Chapter 268

Maybe it was because he had heard so much unexpected news in the past two days that after hearing this sentence, Yun Shu was actually very calm.

"why do not you answer me?"

Looking at Wei Ziyu who insisted on listening to his own thoughts, Yun Shu's mouth curled up in a displeased or angry way, "It doesn't seem to matter whether I believe it or not, but I remember that Yu Wang seems to believe him very much." Who is he? it goes without saying.

In the dark room, Wei Ziyu showed a mocking smile, but it was hidden again in a blink of an eye.

"Second elder brother has the kindness to know and train me, so I believe him, but..." At this point, Wei Ziyu paused, "Even if this matter is not what he said, it has something to do with him. But I understand what he's doing, so I understand him."

Is it?

Yun Shu suddenly felt that these brothers were wonderful people.

He clearly arranged for a killer to assassinate people many times, but he said that he believed in kindness.

She couldn't understand, and didn't want to understand.The things in the palace are complicated and difficult, and she is not an outsider who can intervene.

But Yun Shu didn't ask, it doesn't mean that Wei Ziyu didn't say, "This king knows that the poison belonged to the second brother, but it was indeed the elder brother who poisoned him. Although I don't know what method he used, but it was very successful, right? Father always likes it." Big brother, everyone is silent this time, he must know in his heart that this is a good opportunity for this king."

The battle between the princes in the palace is complicated, and it can be said that it is a chance. Yun Shu only needs to think about it for a while to understand what it means - the throne!
Maybe it was because the room was dark and he didn't reveal too much of his true emotions, Wei Ziyu said a lot of things that he wouldn't normally say.

Regardless of whether Yun Shu responded or not, he seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, talking about the past between him and Wei Chengfeng.

It turned out that Wei Ziyu's biological mother was not favored. Although she was the top prince, she was often bullied and made things difficult.When he was seven years old, the eldest prince, who is now the crown prince, pushed him into the pond and almost drowned in winter, but was rescued by Wei Chengfeng who happened to be watching the capital.

It was also from then on that Wei Chengfeng, who was already sick, became weaker.

Later, Wei Ziyu gradually learned to protect himself, and his biological mother was promoted to the concubine by chance, and everything finally turned around.

But under the influence of habits, Wei Ziyu is too protective of himself, and his personality looks easy to get along with. Only those who know him well know that he doesn't get along with him, but the only exception is Wei Chengfeng.

After hearing this, Yun Shu seemed to understand why he agreed to take the risk to go to Yudu back then.

It turned out that it was because Wei Chengfeng saved his life.

"No matter what the second brother's purpose is, we are indeed dealing with the same person now. It's just that this king doesn't know how to face him when this obstacle is removed." He has suffered a lot in his previous life, and insists that it is not because of the person everyone is jealous of. throne.

So the person he cares about will soon become an enemy, Wei Ziyu is not sure if he will do it.

"Luo Jin is indeed my man, but at the same time, he is also the man I put next to the prince. I found out about what he did to the second brother later." Even if he knew it at the time, he would not stop him. He believed in Wei Chengfeng's skill.

Only then did Yun Shu realize that Luo Jin was still a double-faced spy, "So while he was working for the prince, he also told you about the prince?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for that, this king wouldn't know, he's eyeing the second brother."

Eyeing Wei Chengfeng?
Yun Shu was a little puzzled. Although Wei Chengfeng gave her an unusual feeling, he was not a threat without a position. Why did the prince follow him?

"Ben Wang's eldest brother is not a fuel-efficient lamp. What he loves the most is thinking about people. You must be thinking that the second brother has nothing, so why should he arrange someone to watch over him? Originally, this king thought the same way, but after thinking about it carefully Brother's movements over the years are clear."

Wei Chengfeng is unwell, but he is a prince after all, his position is to understand the people's sentiments, and he has no real power.

Now that Wei Ziyu said this, Yun Shu couldn't help thinking about it.

Is there something hidden in this understanding of people's sentiments?
Without waiting for her to think about it, Wei Ziyu said again, "I have never told anyone around me about this matter. I came to you today for the sake of cooperation in the future. You just have to hear these words. If you don't like it, you can directly Forget, after all, there are some things that the king himself hasn't figured out yet."

He had never felt that the second brother wanted the throne before, but the news Luo Jin gave could not be false, so he was still not sure what the second brother's intentions were.

So even though he knew that Yun Shu had a 'not shallow' relationship with Wei Chengfeng, he still dared to tell her.

"Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person, besides..." Besides, she has nothing to do with that person.

"The topic seems to be a bit far away, so you should understand now that the genius doctor Gu came to your master because he was actually afraid that he would cure my father's poison, so he wanted to stop your master from being killed." Wei Ziyu finally finished speaking and began to think things to say.

Stop and kill?
Yun Shu couldn't help but pause, so he must have known about it.

Even though she knew that the other party didn't know the relationship between her and her 'master', Yun Shu still felt suffocated when she heard the news suddenly. The oppressive feeling hit her again, and she couldn't help tightening her hands on her knees .

"But this king felt that the effect had been achieved, so he discussed with his father about detoxification. He also knew about the plague back then. He heard that your master's eccentricities are good, so he promised not to care about them, so it depends on your master's decision. Wang thinks, he should not refuse." Wei Ziyu said.

Yun Shu's face darkened, and he snorted, "Since you have told the emperor, if my master disagrees, wouldn't it be shameful?"

Hearing the dissatisfaction in her words, Wei Ziyu was a little apologetic, "I didn't think carefully about this matter, but this is also a chance for you to turn around, isn't it? I heard that you have already been to the Huguohou's Mansion. There must be evidence, this time you can ask your master for a chance to reverse the case, which is better than doing it yourself."

Yun Shu's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't thought about it before.

After being told by Wei Ziyu, combined with the comparison of the two plans, Yun Shu already had a decision in mind.

Both left and right cannot be avoided, not to take advantage of this opportunity as Wei Ziyu said.

It just so happened that the evidence had been stored for a few days, which was long enough.

"Then tonight. I'll go find my master now and meet at the gate of the palace in the evening." Whenever Yun Shu made a decision, he would definitely not delay.

Wei Ziyu was still thinking about how to persuade her, but when Yun Shu opened his mouth, he even set the time, but tonight was too anxious, "The time can be a few days later, after all, the genius doctor Gu is eyeing you, I need to make arrangements..."

"Do you think my master needs protection?" Yun Shu interrupted him directly, "Let's not talk about your magic doctor's valley, it's the imperial palace. If my master doesn't want to stay, no one can stop him, so don't worry about Yu Wang, the time is set like this , you can use the remaining half day to prepare."

After Yun Shu finished speaking, she didn't plan to stay any longer. She had to go back to find her 'master' first if she had to do a full set of acting.

Only Wei Ziyu remained stunned, watching the girl leave decisively.

The opened door penetrated into the light, reflected on Wei Ziyu's monstrous face, those captivating peach blossom eyes, after being stunned, a soft smile flashed across.

(End of this chapter)

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