Chapter 269

Wei Ziyu really knew very little about that genius doctor.

But although Yun Shu was surprised by those words, he still accepted them.

However, I still have some doubts about being able to stay freely in the palace. It's not that he is exaggerating. The security in the palace is impregnable. Unless her master is a fairy, it is unlikely that she will have this ability.

If not, those fighting people, why bother to fight each other, just ask her master for help, isn't it all right?
Probably realizing that he was thinking too far, Wei Ziyu shook his head and stood up.


When Yun Shu left Prince Yu's Mansion, he was still turning over from the wall. Luo Jin was watching from a distance, with his arms folded. Although his face was covered, Yun Shu knew that he must be staring at him with that half-smile again. look at yourself.

She fell to the ground with a cold face, and went to the restaurant while reviewing the conversation with Wei Ziyu just now.

All the evidence is in her own hands, she doesn't need to look for Su Yi and the others, but it's a bit troublesome to change clothes, because no matter if it's Wei Ziyu or the people from the genius doctor Gu, they will just mix in these people and stare at her.

It's really troublesome, it would be great if they could all be caught and killed.

Yun Shu lowered his head to suppress the anger in his eyes.

After all, she still went around to a place with few people. She walked a long way, until she walked out of the city, and found that there were not many people, so she deliberately used lightness kung fu to leave.

She entered the mountain and turned around aimlessly, then entered the space.

After staying in the space for about two hours, Yun Shu deliberately wiped a lot of sweat on his forehead, and made his clothes dirtier than before before walking out of the deep mountain.

As soon as she entered the city, Yun Shu felt the sight of her surroundings. She snorted coldly in her heart, pretended not to know, and went back to the restaurant.

These two days, if Yun Shu is not around, Su Yi will definitely be by Qin's side.

It was still early when Yun Shu went back, and Su Yi accompanied Qin Shi out of the house, but unexpectedly there was someone in her room.

"You're finally back." Xu Fuyuan, who was dozing off at the desk, woke up suddenly when he heard the door opening, and turned his head to see Yun Shu with a smile on his face.

But Yun Shu always felt that it was better for Xu Fuyuan to have a calculating face, because his smiling face was just like those dried sunflowers, too ugly to bear to look at.

Seeing the disgust in Yun Shu's eyes, Xu Fuyuan restrained his smile, but the flattery in his eyes was as dazzling, "Yun Shu, you see, we have known each other for so long, and we both know medical skills. When you asked for my pill, Didn't I give it to you too, so...the medicine from last time, can you give me one too?"

What Xu Fuyuan thought was that if Yun Shu didn't tell him the formula, then he would study it by himself.

Of course, be prepared to be rejected by Yun Shu.But he also decided that if he couldn't get something, he would stay here and not leave.

Yun Shu was about to speak when he suddenly glanced at the rear window.

Usually no one would be in the alley under the rear window, but at this moment, there were a few auras that suddenly appeared, and they must have been the people watching her.

Yun Shu was about to say something, but when she realized this, she suddenly had an idea in her heart, and the way she stared at Xu Fuyuan became thoughtful.

"You... What are you doing looking at me like that? It's scary." Xu Fuyuan was about to step back when Yun Shu signaled him to shut up. He didn't intend to listen, but he saw a bottle in Yun Shu's hand at some point , It seemed to be the one he gave himself yesterday, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quietly stopped talking.

Yun Shu knew the abilities of the people outside. As long as he lowered his voice, they would not be able to hear him.

So, relying on the pill in her hand, she signaled Xu Fuyuan to come over, and whispered her request, "...As long as you finish this matter for me, the pill will be yours."

It stands to reason that Xu Fuyuan was happy, but he always felt a little weird, "But... will it be discovered?"

Yun Shu's request was beyond his expectation, so no matter how much he liked the pill, he couldn't help being cautious.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a cutscene. I assure you that nothing will happen to you." Yun Shu said in a seductive voice, "Speaking of which, it seems to be doing me a favor. If you do well, maybe the pill Now, he can remind you a thing or two, don't you always want to see him?"

Xu Fuyuan was even more moved.

He thought about it, scratched his beard for a while, and finally made up his mind, "Okay, I'll just trust you once."

"Well, I'll tell you how to do it again..."

The two people in the room were talking in a low voice, I don't know what they were talking about, the voice was so small that people outside couldn't hear it at all.

When Xu Fuyuan left the room, nothing could be seen on his face, but the smile was not as deep as when he came.

Yun Shu, on the other hand, was sitting in the room, drinking tea unhurriedly.

She gazed through the rear window, precisely looking at every location where those people were hiding, and then snorted coldly, not paying attention.

When Qin came back in the evening, she was not as happy as the previous two times.

Yun Shu remembered that she had been meeting her former friend for the past two days. She didn't know much about that person, but Su Yi said she was a gentle woman.

She must have a good personality, otherwise Qin wouldn't go there frequently.

Qin didn't say much, Yun Shu asked Xiao Er to bring hot water and food, and she and Su Yi went next door.

Because she had to take care of the Qin family, Yun Shu simply rented out the room next door and left it for Su Yi to live in.

As soon as the two of them entered the room, Su Yi understood something. Before Yun Shu could ask, he said, "When Madam was going today, I met a few people I knew before. Those people didn't speak nicely to Madam, and Madam's playmate I didn't help much with talking, and then came back."

Everyone knows what happened back then. When the Qin family was kicked out with their children, no one helped them.

Yun Shu could almost understand what was going on.

I'm afraid that the gentle woman would get together with the Qin family occasionally out of the idea of ​​not offending others, but she would not intervene in anything involved.

Qin must have seen it, so she was in a bad mood.

"This matter will be resolved soon, since it's not a true friend, it's fine." Yun Shu said lightly.

As soon as Su heard something, "Miss is planning to do something?"

"En." Yun Shu nodded.

That night, Yun Shu asked Su Yi to rest, and went back to the room by herself. After watching Qin Shi have eaten, he put some medicinal powder with a calming effect into the teacup and handed it to her. Seeing that she was sleepy not long after drinking, Yun Shu helped her to bed again, and she didn't leave the room until she was asleep.

At the gate of the palace, Wei Ziyu had been waiting for a long time. Two rows of guards surrounded the road, and there were no strangers around.

Just when Wei Ziyu was thinking about whether the genius doctor had changed his mind, he saw a wrapped figure approaching slowly in the distance.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time." The voice was deep and hoarse, like the age in the legend.

Although Wei Ziyu was curious, he didn't want to look at him frequently, so he nodded and went in to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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