Chapter 250

Yun Zheben said that the last time this woman came out, there were two very powerful people around her to protect her, so maybe it would be a little troublesome.

Unexpectedly, later on, he saw that woman not only softened her face, but also looked at him for a long time. He was still secretly proud of himself, saying that he didn't like it, because he was fascinated by the young master's face. This woman looked cold, Still not the same?
Just heard Yun Shu say, "Master Yun is planning to take me back home?"

"What's the matter? The little lady has a very high heart. Could it be that she wants to enter my Marquis's Mansion?" Yun Zhe joked, and was even more sure that this woman changed because she knew her identity.

After all, there is no one in the capital who doesn't want to join him for favor after hearing his status as the county master of the Houfu.

Yun Shu endured the nausea in his heart, and said with a light smile, "There are a few old friends who are from the Hou family. If Master Yun is free, I would like to visit too."

It is estimated that those people will be very 'happy' when they see her visit.

Yun Zhe really looked at Yun Shu suspiciously, an old friend in Huguohou Mansion?
The first thing that comes to mind is the groom and the cook. Yunzhe remembered that all his servants have family members, maybe this little lady is looking for one of them.

Deliberately leading someone to show off, Yun Zhe didn't notice anything wrong at all, and responded immediately, "I'm free, of course I'm free! This young master will not only accompany you to see your old friend later, but also take you to my bedroom, young master. You I'll definitely like it there, don't you think... little lady." The last sentence Yun Zhe lowered his voice and approached.

Yun Shu smiled calmly, ignoring the teasing eyes next to him, and took a step back to avoid the muddy tone.

Resisting the thought of pouring another dose of poison on the other party, he squinted his eyes and said, "Let's talk about it after I see it."

Yun Zhe, however, was very satisfied, and his eyes inadvertently slid across the porcelain-like skin of the people around him.He thought to himself that it would be the best if this little lady had something to do with the servants of the family, and she would be an additional concubine if she was given some money, and his mother would not care about it.

Thinking of this, Yun Zhe couldn't wait even more.

A group of cronies did not dare to make trouble in the Hou's mansion. They all looked at Yun Zhe enviously, wishing that he was the one who led the little lady home, and lamented that he didn't have a powerful father, otherwise the little lady would go with them up.

Along the way, Yun Zhe tried to play tricks on Yun Shu, but Yun Shu easily avoided him every time.

Yun Zhe, who hadn't benefited at all, felt more and more uncomfortable. People who had never suffered a loss before had a bad complexion, but the Hou's mansion was in front of them. Thinking about how he could handle this person for a while, he put up with it again. Living.

In front of the Marquis' Mansion of the Huguo, there are mighty lions, so spectacular.

Yun Shu stood at the door, faintly finding a familiar feeling from his memory.

"Why don't you leave?" Yun Zhe had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and seeing Yun Shu stop, his tone was not very good.

Yun Shu glanced at him sideways, "Oh, I haven't seen such a beautiful place for a long time, let's go."

This sentence successfully made Yun Zhe's heart flutter when he said it. Sure enough, this woman was greedy for his status, and the impatience on her face was a little less.

When the guard at the door saw Yun Zhe, he bowed and said hello, but he didn't look sideways at Yun Shu who was being led by Yun Zhe, obviously seeing such scenes a lot.

Yun Shu thought about it, and the moment she entered the door, she took off the face towel she put on.

Noticing her movement, Yun Zhe's eyes lit up, and his gaze was almost fixed on Yun Shu's face.

It's been a long time since I took a look at Yun Zhe last time, but it's a pity that I didn't take a close look at it. He still regretted for a long time that he didn't let the guards stop her immediately. Now that he sees this face again, he just thinks it looks better than last time .

The maid passing by saw her young master's appearance, and then saw the woman next to her, her eyes were also stunned, with amazement in her eyes.

As if Yun Shu didn't see this scene, he went in generously.

But when he was about to go to the front, Yun Zhe called to stop him, "You can't go there, my father is usually busy at this time, so I dare not disturb him."

He thought that Yun Shu would come back when he said this, but he didn't realize that he had already walked to the front after waiting a while.

"Hey, stop!" Yun Zhe immediately chased after him, but he obviously realized something was wrong.

He was running fast enough, but every time he was about to catch her, the other party would get away from his hands, and when he raised his head, he opened the distance again.

Just after he was dazed for a while, Yun Shu had already reached the steps directly in front of him.

"Damn it, isn't this woman pure in purpose?" Yun Zhe, who had already thought of something in an instant, didn't care about his appearance, and called the servants guarding the front door, "You two, stop her quickly."

The servants waited at the door. In the past, Yun Chi, the Marquis of the National Guard, would chat with his colleagues here. One of them had just served tea and was about to send it in. Suddenly, he heard a voice, which seemed to be his own county lord. He stopped quickly, but saw I saw a very beautiful woman walking slowly.

When they were still in a daze, Yun Shu had already smiled slightly, and walked past the tea tray in the man's hand, "Give it to me."

Before the man agreed, he realized that the tea tray had been removed, and Yun Shu had already used this time to push open the door.

"Bastard, are you two deaf?" When Yun Zhe looked up, Yun Shu had already entered the room. When he realized something had happened, he hurried over and kicked the two of them first. Just as he was about to come over, he was stopped by his servants , "Junye, the master is talking about state affairs, don't disturb."

Yun Zhe was about to be pissed off by these two idiots, "You didn't stop the woman just now, you dare to stop me, are you courting death?"

The two obviously didn't react, "Isn't that woman from the mansion just now?" They saw each other's good looks, and lost their minds for a while, after all, outsiders can't enter the Hou's mansion.

It was Yun Zhe who cursed angrily, and they didn't realize what had happened, and they were terrified.

"Jun...Master Jun, there doesn't seem to be any movement inside, what should I do?" The servant knelt on the ground shaking his hands.

Yun Zhe was also angry, "You asked me, but I still want to ask you." His father didn't like him very much when he took the woman back home, and this time he went to the place where he was talking, Yun Zhe didn't know what would happen later what.

After thinking about it, he was still ready to wait and see what happened.

In the room, there were only Yunchi and an old man with a gray beard.

After Yun Shu entered the room, he glanced at the two of them, put the tea in front of them respectively, and stood aside.

Yun Chi talked seriously, but didn't notice anything, but the old man with white beard noticed Yun Shu's scrutinizing eyes, and looked slightly sideways, "Who is this?"

"En? It's just a servant of the mansion..." Yun Chi's gaze, which had been retracted halfway through the sentence, turned back in vain, and looked at Yun Shu sharply, "This Marquis has never seen you before, who are you?"

The old man was also taken aback, he never expected that someone who the owner didn't know would randomly come into the place where they were talking.

Yun Shu put down the teacup with a calm expression, and nodded slightly at the old man. The latter smiled politely back without knowing the situation.

Only then did she look at Yun Chi, who was already looking bad, "I haven't seen you in a few years, Lord Hou looks quite old."

(End of this chapter)

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