Chapter 251

Huguo Hou Yunchi stared at Yun Shu with sharp eyes, but couldn't remember when he met this person.

If you are familiar with yourself, which one is not flattering?This woman was young, but she spoke with some incomprehensible meaning, and Yun Chi even noticed a hint of irony in it.

"Who the hell are you?" He stood up suddenly, at least he was a general who had fought against the current Holy Majesty, even though he was old, his momentum was still strong, the moment Yun Chi stood up, the atmosphere in the room became oppressive.

The old man looked startled and stood up, looking back and forth between the two.He is an outsider, and he can't speak at all without knowing the situation.

What surprised the old man even more was that Huguohou's aura was overwhelming, and the woman seemed to be unaware of it, and she was at ease.

At this moment, Yun Shu sighed leisurely, "At any rate, there are blood ties. In less than three years, Marquis Huguo didn't recognize his former daughter. It's really cool." She emphasized the word 'once'.

The two people in the room were stunned at the same time.

Yun Chi didn't understand at first, but then something sounded suddenly, and he looked at Yun Shu's face several times before he realized something, and then his eyes became more complicated.

The old man didn't realize it for a while. Although Yun Shu said the word "blood relationship", seeing that Yun Chi was a stranger to the woman, he just felt that he might accidentally know the secret of Duke Hu.

Not daring to stay any longer, he cupped his hands and said, "Marquis Huguo, let's talk about the matter, I won't stay any longer."

After all, people have left.

Yun Chi had no more time to take care of him and let him leave. He didn't look at Yun Shu until the door was closed again, but his tone was not as guarded as before, "Are you Yun Shu?" Although he was asking, But the surprise in his eyes was obvious, because the person in front of him was too different from what he remembered.

If it weren't for the fact that he could barely see a little familiarity from that face, Yun Chi might not believe that the calm and calm woman in front of him was the daughter he had driven out.

Yun Shu said with a half smile but not a smile, "It's a good thing that Marquis Hu Guo knew there was someone like me."

Although her voice was flat, the sarcasm in her tone was more obvious than before.

Yun Chi is not a fool, he could feel the daughter's dislike for him, and he was soft and stiff just now, "Since you are back, your mother will follow, right? I heard that the three of you have gone to other places, and we will arrange The people who took care of you didn’t hear from you, so I thought we’d never have a chance to see you again.”

The tone was as flat and natural as chatting about gossip.

Yun Shu nodded in agreement, and didn't criticize his words, but said bluntly, "I didn't intend to bring my mother back here, she is too weak, and she will inevitably be bullied by you again when she comes back, but it's a red apricot who is out of the wall." Fame is not the solution either. So this time, I am not here to talk to you about the past, but to hear your opinion on what happened three years ago. My mother is also your original wife. Qiang, as the person in charge of the mansion, you should know best, right?"

Yun Shu found a stool and sat down in a comfortable position.

She has a casual appearance and a lazy voice, which is very distasteful to Yun Chi, who is serious and serious.

Women should be delicate and soft, and their movements should describe willows. What does this look like?
He snorted, "The past is over, and now everyone has finally forgotten the stains of the Hou Mansion. What is the truth is no longer important."

Yun Shu's smile faltered.

She faintly felt something was wrong about what happened back then, so today she decided to take a look at Yunchi's attitude.

Things should prove her conjecture.

Being able to keep the position under the new emperor, how could he allow others to be tricked around?Obviously he was aware of what happened back then.

What he said just now should also represent his attitude. He clearly felt Yun Shu's intention for coming, and he was also reminding her to forget the past.

"I heard that less than a year after my mother left, Lord Hou brought up the second wife. If I remember correctly, the second wife is also of the blood of the former emperor, and there is a princess as Mrs. Hou, isn't Lord Hou very happy?"

Yun Chihu frowned, and his tone was impatient, "What do you want to say?"

"The power behind my mother is weak. Master Hou played this trick of killing two birds with one stone. You are comfortable, but let my mother take the blame. Now that your family is harmonious and beautiful, my mother is still being pointed at. What I want to say Yes, the future of the Hou Mansion will come to an end this year."

After saying this, Yun Shu raised her head to meet Shang Yunchi's suspicious eyes, and slowly stood up, "Okay, I've finished what I want to say, and I look forward to seeing you next time."

She looked at Yun Chi whose face suddenly turned black with a half smile, and walked towards the door without haste.

Perhaps because he was so angry at Yun Shu's words, Yun Chi forgot to stop him, and finally just sat down with his sleeves up, with a gloomy look on his brows.

Outside the room, Yun Zhe first watched the old man come out and was about to go in, but he was signaled not to go.

He was uneasy, wondering if his father was asking about the cause and effect of the other party, he was hesitating and worried, the door opened again, and this time it was indeed the person he wanted to see first.

He went up angrily, trying to grab Yun Shu's arm, but Yun Shu easily dodged it, suppressing his anger, "What the hell are you trying to do? Believe it or not, I won't let you get out of this gate!"

"Didn't I just say, come to see my old friend! If you want to stop me, I'm afraid I'm not capable. Anyway, I've already seen him, so I should go. Thank you Mr. Yun for accompanying me." Yun Shu didn't even look at the other party, and looked up Just walk away.

Yun Zhe was furious and chased after him, but before he got close, the person in front of him suddenly tiptoed, and in the blink of an eye, he was already ten meters away.

The two servants at the door also seemed to be stunned, with only the ethereal figure in their eyes.

By the time he reacts, people can no longer see it.

When Yun Zhe chased to the door, Yun Shu's figure had already joined the crowd. He was so angry that he poured his anger on the guard at the door, "Why didn't you stop that woman just now?"

The guard lowered his head in fear, "But... but that wasn't brought back by you, young master."

Where do they think so much.

Yun Zhe was furious, and finally turned his head and returned home.It's not just a woman, he doesn't believe that with his ability, he can't find her, a little woman.

That night, there were two more figures in Yunchi's study. They were vigorous and athletic. After staying in the study for a quarter of an hour, they quietly left the Hou Mansion, and their figures disappeared into the night.

On the other side, Yun Shu made sure that her mother was asleep, locked the door, and walked into the space.

The space is shrouded in mist, and in the past three years, it is enough to turn the yellow land all over the place into a verdant mountain of medicine.

Looking around, all eyes are green, unlike the ordinary medicinal herbs back then, the fields here are all replaced with rare varieties of excellent quality.

On the side is the money that has been profitable for several years. Yun Shu usually puts it in and rarely looks at it.

She stepped up to the treasure chest, and picked up the small brown-red chest in front of her.

Qin bought it for her daughter as a birthday present.

(End of this chapter)

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