Chapter 260

In the eyes of others, this picture looks like a handsome man and a pretty woman, which is a perfect match.And from Yun Shu's point of view, the same was true.

"This is?" The woman seemed to have just seen Yun Shu in front of her, her smile paused, she took a look at Yun Shu, and her gaze stayed on her face scarf.Then he didn't care much about taking it back, and asked the man beside him, "Who does Second Master know?"

Wei Chengfeng remained silent, his eyes fixed on the figure in front of him.

Even after two years of separation, he could still spot her first in the crowd.He didn't want to show up at first, but his body came over very honestly.

But he also saw the indifference in Yun Shu's eyes, and his pale, thin lips were slightly pursed.

Xu Ziyan had already noticed that the people around her were distracted, which had never happened before. She was full of a sense of crisis, and looked at Yun Shu warily.

Then he swept towards the face scarf on her face, something flashed in his eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Then this girl has a different face? Why don't you let me see, I'm pretty good at medicine... huh?" Conceited that her martial arts are not bad, Xu Ziyan thought that she was wearing ordinary clothes to cover her face, so she must be not good looking. , so she wanted to tear off her face scarf to embarrass her, and then the back of her hand was numb before she dreamed of the other party.

Obviously she reacted quickly, but she didn't see what the other party did to her. She was startled, the smile on her face fell completely, and she looked at Yun Shu angrily, "What did you use to stab me?"

Yun Shu glanced at her lightly, then turned his gaze to the man next to him expressionlessly.She read it right just now, he seemed to raise his hand, but was he trying to stop the woman, or himself?
She smiled sarcastically, I'm afraid it's the latter.

Thinking of this, her heart became cold, "Young Master Wei, take good care of your own woman, otherwise it won't be so simple next time!"

After speaking, without looking at the two of them, he turned and left.

There was a lot of people, and her figure disappeared in the middle in an instant.

Wei Chengfeng put down his hand and clenched his fist slightly, but his expression was not much, making it impossible to see his emotions at this time.

Xu Ziyan thought that the woman was special to him, but now she felt that she was thinking too much, but the back of her hand felt a little strange. She checked and found that there was only a hole that was not real, like a silver needle.

He just sneered, "The woman the Second Master knows is not very kind. She seemed to have stabbed me with a needle just now. I clearly wanted to help her, but I really don't know what to do!" The tone was quite angry.

When Wei Chengfeng heard this, he paused, glanced at the back of her hand, thought for a while, and reminded, "Then you'd better check."

"Check what?" Before Xu Ziyan could understand the meaning of these words, Wei Chengfeng broke away from her hand, and his indifferent and arrogant figure followed into the crowd.

Xu Ziyan immediately ignored the discomfort on the back of her hand, stomped her feet and looked at it unwillingly.

As the little junior sister who is cared for and loved by the brothers of Miracle Doctor Valley, and also the daughter of the owner of the valley, Xu Ziyan has always been arrogant and arrogant.

She prides herself on her good looks and superb martial arts and medical skills. The first time she saw Wei Chengfeng, she liked this taciturn and indifferent man.

After so many years of trouble, she finally made new progress. The other party's attitude towards her improved, how could Xu Ziyan ask someone to intervene at this time.

Now chase after the past.

No matter who dares to snatch a man from her, just wait and prepare to die!

Yun Shuben said that he would go around in the afternoon, but in the end he lost all mood and went back to the inn directly.

She didn't go out that night, and had dinner with Qin Shi at the restaurant, and after hearing Su Yi's report that Yunfeng's situation was good, she rested.

Unexpectedly, the next morning, the waiter in the restaurant knocked on the door, saying that someone was looking for him.

Early in the morning, Yun Shu couldn't think of who it was.

If it's Su Yi, usually come up directly.

While guessing, she washed and washed, changed into her usual simple thick skirt, and put on a face towel before going downstairs.

The business of the restaurant was very good during this time, and the first floor was full of customers no matter in the morning or evening in the past, but today it was very quiet.

When I walked up the stairs, I noticed that there was only one person sitting at the table in the middle of the hall.

There was no one else around, only two people guarding the door.

When she came down and saw the back sitting in front of the table with her legs raised casually, half of her side face was whiter than a woman's peachy eyes, someone in her memory was the right number, "It's you."

Wei Ziyu stopped drinking tea, then casually turned his head to look at the approaching figure, "Listen to this tone, you don't welcome me?"

The whole face was exposed, just like the evildoer who seduced people back then, Yun Shu stepped forward and sat down opposite him, not treating him as a prince at all, "This restaurant is not mine, who dare not welcome His Royal Highness Yu Wang! "

Wei Ziyu heard the words were full of perfunctory.

But isn't that the attitude of the black face in memory?

He felt that it was the right time to come today, and he also raised his interest, "Then the king came to see you, are you happy?"

Yun Shu glanced at him casually, "What do you think?" The answer was obvious.

All in all, except for the two meetings that year, she had almost no interaction with Wei Ziyu.Now that the other party came to find him, Yun Shu didn't expect anything good.

Sure enough, Wei Ziyu was not obsessed with this topic, and started playing with the teacup with his left hand, his eyes lazily scanning Yun Shu's covered face, "Speaking of which, you almost became my king's man, but it's a pity that my second brother protects you too tightly , it’s not easy for me to do anything. But now, it seems that you and the second brother don’t have much contact.”

Yun Shu stood up suddenly, "If King Yu is talking about this, please excuse me for not accompanying me."

"You're really irritable. It's okay if I don't say anything, right? Did I just say that I'm here to help you, can you sit down again?" Wei Ziyu also returned to his normal form and recognized Seriously.

Hearing that he wasn't lying, Yun Shu hesitated for a moment and went back to sit down, "What can you help me with?"

"There are many things like this, such as your elder brother Yunfeng's qualifications for scientific examinations, and the matter of framing your elder brother for stealing money. It really doesn't work...Then the Marquis of the Protectorate?"

When Yun Shu heard the front, it was not surprising that he knew this.If the other party can find him, he must know her whereabouts in the past few days, so it is not surprising to know her elder brother.

When she heard the last sentence, her eyes turned cold in vain, "King Yu is very carefree, and he would investigate an ordinary person like me."

"In the eyes of this king, Miss Yun is not an ordinary person. Let me think about it... the abandoned daughter of the Hou family, the genius doctor, the master of merchants, if these things are spread, many people will be curious." Wei Ziyu said with a smile.

Yun Shu also sneered, "If you like it, go pass it on and tell me, isn't it unnecessary?"

"This king thought that saying this would give you more bargaining chips. It seems that you don't care at all." Wei Ziyu was a little puzzled. He thought she came back secretly to hide her identity, but now it seems that she is not.

He had no choice but to cancel his previous plan, thinking that it would be better to speak directly, "Don't get me wrong, this king is actually here to ask for your help."

(End of this chapter)

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