Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 228 Matching Her

Chapter 228 Matching Her
After the yard was cleaned up and all the servants left, Yun Shu pulled Qin Shi to speak out.

She looked strangely, "Mother, aren't you still worried about big brother this afternoon, so that I can't leave? Why did you ask me to agree to Pei Yu just now?"

This afternoon, Qin Shi seemed to know about Yunfeng, so he came back early and didn't say anything, his worried eyes were red.

At that time, I learned from my daughter that I was fine, so I still held her daughter's hand tightly and asked her to watch her elder brother carefully.

As a result, it changed at night.

Qin's choked on her daughter's words, her eyes were a little fuzzy, but Yun Shu didn't intend to let her go, "You don't seem to be matching me and Pei Yu, do you?"

Thinking that her mother would stare at Pei Yu every time she was present, and she seemed to have mentioned it, the more Yun Shu thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible.

She can understand others, after all, it is not a strange thing to say kiss early in ancient times.

But she said before that she was not in a hurry, why is her mother in a hurry now?

Before her mother could speak, Yun Shu remembered something again, and frowned even deeper, "Even if you want to match Pei Yu and me, why would mother help him talk during dinner?" Could it be that her mother fell in love with two of them at once?
Yun Shu expressed a deep aversion to cold, and even looked at her mother's eyes darkened.

Before Qin could say a word, she saw her daughter looking at her strangely, but she was not good at saying these things, but she stumbled, "Not all of them, mother is because they care so much about you, Shu'er, I just thought it might be possible…”

Speaking of the latter, seeing Yun Shu's eyes darken, he stopped talking.

Yun Shu was so overwhelmed in her heart that she almost laughed at her mother's words.

Care about her?

No matter how her mother saw it, Yun Shu didn't see it anyway.

Pei Yu just admired her plan for Yudu. He is a shrewd person and knew that it would not be a disadvantage to have him as a friend, so he treated her specially.

As for Wei Chengfeng, he had saved him many times by himself, so she could understand that the other party saw her medical skills.

Although thinking this way felt that both of them wanted something, Yun Shu understood it that way.

Qin wanted to say something at first, but seeing her daughter's clear eyes, obviously not enlightened, she sighed and decided not to say more to her.

"Mother agreed, if you really don't want to go tomorrow, mother... mother, go." Qin took a step back first.

"That's not necessary." Pei Yu was probably looking for her on business, and he didn't say where he was going, maybe he was taking her to see something else, Yun Shu didn't expect to go anywhere else.

When she said this, Qin Shi was relieved first. Thinking that her son had just returned to the room, he didn't know if he was still uncomfortable, so he talked to Yun Shu and went to see Yun Feng.

Yun Shu stood alone in the yard, looked up, the sky was very bright tonight, there were no stars, only a round moon hanging in the middle, white and flawless.

She only thought of it when she saw the moon.

August [-]th was originally supposed to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I didn't see her mother mention it, and I didn't see anyone else, so I think it should be justified.

Unconsciously thinking about her past life, Yun Shu shook her head and didn't think much about it.

It hasn't been long, but her memory of modern times has gradually blurred.

There seemed to be nothing to remember, and she didn't bother to remember.

Maybe in a few years, she will completely become an ancient person.

There was often a sound of footsteps coming from behind, very soft and low, Yun Shu knew it was Wei Chengfeng without looking back.

"Pei Yu is someone who can be trusted for life." He suddenly said.

When the voice came, Yun Shu paused, then looked at him strangely, "You're not here to match me, are you?"

Forget about her mother, why is he making trouble?

Wei Chengfeng kept staring at her, and seeing that she didn't fluctuate when she heard Pei Yu's name, he knew the answer.

The previous worries dissipated in an instant, and my mood followed suit.

Slightly curling her lips to reveal a faint smile, she raised her eyes to look at her, "If it was you, it should be for me."

Yun Shu looked at him even more strangely, "How do I remember, when I said I wanted to marry you, you avoided me like a snake?" She wasn't that kind of narcissist.

Although it was intentional at the time, Yun Shu never forgot how the other party disliked him.

What are you talking about... you don't deserve it?

Wei Chengfeng seemed to have thought of this too, his black eyes sank, and then he said something that made Yun Shu even more speechless, "Forget about that!" in an orderly tone.

This is what I said, and I didn't admit it in a blink of an eye?
Yun Shu didn't bother to talk to him, and just missed her going back to her room.

Unexpectedly, the other party also followed, "Are you really going tomorrow?"

"Why don't you go?" She suddenly thought that he seemed to be very concerned about her movements, her eyes moved slightly, and she couldn't help touching her chin and said, "Didn't you just say that Pei Yu is someone who can be entrusted to her for life? Maybe I should really find out. "

After finishing speaking, he nodded seriously, and then left eloquently.

He didn't see the instantly darkened face of the man behind him, and the flash of coldness in his eyes.

So he was talking too much?

The next morning, not long after Yun Shu got up, the maid came over and said that her young master had arrived.

Yun Shu quickly packed up and went out.

Sure enough, Pei Yu had already arrived and was standing in the yard when she heard her door open.

But his eyes fell on Yun Shu for a long time, and then he showed his usual gentle smile, "Is it too early?"

Yun Shu shook her head subconsciously, "I also get up at this time on weekdays." I just stayed in the space to practice.

The two ate breakfast casually, got into the Pei family's carriage, and found out on the way that, as she had guessed, Pei Yu was looking for something to do with her, and seemed to be looking at some shop.

The Pei family is now in contact with many industries, and it is expanding every year. It may be that Yudu has heard Yun Shu's opinion is good, and occasionally asks about other shops.

When I arrived at the place, I found out that it was a new shop that hadn't opened yet. After walking around, Yun Shu made some suggestions, and Pei Yu chatted with the new shopkeeper again, and then left.

Yun Shu thought she was going back now, but Pei Yu said to take her to the horse farm.

It was said that it would not be too far outside the town, so Yun Shu agreed.

It was only when he was about to get off the car at the place that Pei Yu said that Wei Chengfeng had also come.

Is it too late for her to regret it now?

"What's wrong?" Pei Yu turned around and asked.

Yun Shu shook his head, finally came down.

The horse farm has several hundred square meters, forgetting to see that without the heavy wood-colored stables, it is all green.

Yun Shu has been dealing with medicinal herbs all year round, and has a special liking for green, so she didn't let Pei Yu accompany her, so she went to walk on the grass by herself.

I don't know how long I walked, but there was the sound of horseshoes behind me. I turned my head and saw that a group of people I had never seen before were riding towards me on horseback.

She stepped back subconsciously, but those people also turned around stiffly.

Yun Shu finally realized something was wrong.

A group of horses neighed and the ground shook, as if they could trample Yun Shu to pieces as long as they lifted their front hooves.

(End of this chapter)

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