet, why is he so angry?

Wei Chengfeng coughed, looked away uncomfortably from her, then suddenly let go of her hand and walked away.

It was inexplicable.

She was about to continue immediately, but there were footsteps from several people at the door. It was the maids waiting outside. They came over to take over Yun Shu's work as a matter of course, but Yun Shu was pushed aside and stood aside, watching them proficiently. He quickly took off Yunfeng's coat, leaving only the loose shorts inside, but he still hasn't reacted.

"Who let you in?" She asked suddenly.

"Mr. Wei said that we are too busy inside, let us check Mr. Yun's wound." A maid turned around and said, and finally continued to work.

Yun Shu frowned, it really was him.

There were a few people to help, but there was nothing about Yun Shu. Seeing that their actions were many times gentler than her own, Yun Shu didn't stop them, but instead told them what medicine they were taking, and then went out.

Naturally, Yun Shu used the best medicine for his family.

But it is the best, nothing more than adding space spring water into it.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she saw people standing outside.

In addition to a few rooms, the courtyard Pei Yu arranged for her also has an independent courtyard.

Surrounded by green vines, this season is climbing vigorously, wrapping the surroundings in their true colors.

There are several viewing trees on the side and a pergola with a natural feeling.

Wei Chengfeng was standing under the pergola.

When Yun Shu came out, he heard movement and looked back.

Just at this time, there was a light breeze, and a few fallen leaves fell from the pergola above his head.

The man frowned and waved away, showing no extra expression, but the tall and straight figure supported by the tree was indeed handsome and extraordinary.

Yun Shu was shaken by the scene in front of her, she immediately looked away, and was surprised that she thought the scene just now was beautiful, and then quickly dispelled this incorrect thought, after thinking about it, she didn't go there, but came back from a different direction to his own room.

The man stared at her from the beginning to the end, until entering the room, Yun Shu could feel the gaze on her back.

She deliberately bolted the door from the inside, stared at the door for a long time, then retracted her gaze, went into the room, sat down, and looked at the medical skills.

In the past, no matter where she was, Yun Shu could quickly calm down and read a book, but this time she kept her hands on the book for a long time before slowly opening a page.

What I thought in my mind was that the man was still staring at her room outside.

How can she enter the space like this?

Thinking about it, she frowned even deeper.

When Pei Yu came back, it was dark and Yun Feng just woke up.

When he realized that he was in a coma at first and then fell asleep directly, he was embarrassed and embarrassed, and didn't say a word.

It happened that Pei Yu was having someone move the tables and chairs, looked at them and said, "I know you don't like to be too formal, so we will arrange dinner in the courtyard, and it will be ready soon."

Pei Yu really put his heart into it, so to speak, the table was set, and the maids filed in and placed more than a dozen dishes.

Not long after Qin's return, she was a little uncomfortable when invited to the table, but Pei Yu was always good at talking, so after a few words, Qin let go.

Originally, Yun Shu was sitting next to Mrs. Qin, and there was a seat for Yun Feng next to her. Unexpectedly, Yun Feng would come back after a while, but when it was dark around her, Wei Chengfeng came to sit next to her.


"Shu'er, your elder brother will sit by my side later." Qin Shi had long seen that her daughter didn't want to see Wei Chengfeng, saw her frown, realized something was wrong, interrupted her, and resolved the conflict.

Yun Shu had no choice but to nod, and Wei Chengfeng gave Qin a meaningful look.

The same scene fell into Pei Yu's eyes, and his eyes became deeper. He still had a smile on his face, but it was a little lighter than before.

Following Yun Feng, they sat next to Qin as a matter of course, and the five of them began to eat.

Yun Shu has been here for so long, and has never thought that it would be embarrassing to have dinner with the opposite sex.

The few people were still being polite, but she had already started picking up food, and ate her food silently the whole time.

As a result, it was difficult for everyone to speak, and the meal was a little silent.

The chef of Pei's family worked hard, and the food was very delicious.

Yun Shu ate a lot, and Qin Shi also accidentally ate more, and Yun Feng looked as if he had been hungry for a few days.

Could it be that she abused her family too much?
Yun Shu reflected silently. After the house was refurbished, it was time for the family to improve.

After dinner, Pei Yu had something to leave. After hesitating before leaving, he still brought up the matter of the afternoon, "The Xie family didn't make a sound last time. This time, I don't think they will stop. If there is nothing to do in the near future, why don't you just stay in another courtyard? Give me."

Yun Shu originally planned to say goodbye, but seeing her mother was worried, she turned her words around and went back, and finally said, "I did this, and it has nothing to do with you. You don't have to thank me for offending me." Family, I don't worry about them."

Seeing that her expression was calm and not like a joke, she seemed to be really not afraid, so Pei Yu didn't ask what to do, then the topic suddenly changed, "Since she's not afraid, are you free tomorrow? I want to take you somewhere."

Just as Yun Shu was about to speak, Qin suddenly looked over and said, "Go if you want. I'll take care of your elder brother. It's fine." He said lightly.

Yun Shu looked at her in surprise.

I want to know which eye of her mother saw her and wanted to go?
Pei Yu got off the donkey along the slope, "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." After saying that, he left.

(End of this chapter)

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