Chapter 252

There were a lot of matching jewelry in the box, and Yun Shu felt guilty that Qin's money saved on purpose would be spent on it.

Although she also loves beauty, she is not like other people who like these beautiful jewelry. Usually it is enough to fix her hair, and it feels cumbersome if there are too many.

These accessories were taken out and everyone was expected to fight for them, but after Yun Shu received them, she didn't wear them even once.

Qin would ask questions at first, but after finding out that her daughter always dressed casually, she let her go.

Opening the box, the light color reflected by the jewelry is particularly eye-catching.

Yun Shu stretched out his hand to touch those things, and then dropped them to the side, landing on a bundle of letters.

She paused, and finally took out the letter.

I never thought that one day, I would do something that only women in ancient boudoirs would do.She took the man's letter and didn't burn it in the fire, but put it in the space and stuffed it into the gift from her mother.

Back then he inexplicably left a 'two-year' agreement, but Yun Shu didn't take it seriously at all, and almost forgot about him.

Until one day she received a letter from Beijing.

That person shamelessly wrote in the letter, "It's like three autumns since we don't see each other every day."

I usually look at a serious and serious person, but what I write is all affectionate love words.

Yun Shu ignored it at first, but she received ten letters in a row that month.

The nine letters were all nasty love letters, and only the last one was in his normal tone, asking some trivial matters about his parents.

The tenth time was sent by Gu Fang himself, exaggerated in words, his Patriarch sent a letter after returning to Beijing, but he was heartbroken, and said that for her, his Patriarch refused the emperor's marriage proposal , The emperor's impression of him plummeted.

There is no one with a full-time job, so I will stay in the mansion if I get it.

Yun Shu felt that the man must have done it on purpose.

It's not so much for her, it's better for me to get rid of troubles.

Maybe it was Gu Fang's stalking, or maybe it was really moved by Gu Fang's description, Yun Shu wrote back to that person for the first time.

A few words, the answer to his question, and then no more.

I still remember how Gu Fang looked like holding a treasure.

Later, everything seemed to be taken for granted. The correspondence between you and me was such a habit that Yun Shu even felt a little anxious if he didn't receive a letter for a month.

What about that man, she knew in her heart.He clearly warned himself to stay away, but in the end he forgot his original intention.

Later, it simply broke the jar.

Once her mother found out that the two of them were exchanging letters, she even mentioned it once. Yun Shu hesitated for a long time before saying that she was a little tempted to find a man.

At that time, she was not sure, so she shortened her request for a man.

So much so that Su Yi and the others overheard it and wrote it down.

When thinking back on all this, even Yun Shu didn't realize that there was a smile on the corner of her lips, which was shallow but tender.

Randomly picked out a letter and opened it, the man's handwriting on the letter was majestic and majestic.

Coincidentally, it was a love letter, and the poet's words were used on it, which made people feel hot when they read it. Later, Yun Shu looked up the books and found that this poem expressed yearning for her sweetheart.

She then put her hand on the top one.

This was a letter sent by Yupei. At that time, Yun Shu didn't know that this was the last letter, so she replied in the usual concise style, and put in a health-preserving prescription by the way, but the person behind him didn't reply.

At that time, she thought that all men are like this, if he can let go, why not?
After being calm for nearly half a year, Yun Shu realized that he couldn't let go.

It wasn't until she asked someone to inquire about Wei Chengfeng for the first time and learned that he was seriously ill that there was no cure for it. After much deliberation, Yun Shu decided to go to Beijing.

Yun Shu thought that she was an activist. She didn't know it before, so she could ignore it.

But when she feels something in her heart, she will figure it out once and for all.

If everything is self-indulgent, she should also give her heart a break.

Thinking of this, she held the jade pendant next to the letter paper and tightened her fingers slightly.

There seemed to be movement in the room outside the space, very lightly, but it didn't escape Yun Shu's ears.

She frowned, put away the letter and closed the box, and returned to the room.

The door lock of the room was being moved lightly, Yun Shu glanced away with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

She just came back from visiting that person, but the other person couldn't help it.

He stepped forward and spread his palms on Qin's face, the fine powder fell down, and the sleeping person breathed more easily.

Yun Shuren stood at the door of the room, she concealed her breath and waited calmly.

However, just as the door was about to be opened, there was a sudden movement outside the door, followed by a suppressed humming sound like a human being.

Yun Shu could sense the extra breath coming out of the door, she frowned puzzled, and after a while everything returned to normal, even the door latch was returning to the distance, and the breathing of the two people who were supposed to be outside disappeared.

After waiting for about a cup of tea, Yun Shu opened the door very lightly, but saw the darkness outside the door, the empty corridor, not to mention people, not even a ghost.

Who is helping her?
A figure flashed across his mind almost instantly, and Yun Shu lowered his brows, his eyes full of thoughts.

That's right, she has been in the capital for three or four days and has never hidden her whereabouts. A capable person like him must have known that she was coming.

But he didn't come, but did he find his subordinates to help her solve the trouble?
Yun Shuliu frowned, with obvious displeasure on her face, she was not surprised at all.

After closing the door behind his back, Yun Shu entered the space again.

At the same time, at night, a black shadow passed over the street and entered a certain house.

The house is gorgeous in appearance, and the interior is even bigger. The figure skillfully avoided the shadow guards in the dark and came to the attic next to the lake.

As soon as he stood still, a deep male voice came from inside, "Come in."

The figure at the door hesitated for a moment, then opened the door and entered.

It's almost October, the weather is very cold, and the cold wind at night can already hurt people's skin.

The moment the door opened, the cold wind rushed in desperately. The room that had accumulated a lot of heating due to the closure was instantly invaded by the cold wind, and there was a icy atmosphere everywhere.

"My lord." The subordinate stepped forward and knelt down on half a knee.

Directly in front of him, a figure lay on his side on the bed, he did not move, only a voice came, "What happened?"

He once explained that no matter how big or small things are around her, he will report to her, and when he hears the breath, he will know that it is the person he arranged to go there, so everyone wakes up instantly.

It's just that he thought highly of his body, it was so stiff that he could hardly suppress his temper.

"Yes, someone sneaked into Miss Yun's room just now, but after being caught, the two of them committed suicide by taking poison. I don't know who did it."

"Take poison? That's the killer." The man moved his body in a low voice, stood up and sat by the bed, "Where did she go today?"

The man told about Yun Shu's whereabouts that he saw today, "Miss Yun is very sensitive, and only her subordinates dare to approach in crowded places. I only know that the last one to go is the Huguohou Mansion."

"So that's the case, back off, you don't have to follow behind." Wei Chengfeng waved his hand, although the man was puzzled, he still backed off as he said.

(End of this chapter)

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