Chapter 261

Having said so much, I finally talked about my purpose.

Yun Shu didn't know that she was so patient and listened to so much nonsense from him.

"What help?" she said.

Hearing the meaning of negotiating, Wei Ziyu said, "I want to invite your master into the palace." But he didn't say what to do.

Yun Shu didn't say anything, just looked at him, as if trying to see what he was trying to do.

"I have no bad intentions. I definitely didn't intend to amuse you. It's because your master is too mysterious. I spent a lot of effort to find him, so I have to put my mind on you." This is a bit more frank.

But Yun Shu still didn't respond, and only said, "Since you know my master, you must also know that he doesn't like contact with officials. If he enters the palace, he must be fully dressed. Do you think you will agree?"

"This..." Wei Ziyu was really in trouble, he really hadn't thought about it.

I remember that miracle doctor, he did have a quirk, he liked to wear dirty clothes every day, it was said that no one had ever seen his true face.

And his temper is extremely strange, if someone provokes him, he will kill him if he strikes, and he will show no mercy.

No matter how good the medical skills are, if such a person is brought into the palace, it seems that there is indeed some trouble.

"Then I'll think of a way. Your master, please help me with the situation, because he may still be needed later." Wei Ziyu thought for a moment and had to take a step back, then thought of something and said, "Your elder brother , leave the matter to me." That little matter, in fact, can be solved by just moving your hands.

Yun Shu didn't expect that he would be the equivalent of rejecting him, and he would help.

You are not welcome, and took out the note given by the shopkeeper before, "This is the name that framed my elder brother for stealing money. Since King Yu is helping, why not be a good person and teach them a lesson. There is also the matter of my elder brother's qualifications, how about giving it to me today?" Arrange it, so you won't have long nights and dreams." But it was not an attitude of asking for help at all.

Wei Ziyu was taken aback by her approaching 'command', and when he realized it, his monstrous face was as dazzling as a flower blooming.

The list is actually not needed at all, but he still took it.

Then he promised, "I won't let you have long nights and dreams."

After finishing speaking, he lowered another piece of jade pendant, "Take it as a bribe, you help me speak well in front of your master, I will borrow your identity, and use it as you like."

Yun Shu glanced at the jade pendant, his eyes paused again, and recognized that it was the same piece as the space.

She knew the ability of this jade pendant, but she didn't want to get involved with him, but before she refused, Wei Ziyu got up and left.

When he walked to the door, he turned around and looked, "Actually, you can come to Yuwangfu if you have nothing to do." After leaving such thought-provoking words, he left gracefully.

Yun Shu withdrew his gaze, stared at the jade pendant in front of him, and put it away after hesitating for a moment.

In the morning of that day, Su Yi came over and told her that Yunfeng had received a notice to apply for the exam, and that the thief who stole the money had been caught, and it was said that the official government servant sent it in person.

What's even more funny is that the thief had a good memory. It was the first time he stole such a small amount of money. He complained for a long time at that time, so when he told which room he stole and how much money he had stolen, all the people present were stunned.

You must know that when Yunfeng was framed for stealing money, those people would say one or two taels.

But among the things that the little thief said, the one who spoke the most was Wuliang, and there were still many words in the back.

The thief described all the layout of the room, including how those people slept at that time, and it didn't look like a fake at all.

Now the truth finally came to light.

The government refunded the "extra" money at the beginning, and those few people were asked to return the money.

It's just that after making a fortune, those people eat and drink every day, so where is the money?In the end, I took out all my assets and owed a lot.

Reluctantly, he had to write an IOU under the certificate of the government office, and promised to pay it off before the scientific examination.

With his qualifications and money back, Yunfeng and his party were all happy for him.

Yun Feng heard that it was Yu Wang who accidentally discovered the thief, and saw the loopholes to clear up Yun Feng's grievances.But he felt that his younger sister must have done something, that King Yu seemed to know his younger sister before, maybe it was his younger sister who found him.

The others didn't think much about it at all, they just said that Yunfeng was lucky.

Only Zhang Feng's eyes stayed on Yun Feng for a long time, and then he curled his lips into a smile as if knowing it.

The plain clothes and thin shirt couldn't stop her bearing, and instantly seemed out of tune with the people around her.

After the elder brother's matter was settled, Yun Shu had nothing to worry about.

Now that Qin Shi is also playing freely, she plans not to tell her until Yunchi's matter is resolved.

Speaking of this, Yun Shu asked Su Yi to check it out.The person who came to the restaurant that night was indeed sent by Yun Chi, because the other party came to the restaurant the next day, but they were stopped by Su San who was guarding nearby.

He removed the opponent's chin in advance so that he could not commit suicide. Later, he used Yun Shu's poison and tortured him in the middle of the night. Only then did the man let go and say that he was the guard of the Marquis Huguo.

According to Yun Shu's request, Su San killed one and released the other.

Because I also want Yunchi to taste the feeling of restlessness.

Actually, what Yun Shu expected was good.

After the man survived and went back, he said that he was stopped and questioned.

When it was heard that he was powerless in the hands of the opponent, Yun Chi sent people twice but was discovered by the opponent.

For the first time he was wary.

I thought Yun Shu came here just to intimidate her, but now it seems that there are other people around her.

In addition, on the second day, people in the mansion said that Yu Wang went to the restaurant where Yun Shu lived, and after isolating outsiders, Yun Chi became even more disturbed. So this girl is actually looking for Yu Wang?
But he thought about it, although he knew about what happened back then, it wasn't him who could control it, even if something happened, it wouldn't be his fault.

And Madam is His Majesty's younger sister, even if she did something she shouldn't, at most she would be punished slightly.

After being uneasy for two or three days, Yun Chi calmly put the matter aside.


It was night, after Qin fell asleep, Yun Shu went to find Su Yi.

When he first arrived in the capital, Su Yi said that Xu Fuyuan hadn't seen any traces, which was different from usual, but Yun Shu didn't take it seriously.

But when she told her elder brother about it in the morning, she said that someone saw someone who looked like Xu Fuyuan and was taken away by a group of people.

The first thing Yun Shu thought of was the group of genius doctor Gu, so he asked Su Yi to investigate.

"I didn't see many people. They said they were a group of well-trained people. I think they should be people from Miracle Doctor Valley."

Moreover, on the way to the capital, the other party sneaked up again later. If it was said that they captured Xu Fuyuan, it would make sense.

"It was my negligence. If he was captured by those people, the old man would have died." The people from the Miracle Doctor Valley aimed to kill Xu Fuyuan. If she could have found him earlier, it would have been a few days now.

Su Yi didn't speak, at least he was the former pavilion master, he never thought that the other party would end up like this.

(End of this chapter)

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