Chapter 276

"Can you make way?" The voice was as clear as a spring, and as pleasant as flowing water. The people standing at the stairs subconsciously looked at it, but couldn't help but hold their breath. They had completely unconsciously moved out of the way.

The man nodded his thanks, with a smile on his face.

This movement was not only seen by the people nearby, Yun Qingyue and the young lady beside her also glanced at the attic. When they looked at the man who came, they were stunned tomorrow, what a handsome man!

On the contrary, Yun Qingyue saw that this face was a little familiar, she seemed uncertain, she just stared at that face, her face flushed slightly.

Although there are many handsome men and women in the capital, there are not many who are as handsome as the one in front of them without losing the masculinity.

Yun Qingyue is no longer as domineering as before, she puts her hands in front of her face, and at first glance, she has such a demeanor, but it is a pity that no matter how boldly she pays attention, after that person comes up, she walks in a direction that is not the most honorable person present the person, but the woman who was rude to her.

"Are you in trouble?" The friend-like tone made the people around them speculate about the relationship between the two.

But Yun Shu raised her eyebrows slightly and did not answer. The surprise in her eyes had not yet subsided, and she smiled happily when she saw Pei Yu's eyes.

It was Qin who felt familiar when he heard the voice, and when he looked at the face again, he was obviously happy, "Pei Yu, when did you come to the capital?"

For more than two years, Pei Yu and Yun Shu have seen each other often, and he himself has no airs, and he has a lot closer relationship with the Qin family, and he speaks freely.

It was only then that Pei Yu noticed that the Qin family was also there, took a look, and nodded slightly, "Auntie! I decided to come here at the last minute, a little suddenly, I wanted to inform you, but I didn't realize that you also came to the capital."

"It's a coincidence, I'm here temporarily too." As he spoke, he glanced at his daughter, but couldn't hear the difference in Pei Yu's tone.

Yun Shu heard that Pei Yu was complaining that she came to the capital but didn't inform him. Thinking that the two of them knew each other well, it was a little too much, so she interjected, "You don't like the capital?"

Hearing that Yun Shu was prevaricating him, Pei Yu had no choice but to say, "If you don't like it, you can't do it. In the past, the palace banquets are always missed. This year, I came on behalf of the Pei family."

Yun Shu thought to himself, what a coincidence, I'm afraid this palace banquet will be in the future.

Before she could speak, another voice suddenly came, "Pei's family? Are you from Concubine Pei's family, the Pei family from the merchant?"

At first glance, there is no problem with these words, but the merchants are mentioned emphatically.

Pei Yu frowned slightly, but it was a pity that only Yun Shu in front of him saw this little move, and he recovered in an instant.

He turned around and looked at Yun Qingyue who was standing in the distance, and said indifferently, "What Miss said is very true." Then he said nothing else.

Anyone can see that Pei Yu is not stingy with the masked woman's smile, and is indifferent to Yun Qingyue.

Yun Qingyue was not stupid, she was ashamed from the bottom of her heart, and blurted out, "So what if it's Concubine Pei? This princess is the princess of the Huguohoufu, and you, the son of a merchant, dare to despise me like this!"

Madam Nie's eyebrows twitched when she heard it, and it was too late to stop it.

Yun Qingyue didn't know how powerful the Pei family's business was, but Mrs. Nie knew it all.

The Pei family's business spread all over the country, and the reason for coming to the palace banquet this time is probably not because of Concubine Pei, but because of the influence of the Pei family.Although this Yun Qingyue is the Princess of the Hou Mansion, she is obviously not thankful for the Pei family.

"It turned out to be the princess, but Pei Yu's blind eyes didn't recognize him, and he has seen the princess!" said a cold and indifferent sentence.

It was as if forced by Yun Qingyue to salute.

Everyone knows that in Dazhou this year, apart from Nanyuan's foreign crimes, the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful. For this reason, Wei Xian once issued an order, whether it is the emperor's grandchildren or high-ranking officials, there is no need for the common people to salute if they don't wear palace clothes.

Pei Yu's way of doing this is still very face-saving.

Yun Qingyue was not relieved, her pretty face flushed with anger.

On the contrary, Hu Lingli saw this situation, and after her gossip eyes slid over Yun Shu and Pei Yu, she heard what the two said about the palace banquet, so she deliberately squeezed her way up, and said in a loud voice, "What a coincidence, you are all going to attend the Palace of Tomorrow Banquet? We are really destined."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Pei Yu again and said, "Speaking of fate, I have to mention it. Mr. Pei, you don't know that some people just wanted to snatch this girl's clothes, you have to protect them well. "

Steal her clothes?
Pei Yu subconsciously glanced at Yun Shu, feeling in his heart that no one has this ability.

Seeing the three boxes held by Xiuniang behind her again, he suddenly remembered what the steward here had inquired for him before, that was Ming Wu.

"Master Xue!" Pei Yu suddenly called out, but seeing a man and a woman who had been waiting at the bottom of the stairs early in the morning, they hurriedly came up to him, "Here you are, what do you want, Eldest Young Master?"

It was a rich-looking woman, and everyone present could almost recognize her as the shopkeeper behind the Jinxiu Pavilion.

But now the shopkeeper nodded and bowed to Pei Yu.

"This girl is my friend. The clothes she made are recorded in my account, and the money collected should be returned."

The shopkeeper Xue was just stunned for a moment, and then realized, "Where is the young master, Jinxiu Pavilion is your property, and there is no need to keep accounts. I will go and prepare money for the young lady."

Pei Yu frowned, "No, this is a personal gift from me."

The shopkeeper Xue was even more surprised, seeing Yun Shu in a different way now.

And Yun Shu didn't even have a chance to refuse from the beginning to the end. Seeing the astonished eyes of the people around him and understanding what Pei Yu meant, he didn't say a word.

Since he wants to find a place for himself, just let him go, at worst, he will give him the money later.

"It just so happened that I came here for nothing, so I'll take you and auntie back home." Pei Yu naturally took the box from Xiu Niang, and went downstairs without any doubt.

Instead, he went to the stairs and caught a glimpse of the guards, but he suppressed his smile, "Everyone is making a knife in my Jinxiu Pavilion, this time Pei will pretend he didn't see it, so the princess can do it for himself."

Yun Qingyue originally said to stop the person, but when Pei Yu saw her warning eyes, she was speechless.

Those guards dared not move.

Yun Shu didn't even look at Yun Qingyue and the others, and helped Qin Shi down the stairs.

Hu Lingli followed, but before leaving, she snorted provocatively at Yun Qingyue, who was very angry.

"They're all a bunch of stupid pigs, what's the use of you guys in this county!"

Already downstairs, Yun Qingyue's voice could be clearly heard.

Pei Yuquan pretended not to hear, and Yun Shu didn't even look at them. Only Hu Lingli looked at them with admiration.

She was about to strike up a conversation and ask the names of the two, but one of them was lost in thought, and when she looked again, the figures of the three had disappeared into the crowd.

Forget it, anyway, one of them was named Pei, so she would find out by asking.As for the other one, if you find him tomorrow, you will also find the other party.

I thought this palace banquet would be boring, but now Hu Lingli was looking forward to it instead.

(End of this chapter)

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