Chapter 262

But at this moment, Su San suddenly pushed the door open, with a rare look of anxiety on his face, "Miss, someone brought a note with an arrow."

Su San must have seen it, but her complexion is not very good.

Yun Shu guessed something in his mind, took the note and looked at it, and it turned out that the letter was about Xu Fuyuan.

But the person who wrote the letter was from the Miracle Doctor Gu, and they said they wanted to save Xu Fuyuan, so they asked Miracle Doctor Su to go to the Wangting Tower in the west of the city tomorrow evening.

"Miraculous Doctor Su? That's not Miss's master, do people from the Valley of Miraculous Doctors want to arrest the Miraculous Doctor?" Su Yi said.

Su San said, "In the past two years, Miss Master's reputation has almost surpassed that of Miracle Doctor Valley. The other party is afraid that they want to kill two birds with one stone. This time it must be a conspiracy."

The two of them thought about it, and no matter how they thought about it, they felt that this invitation was dangerous.

Yun Shu was thinking about other things.

The people from Miracle Doctor Valley can send the letter here because they know that she has a close relationship with Xu Fuyuan.

As for Su Yi and Su San, who followed her, she also gave her the title of 'Master's People', so the other party probably didn't know the identity of their secret cabinet.

So the main purpose is her?

Yun Shu frowned slightly, not because he was afraid of danger, but because he didn't know what the purpose of these people was.

Was it really because she was too popular, so she was eradicated?Yun Shu didn't think it was that simple.

"Miss, do you want to notify the divine doctor?" Su Yi asked.

Yun Shu froze for a moment, remembering that in the past two years she had pretended so perfectly that even the people around her didn't know that her master didn't exist at all.

Then he said, "Let me think about it first, you don't have to worry about this matter." Because whether to go or not is her own business.

Su San seemed to want to say something, but seeing her master's indifferent face, she gave up.

After Yun Shu left.

Su Yi grabbed Su San by the collar and warned, "Don't forget, we belong to the lady, and the teacher of the lady is also important to the lady. As subordinates, we have no right to think about other things." His voice was very indifferent It is indeed his loyalty to Yun Shu.

Su San patted his hand away in displeasure, and when she found that Su Yi wouldn't let go, she could only say, "Didn't I say nothing? Let go of me, what kind of words does that sound like? Don't worry, I'm definitely on the side of the young lady." People here will never do anything harmful to Miss."

Hearing what he said, Su Yi let go.

Su San then sighed, "I just don't want the old pavilion master to die so badly, he used to hate the group of genius doctor Gu the most."

Su Yi didn't speak, so why didn't he know.

But comparing the two, he chose Miss Loyalty.


As the end of the year approaches, the curfew in Beijing is not so strict.

When Yun Shu went back, he chose to walk, and he could still see passers-by trotting with arms folded.

She glanced casually, and was about to go back, but saw a somewhat familiar person leaning against the wall holding a wine bottle at the opposite alley.

It just so happened that the other party came out, staggering, and when Yun Shu looked at him, the other party happened to see her, as if in a trance, the wine in his hand fell to the ground with a 'crash'.

Then he wiped his mouth in a very uncomfortable way, and wanted to come over, but he didn't look at his feet, kicked a stone, his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground with a loud sound.

Looking at the figure lying on the ground less than a few meters in front of her, Yun Shu couldn't help laughing, but with the cover of the face scarf, others couldn't see her emotions.

She immediately turned around and left here, but the man quickly got up and chased after him crookedly, "Wait..."

Yun Shu stopped and looked, "Is there something wrong?"

Yan Zhu touched his sore forehead, shook his head, and then nodded, but it was very different from his usual gentle and elegant appearance, instead he looked dumbfounded.

He seemed at a loss in his eyes, and his expression was even more flustered, like a child who made a mistake.

Yun Shu saw it, and felt a slight bump somewhere in his heart.

She probably knew why Yuanshen liked this man, he was indeed kind of cute.

She calmed down slightly, walked over, and stopped in front of the other party, "When you say that, I also think of one thing."

Yan Zhu looked suspiciously, and saw under the night, the girl fumbled from her sleeve, and then, took out the jade pendant she was carrying that day, handed it over, and put it in his hand.

He froze for a moment. When the jade pendant fell into it, it was inevitable that they would bump into each other. The familiar temperature made his heartache. I may still have thoughts about you. But I... After all, I am not me. Since the jade pendant belongs to you, it should be returned to the original owner. There will be no connection between us in the future, and you don’t have to feel that because of what happened at the beginning And there is guilt, cherish it."

Yupei Yunshu wanted to return it a long time ago, but she never thought that it would be tonight. She glanced at the absent-minded man and nodded goodbye to him.

Yan Zhu pinched the jade pendant that was still warm in his hand, but his whole body was colder than being in the winter snow.

He thought it was still too late, but Yun Shu's words made him understand that what he missed was what he missed, and he didn't have any chance.

This man who had always been strong in front of others, didn't know whether he was drunk or lost control of his emotions, and suddenly squatted on the ground and cried bitterly.

Pedestrians passing by took a curious look, shook their heads and left.

Only the voice was still lingering in the night.

"Give up like that? Didn't you say you love her? This is your persistence?" At some point, a black shadow landed in front of Yan Zhu who was squatting. He gave him a mocking look, left without saying a word. , "It's the lord who missed it. How can a person like you be worthy of Miss Yun."

Yan Zhu was silent on the ground, yes, he is not good enough for her!
But he didn't know that all of this fell into the eyes of Yun Shu who was not far away.

She felt a familiar aura nearby, so she pretended to leave and hide in the space, but she didn't expect to see this scene.

Although the man was masked and hidden, Yun Shu recognized it at a glance, it was Gu An.

She finally understood why everything was so coincidental.

He returned the jade pendant to her, met Yan Zhu again, and happened to know the truth of what Yan Zhu did back then.

Rather than letting it happen naturally, it is better to say that someone is secretly manipulating it.

Did you miss it?
Yes, she also felt that she was mistaken.

It was the first time to treat a man differently, but the other party wanted her to be with someone else.

I really worry about her.

Yun Shu sat in the space, her heart was in a ball, and she opened her mouth only to find that her throat was also sore and uncomfortable.

Forget it, she is not from this world, and men are not that important to her, are they?
After all, she has family.

She sneered, a mocking arc curled up at the corner of her mouth.


The time to meet is today.

After much deliberation, Yun Shusi decided to go, but not in the name of her 'master'.

At noon, Su Yi also prepared what she wanted, but it was long overdue.

When the things were handed over, he said uneasy, "Miss, do you really plan to go by yourself? Even if the things in this box are important to the people in Divine Doctor Valley, this trip is also very risky."

(End of this chapter)

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