Chapter 230

As a result, the horse factory didn't stay long, and Yun Shu went back.

I saw Pei Yu in the evening, and he was kept for dinner by Master Xie. When he came over, Yun Shu was making ingredients for herbal tea in the space.

Counting today, she has been preparing for five days, but the teahouse is still being renovated, so there is no rush.

On the contrary, Mrs. Qin said that Liu Hongshan asked someone to bring a message. The interior of her house has been painted, which means that her family can leave.

Thinking of this, Yun Shu heaved a sigh of relief. As the saying goes, gold nests and silver nests are not as good as your dog's nest.

The Pei family is good, but it's not his own after all, and Yun Shu is also homesick.

"You guys want to go back?" Yun Shu saw Pei Yu mention it casually. The other party was a little surprised, but thought of something randomly, and nodded again, "Alright, I'm busy these days too, so I didn't entertain you well. I'll take you with me when I have a chance." Come back with Auntie?"

Yun Shu nodded lightly, let's forget about it again.

She had a good talk with Pei Yu, and when she was about to go back to her room, Wei Chengfeng just came back.

Yun Shu looked, she came back first, ignored him, and didn't know where he went, it seemed that something was different.

Only later did she realize that the clothes were unraveled because the strap of the robe was broken. When she arrived in the room, she caught a glimpse of red inadvertently, and was startled again, the gauze on his palm was even redder.

When Yun Shu looked over, he also glanced over. It was rare that he didn't pester her and went back to the room.

"You rest first, I'll go and see Chengfeng." Pei Yu felt something was wrong, so she told Yun Shu and followed.

Just as Yun Shu nodded and walked a few steps, Mrs. Qin happened to come out of Yun Feng's room and pulled her to say a few more words.

Originally, she didn't listen on purpose, but the two of them were standing not far from each room, and the door of Wei Chengfeng's room was not closed, so the voice came out.

" that Luo Jin from the government office?" It was Pei Yu's voice, a little surprised.

Then came the man's voice, which was a little heavy, and seemed to be in a bad mood.

Yun Shu immediately lowered his eyes, hiding the surprise inside.

Just now she was guessing whether Wei Chengfeng had a fight with someone, and it seemed that she was right.

But he never thought that the other party was Luo Jin.

When she met Luo Jin for the first time, she felt that Qi Wenshan was being polite to him a little differently.

Now that she would fight with Wei Chengfeng, the first thing she thought of was that the other party knew Wei Chengfeng's identity, so Luo Jin's identity would be suspicious.

The voice in the room was a little lower, just as Qin Shi had finished speaking, Yun Shu stopped eavesdropping and went back to the room.

However, after she left, the topic of discussion in the room became her.

"Yun Shu is leaving tomorrow," Pei Yu said.

"I'll send her off."

"..." Although he thought he would say that, Pei Yu's face was still a bit complicated, after hesitating for a moment, he asked the question he had been asking, "Chengfeng, I want to know, are you in love with Yun Shu?" What emotion?"

"Why do you ask that?" Wei Chengfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Pei Yu frowned, "Your status is different, I have to think about some things, have you thought about it later?"

Opposite silence.

"You have met Mrs. Qin, and you can see that she is different from the women in the village, including Yun Shu and her elder brother. I don't believe you have never doubted this. Maybe I am thinking too much, but what if it is true? , have you thought about the consequences?"

"Pei Yu." Wei Chengfeng interrupted Pei Yu suddenly, and looked at him with dark eyes, "Instead of talking about me, why don't you think about yourself, I'm tired, and I don't want to talk about these things today."

It's already a blatant expulsion order.

Pei Yu was stunned in place, yes, when he said these things, he was warning himself.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, really helpless, "Okay, don't tell me if you don't want to hear it, remember to bandage the wound." After speaking, he turned and left, closing the door behind him.

The room is a bit dark, but you can still get a general view of the room.

Wei Chengfeng slowly untied the gauze on his hands, and pushed away the blood-stained areas layer by layer, finally revealing the open wound.

He glanced at his palm coldly, as if he didn't know the pain, he clenched his fist for a while, and blood flowed from the cleft of the fist.

It was Pei Yu who personally saw Yun Shu off when he left Pei's mansion. It was no surprise that there was another person in the carriage.

The carriage was spacious, and there were only Yun Shu, Yun Feng, Pei Yu, and Wei Chengfeng sitting in it.

Qin's family stayed in Yunxiu Pavilion and did not go back. Yun Feng offended his client and was resigned from his job. In addition, his body has not recovered, so he is leaning against the wall of the car to rest.

Yun Shu sat next to him, and the other two sat opposite her.

Wei Chengfeng has been staring at Yun Shu since he got in the car. Occasionally Yun Shu raised his head, and he could meet his gaze normally, but usually Yun Shu retracted first, and then closed his eyes.

Pei Yu was also unusually silent today, and did not speak to break the embarrassment.

After arriving at the place, the two men got out of the car first, and then stretched their hands into the car at the same time.

Just as Yun Shu shook Yun Feng awake, he lifted the curtain of the car to see this scene, his eyes moved slightly, and then he jumped directly in a gap.

Although the family house has been painted, it is not completely finished.

It's not early at this time, and the men in the village are busy with their work.

When the carriage came, most of the people looked over and saw the scene of two men stretching out their hands to Yun Shu.

Then a group of people started laughing and discussing, of course they were talking in secret.

"Let's go back first." Pei Yu smiled and said to Yun Shu.

Yun Shu just wanted to nod, but Wei Chengfeng suddenly stepped up, looked at Yun Shu's house, and said, "You go first."

Yun Shu was stunned, even Pei Yu looked astonished, and subconsciously said, "Are you going to stay here?"

Wei Chengfeng didn't answer, he was already walking towards Yun Shu's house.

"Sister, this is..." Yun Feng had discovered something a long time ago, and looked back and forth between Yun Shu and the two men with interest, until Yun Shu glanced coldly and dared not say anything.

"I won't see you off," she said to Pei Yu, then frowned and followed Wei Chengfeng, wanting to see what he was going to do again.

Could it be that he plans to live in her house this time?

Thinking of this, Yun Shu was determined not to tolerate it.

However, in the evening, when she saw Wei Chengfeng who had been driven away by her but was sitting firmly at the dinner table, she had a look of disbelief on her face.

She especially said a lot of bad words to drive him away. The workers left behind and even locked the door. Why did they still come in?
"Mr. Wei, let's eat some food, but don't dislike my poor craftsmanship." Seeing Qin Shi who was gentle and friendly to Wei Chengfeng, Yun Shu almost understood something, scolded the scheming man in his heart, and buried his head in eating.

"Shu'er, mother thought about it just now. Isn't the guest room still available? Why don't you let Mr. Wei live in it? Mother heard that Mr. Wei took care of you when you went to Yudu last time. Mother thought that since he was injured again Go, let's help out?" Qin asked her daughter for her opinion.

It's just a consultation, obviously very satisfied with this arrangement.

Yun Shu had to frown and said, "Mother, you don't have to be so kind, he has a place to live, and the house is bigger than ours."

(End of this chapter)

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