Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 231 How to Rest assured

Chapter 231 How to Rest assured
"Really?" This is obviously different from what Qin heard, subconsciously looked at Wei Chengfeng, but the other party explained calmly, "The house is borrowed, I have nowhere to go now,... I don't dislike any place that can take me in .”

Wei Chengfeng is a person who doesn't express much, so everything he says gives people the feeling that he is telling the truth.

Just like now, Yun Shu obviously felt that he was lying, but when he put down the bowl and pretended to be heavy, Qin's heart immediately softened, "Then you can live here, as long as you don't dislike it..."

Before Yun Shu could stop her words, Qin finished speaking. She looked up and met Shangwei Chengfeng's gaze, which was as deep and deep as ever, but this time with a smile, as if provoking her.

But Qin seemed to be ignorant, and continued to talk about family affairs, and even Yunfeng tried to intervene when he heard that his martial arts was strong.

In the end, Yun Shu, who was usually the center of the topic, was ignored by her family for the first time.

Then, as if a certain man was not enough, he would occasionally glance at her while talking.

I really want to poison this man to death!Yun Shu pinched his chopsticks and thought to himself.

The meal was very unpleasant. Before leaving, Yun Shu suddenly thought of something, and said, "Mom, our family does not divide the work. Since there is a person who eats rice, he will do the dishes. You still have to do the dishes." Take care of your brother." After finishing speaking, he left.

Before Qin could speak, the man who was eating looked up, and said something that almost made Yun Shu fall, "So you have regarded me as a family member, I am very honored!"

Looking at the figure who paused for a while and left as if displeased, Wei Chengfeng slightly curled his lips.

Qin was a little embarrassed, "Don't worry, Shu'er has no bad intentions, she just said it in passing."

Yun Shu went to the room with a dark face and didn't look back.

After dinner, Qin insisted not to let Wei Chengfeng do anything.

Early the next morning, Yun Shu was awakened by a sound from the yard.

Glancing at the window, it wasn't very bright yet, it was a bit strange, the workers hadn't come yet, who made the noise?
She opened the door in her underwear, but saw a figure standing at the kitchen door brandishing an ax in the dim morning light.

Qin's strength is weak, and in the past, Yun Shu used money to exchange firewood for Liu Hongshan.

Originally, the kitchen had a lot of inventory, but recently I helped a lot of workers and consumed a lot.

Originally, the Qin family also mentioned this matter, and Yun Shu planned to buy it today, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

I don't know when he got up, but a lot of chopped firewood was piled up in the yard.

In fact, he didn't make much movement, but Yun Shu was too sensitive, which could be seen from the fact that Qin Shi and the others were still sleeping.

Just about to turn back secretly, Wei Chengfeng seemed to have eyes behind his back. When Yun Shu stepped forward, a voice came over, "Did I wake you up?"

"Well, I thought there was a thief in the house." Yun Shu said.

The man stopped, then turned his head to look.

Only then did Yun Shu notice that he didn't wear an outer robe today, but only a tight black inner garment, revealing his lean body without a doubt. After noticing Yun Shu's gaze, he followed up with a glance at his chest that was accidentally exposed , eyes slightly deep, suddenly said, "Do you like it?"

I don't know if it was related to work, but the voice was a little magnetic, and it hit my heart like a charm. Yun Shu suddenly came back to his senses, glared at him, and turned back to the room.

The corners of the lips of the man behind him are even more curved.

In the morning, the people from the Qin family were no longer there. Seeing that Yun Feng was fine, Yun Shu drove him to Liu Hongshan's place to study.

She herself found time to go to the fields.

Sure enough, after someone arranged to water it, the black color on the herb had faded no matter how deep it was.

In the past few days, the villagers occasionally arranged one or two people to watch over Yun Shu, and happily mentioned the medicinal herbs.

"Fortunately, God opened his eyes and saved his life. This time he was finally saved."

Yun Shu was polite, "It's all uncles who took good care of me. I know you've all helped take care of me these few days. Yun Shu will keep that in mind."

The villagers quickly waved their hands, "Jie Ji is from the same village, and the one in my family also said that you have helped us a lot, and we just need to take care of each other in the future."

A few people laughed honestly as they spoke.

Yun Shu also parted the corners of her lips as if infected.

At this moment, she felt the gaze from the side, and when she turned her head, she saw a man standing outside the field at some point.

Yun Shu told a few people to leave, and walked towards that person, "Why are you here?"

Wei Chengfeng also recollected that when he saw her happy just now, and when he looked up, he saw her expressionless towards him, and he felt a little bit disappointed.

For the first time, he wondered if he was really annoying?
Otherwise, she, who can be so happy to these villagers, has never smiled to herself.

If there is, there should be, but when she is calculating herself.

Seeing him staring at her without speaking, Yun Shu saw that the sun above his head was shining down, his face was as dazzling as if it had been plated with light, and his already handsome face seemed unreal, with a slight flash of energy. Wei Chao, I don't know why looking at this face again, I feel a little angry.

She simply walked away.

Wei Chengfeng suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Yun Shu, his eyes looked different from usual, deeper, he said in a low voice, "Do you have to hide every time you see me?"

Yun Shu felt uncomfortable being watched by him, so he shook off his hand and ignored him.

Wei Chengfeng flashed forward, and it happened that the sky in front of Yun Shu was full of broken soil. She stepped on it, and the soil fell down with a clatter. One sound.

Immediately stood up and looked up, the other party was covering his heart and staring at her.

Seeing that the place he was pressing was not the place where he was healed last time, Yun Shu suddenly remembered the conversation he had with Pei Yu yesterday, and asked calmly, "New injury?"

"Well, there are a lot of enemies, and I was plotted against." He said it casually, probably a little more relaxed, and put his hands down.

But Yun Shu saw that the clothes on the place where he bumped into were darker.

She frowned, and echoed in a low voice, "So why don't you just walk around with the injury, without me doing it, this life will be gone."

"Are you concerned about me?" he said.

"No, I hope you disappear in front of me soon."

"Do all women love such duplicity?" He asked.

Then he came over, took Yun Shu's hand, and walked forward naturally.

Feeling the struggle in the palm of his hand, he didn't turn his head, and said calmly, "You can fall down when you walk, how can you feel at ease if you don't hold it."

The voice was extremely soft, but it penetrated clearly into his ears. Yun Shu raised his head slightly, only seeing his upright back, and the astonishment in his eyes was fleeting.

She immediately lowered her head, looked at the man who deliberately slowed down, and pursed her lips slightly.

Suppressing the weird feeling in my heart, I didn't struggle anymore, and let him pull me.

Feeling the skin they touched, Yun Shu suddenly felt a little hot.

(End of this chapter)

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