Chapter 229

But at this moment, a gust of wind came from the other side.

The sound of the wind was strange and sudden, and it seemed to be mixed with strength, not to mention instantly disrupting the formation of the horses. Yun Shu covered his face with his sleeves and tried his best to stabilize his figure.

The horses were startled and raised their hooves in unison. A few people who didn't hold on tightly fell directly off the horses, and those who were unlucky were directly trampled by the horses. The screams and screams of the people.

The sound of the wind stopped for a moment, and Yun Shu subconsciously saw where the strong wind was blowing, the dust fell, and a familiar figure appeared, it was Wei Chengfeng.

He strode towards Yun Shu with a pressing air all over his body, as if he was extremely unhappy.

But when he saw that Yun Shu was safe and sound, he gradually withdrew his edge, stared at her for a while, and then said solemnly, "Don't you know how to hide?"

Yun Shu also squinted at him, "You're not worried about me, are you?" In fact, if he hadn't caused the wind, she would have planned to avoid it with light work.

The man didn't speak, but looked at her, "I want to say yes, will you be happy?"

"will not."

"that is not!"


Yun Shu looked at him with an angry tone, her eyes seemed to see through her, she couldn't help but staggered his gaze, and looked at the group of people.

Wei Chengfeng followed suit, and the aura that had just subsided came fiercely again.

Feeling Yun Shu, he subconsciously glanced at him, but saw him staring sharply at the group of people who had finally restrained the horse.

Before Yun Shu could react to settle the accounts, the man strode over and dragged down the young man who was sitting in the front, "Are you the envoy?"

The boy was dragged off the horse, and he hadn't reacted to the shock just now. At this moment, his face was pale and frightened, "I... I don't know what you're talking about?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was mentioned by Wei Chengfeng and forced to face Yun Shu, "Did you just want to gallop towards her?" Although it was a question, the voice was sure.

It just so happened that Pei Yu would rush over, and he was surprised to see the situation in front of him.

"Go and see the people on the ground." After a quick look at the scene, Pei Yu ordered, and then came over.

When he saw the person Wei Chengfeng was holding, he immediately frowned, "It's you, the cousin of the Xie family?" It seemed that he was not sure, and he probably hadn't seen it a few times.

The boy just didn't speak, but anyone could see his guilty look.

If he didn't understand the intention before, Yun Shu would know why he suffered such an innocent disaster when he heard about Xie's family.

Cousins?So he was looking for revenge for Xie Wei.

Wei Chengfeng followed with a sneer, "It turns out that he came here for revenge."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the person out.

The force of this throw was not small, and coincidentally, it bumped into the horse that had just stabilized. He let out a cry, and the horse got excited and stepped on his leg.

The screams pierced the sky.

Pei Yu stared at this scene in a daze, and it happened that someone came up to inform him about the situation. After hearing this, he immediately looked at Yun Shu worriedly, and then stared at the screaming young man with sullen expression on his face, "Thank you Home is a good skill, come to my place and do mischief."

"Then what about these people?" the servant asked.

"Don't let them go, I'll send them back in person later." Pei Yu bit her hard when sending the words.

He then came to Yun Shu and looked her over again, "Are you all right just now?"

"I'm fine! Aren't you going to Xie's house? I plan to stay for a while and leave me alone." Yun Shu said.

Pei Yu originally thought that she would at least teach these people a lesson, but she didn't expect that she would let them go lightly. After realizing it, she nodded, "Chengfeng is also here, I'll let him accompany you."

Before Yun Shu had time to refuse, Wei Chengfeng had already heard what Pei Yu said, and took it over, "I will take a good look at her!"

"I still like to be alone."

"This is an opportunity, you can get used to it." The man glanced at her and added, "Two people."

"... "

Pei Yu left quickly, just now in the shock, the injured seemed to be seriously injured, so while sending them to the hospital, they went to Xie's house.

In fact, Pei Yu didn't have the upper hand when he went to Xie's house at this juncture, but he went anyway, and Yun Shu accepted the favor.

It's just that in the later time, there are more followers around me.

Wherever she went, the other party also went, and she couldn't get rid of her.

However, the scenery in the carriage was good, and Yun Shuquan thought there was no such person behind him.

But her ignoring the other party doesn't mean that the other party will quietly act as a curtain.

"My hands hurt."

Yun Shu took a deep breath and ignored it.

"My hand hurts!" He even increased his voice.

Yun Shu glared at him unbearably, "What's none of my business?" Did he really think she was his accompanying doctor?

"If it wasn't for the internal force that saved you just now, it wouldn't hurt. You it none of your business?"

Yun Shu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to walk forward, but the other party used lightness kung fu, flitted to her, and then stretched out his hand.


"It's bleeding." He motioned Yun Shu to look.

Yun Shu glanced lightly, and sure enough, the gauze was showing red again, but she just took a look and then looked away, "Then you don't go back?" There is also a doctor in Pei's residence, and according to her, injured people should not come out Shaking, especially in front of her.

"Are you so cruel?" The voice was really helpless.

Yun Shu said without raising her head, "When have I never been cruel to you?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, then he smiled, "So you know."

Yun Shu froze immediately, but his eyes subconsciously stayed on his face.

It turns out that this man who can only show his face can also laugh, and his smile is very seductive.

Realizing that he had been looking at it for a long time, before the other party noticed, Yun Shu looked away in time, and continued walking while missing him.

The area of ​​the grassland is very large. Surprisingly, there is a green lake in the middle.

Seeing that the water in the lake is not deep, because the water is very clear, you can see the floating aquatic plants inside.

She walked over and squatted down, tapped lightly with her hand, the surface of the water rippled slowly, the water was still warm?

She was about to stretch her two hands in, when ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, she turned her head to look, and was caught off guard, a stone soared from the sky and landed right in front of her.

With a 'plop' sound, water splashed everywhere, Yun Shu watched in bewilderment as the splashed water droplets sprayed out, and then fell on his body like rain.

She didn't react until her body was slightly cold.

He clenched his hands into fists suddenly, his breathing became rapid, and then he stood up abruptly, regardless of his embarrassment, staring at the man behind him, "Are you childish or not?"

Hearing her suppressing her anger, Wei Chengfeng slightly raised his eyebrows, "Not childish."

Yun Shu was almost mad at him.

Could it be that he can't see himself being quiet for a while?
She strode over and bumped into him hard. She walked without turning her head and said, "You deserve to be hurt! You deserve to be left alone! You deserve to be alone!"

 I deserve it for not being able to write it...

(End of this chapter)

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