Chapter 263

Miracle Doctor Valley has been making a lot of noise in the past six months, just to find the things in the box.

When Ange discovered this by accident, he reported Yun Shu.Yun Shu himself was not interested in this, but later, the genius doctor Gu directly implicated Yun Shu and intercepted them on the road, so Yun Shu asked Su to cut off the other party's things.

At first it was just to warn the other party, and I thought it would be useless to snatch it, but now I have a chance.

Put the box back in the space, had dinner with Qin Shi in the restaurant, and took Qin Shi for a walk on the street. When the time was almost up, he told Su Yi to stay in the restaurant to protect Qin Shi, and Yun Shu headed west of the city.

There was still some time before dusk, and Yun Shu was not in a hurry.

There are many pedestrians coming and going on the street, and there are many masked women.Yun Shu, who was dressed in an ordinary plain dress, was not conspicuous. Unless she looked up and looked around coldly, she would immediately look special, but this was almost never the case.

The Wangting Tower was built 200 years ago. It is said that it was built by the fathers and fathers of the current emperor. At that time, many poets wrote poems to promote it.

And it is spectacular!

The thousand-meter-high steps are shaded by green willow trees on both sides.The sound of the wind blows, and the mixed smell is like the green pine on the mountain, which makes people calm down unconsciously.

Yun Shu walked up the steps step by step, and there were other people along the way.

Because the stairs are steep and require excellent physical strength, most people are out of breath after walking a hundred steps and stop.

Therefore, when seeing a girl with a delicate figure, not blushing, not panting, and always going up at a constant speed, those who missed and didn't hear any violent panting from the girl were all surprised and focused.

But it didn't take long, before they could react, the figure reached the top, and the shock in his eyes was undisguised.

This is not a short distance!

In fact, the distance of a thousand meters was just a small exercise for Yun Shu.

As long as she used the breathing method well, coupled with her years of training achievements, she didn't need to use her internal strength, and it was very easy.

Maybe it was almost dusk, when she looked back, most of those who were coming up soon, or who had only walked halfway, gave up and started walking back.

Yun Shu looked down at the smaller and smaller figures, and finally turned his gaze to the pavilion beside him.

Wangting Tower is indeed a building, but it is a stretch of mountains, composed of many pavilions.The only thing they have in common is that in any of the pavilions, you can overlook the panorama of the street market below the mountain, above everyone else.

Yun Shu was waiting somewhere on the top of the mountain, and when night was about to fall, several figures slid across the sky.

She can feel those auras without turning around, and she even knows how many people there are.

It didn't take long for those people to start approaching, but Yun Shu became more relaxed and sat on the side of the gazebo.

Until the sound of footsteps approached, a group of tightly wrapped men in black stood in front of them, with a low voice, "It seems that Doctor Su didn't care about Xu Fuyuan's life, so he sent his apprentice over here, so there is nothing to say about it That's it." After saying that, he seemed to leave.

"My master really doesn't care much, but didn't you guys bring someone here? Before you leave, I advise you to go back and ask, do you really want the thing that your genius doctor Gu worked so hard to find? If so, you kill it!" When Xu Fuyuan is gone, I will destroy that thing too."

A small square box was in his hand, and Yun Shu played with it idly, looking at them indifferently.

The people in black looked at each other, a few of them were obviously puzzled, but they didn't say anything. They got closer to discuss a few words, and when they were about to speak, there was a voice in the distance, "So it's you!"

The voice was loud and harsh, but familiar.

Hearing the voice, the man in black stepped aside consciously, and saw a pink figure approaching on the long mountain road.She looked at Yun Shu with unconcealed disgust in her eyes, and came with a majestic black whip in one hand.

The person here is Xu Ziyan!

When Yun Shu heard this voice, he took a look, but only glanced away, and then looked away. It turned out that she was from Miracle Doctor Valley.

And Xu Ziyan was furious when she realized that Yun Shu didn't pay much attention to herself.She has been held in the palm of the hands of the people in the valley of genius doctors since she was a child, and she never needs to hide her emotions, because whenever there is anger, it will be vented directly.

So the next moment, the long whip in her hand was already coming towards Yun Shu with a very fierce aura.

Yun Shu sneered, and instead of hiding or dodging, he opened the wooden box and put it in front of him, sitting firmly on the side of the pavilion.

Sure enough, when Xu Ziyan saw the contents of the box, her expression was visibly panicked, and she subconsciously retracted the whip, but how could it be so easy that she fell down in embarrassment and was hurt by the force brought back by the whip, "Bitch It's a bitch who not only robs my people, but also robs me of things... ah!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly felt the cold air in front of her. Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the severe pain on her face. With a scream, she covered her swollen face and looked at Yun Shu angrily.

"I'm still a genius doctor, how powerful are the people in Gu? They don't even know what's wrong with me, yet they dare to speak nonsense in front of me!" Yun Shu looked down at Xu Ziyan condescendingly, and what he said was very meaningful.

Those men in black were startled by Yun Shu's speed, because just now, when Yun Shu came over, they didn't notice her movement at all, and Xu Ziyan got slapped.

At this moment, they all looked at Yun Shu warily, instead of going forward, they surrounded Xu Ziyan behind him.

"Get out of the way, I don't need your protection." Xu Ziyan didn't appreciate it at all. After she stood up, she looked at Yun Shu with prickly eyes, "My surname is Yun, don't think I don't know, you have a close relationship with that traitor Xu Fuyuan .If you don’t leave anything behind today, I’ll kill him right away.”

Yun Shu also sneered, "What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?" At this point, Yun Shu had already thrown away the box in her hand, and at some point she took out the dagger and swiped it in midair, The contents of the box split into two in an instant, "I heard that this thing has an opening, and it must be used within half an hour, otherwise the potency of the medicine will be lost. I just want to know how important this thing is to Miracle Doctor Valley. "

She held the Shenmu root that had been severed in two, and looked at them leisurely, "You have half an hour."

The man in black didn't know the situation at all, and they all looked at Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan obviously cared about the things in Yun Shu's hands, even though she clearly showed anger and hatred towards Yun Shu, after hearing her words, she hardly hesitated Said, "Yun, you will regret it."

Yun Shu looked at her with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes, "I never regret anything I do."

Seemingly not knowing what to say, Xu Ziyan stood unwillingly for a while before ordering to a man in black, "Hurry up and bring him here."

That's obviously not the plan of the man in black to obey orders, but Xu Ziyan is the daughter of their valley owner, and she dared not disobey her words, so she had to obey orders.

 You won’t believe me if I say that I’m almost done writing~~
(End of this chapter)

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