Chapter 277

Pei Yu Ruyan escorted the mother and son to the restaurant, and Yun Shu took advantage of the opportunity to invite him to lunch at the restaurant.

"The Pei family has a lot of houses in the capital, and I can arrange one for you." He felt that the restaurant was very inconvenient.

Yun Shu refused, "I don't plan to stay here any longer. We'll leave after the big brother's scientific examination, so there's no need to bother."

She has always done things casually and decisively. Pei Yu knew that it would be difficult to change her attention, so he didn't say much, "That's fine, if you need it, you can come to me. There's nothing you can do about big things, but you can still help you with small things."

Yun Shu then remembered what happened just now. If it wasn't for him, she might have moved her hands just now, and said sincerely, "Thank you for your help just now. Shopkeeper Xue has already given me the money, and it's all here. You can take it."

A stack of bank notes, at first glance, is not a small amount.

But Pei Yu didn't take a second look, instead his smile faded a bit, "Didn't I say that the clothes are a personal gift from me, even though we...we are not friends anyway."

After finishing speaking, he pushed along the trend and returned the silver ticket, "Just treat me as being generous to my friends."

On the other hand, Qin Shi didn't expect those sets of clothes to be so expensive, and she was still in a state of respite, and was even more surprised to hear that Pei Yu didn't want the money.

That's a lot.

Yun Shu didn't like to push and push. Seeing that Pei Yu didn't plan to accept it, she said, "After I get back, I'll help Master Pei go to the doctor, and this will be your consultation fee for me."

"Okay, I'll be troublesome then..." Pei Yu was relieved when she heard that she wouldn't give it, and took the words along the way. He just said something, but he didn't mean something, and suddenly raised his head to look at Yun Shu, "Can you cure me?" My father's illness?"

Yun Shu drank tea, raised his eyelids halfway, "It's not a disease, it's caused by tossing."

No matter how she described it, Pei Yu's eyes were already shining, but he thought of something, with doubts on his face, "I remember asking you before, didn't you say it can't be cured?"

At the beginning, Yun Shu was the most popular, and it's not that Pei Yu never thought of asking her to help treat Master Pei, but after mentioning it, Yun Shu looked unpredictable and didn't answer.

Thinking of this too, Yun Shu felt a little embarrassed, "I didn't answer, it's not that it can't be cured, but that I don't want to be cured."

When she said it so bluntly, Pei Yu was stunned.

The Qin family next to him coughed, Yun Shu saw this and said straightforwardly, "I don't do much to help people who don't like me. At the beginning, he blatantly asked people to investigate me, making me look down on me, and your father's fate It won't be fatal for the time being, so..."

It would be better not to explain.

Although he knew that she was speaking straight, Pei Yu still couldn't avoid being a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I didn't know my father did that."

"There's nothing to apologize for. It's been so long. It was because of this before, and later because I was busy. But this time you helped me, and I will help you too." In fact, in the original investigation, Master Pei was really Very straightforward, several groups of people have been here, and they are not professionals.

When Yun Shu first saw Master Pei, he couldn't say whether he liked it or not, but later he directly had some opinions.

Now that it's been a long time, she feels that she takes an outsider too seriously, so she relaxes.

When Pei Yu heard her words, he showed the same expression as before.

Now he still can't see that Yun Shu deliberately distanced himself from him.Maybe it was unconscious, but it was her real thoughts.

But he didn't regret his move this time.

The three of them ordered a table of dishes, but in the end they ate most of them. Before leaving, they made an appointment to enter the palace together tomorrow, and Pei Yu left first.

When Pei Yu left, Qin could not help but ask her daughter, "Mother always feels that Pei Yu's visit this time is not for a palace banquet, but..."

"Mother, it's good to understand some things in your heart, so you don't need to say it." Yun Shu interrupted her in time. This idea is not only shared by Qin, but also by her.

Long before, Pei Yu had directly hinted at her intentions, but Yun Shu declined, so she didn't want to talk about it again.

Pei Yu is a good partner, at least she hopes that the two can continue to work together.

The daughter's words made her guess more certain. Qin didn't ask questions, but just looked at her daughter again and again, not hiding her regret.

She likes Pei Yu very much, that child is really nice.


The palace banquet is scheduled at Shenshi, but the palace gate will be opened at Chenshi, which means that those who are invited can stay freely in the palace for a day.

Pei Yu's carriage came from Shen Shi. Although it was very early, Yun Shu and Qin Shi had already woken up at this time.

Putting on yesterday's new clothes, Qin Shi put on her own makeup, combed her hair, and put on some jewelry.

When she turned her head around, Yun Shu stared blankly for a long time before realizing that the luxurious woman in front of her was her own mother.

The astonishing gaze was undisguised, and Qin's daughter, who was watched even if she had some skill, felt embarrassed.

In fact, apart from the novelty of the dress, Yun Shu's custom-made clothes also played a big role.

A smudge-like lavender, unassuming but exuding extravagance.

And Qin's face is originally majestic, echoing from top to bottom, it is naturally eye-catching.

Yun Shu, on the other hand, wanted to order a dress of the same material for herself to match her mother, but after putting it on, she felt it was too eye-catching.

They were all considering whether to change their bodies, but Qin grabbed his hands.

"My daughter is indeed the most beautiful, mother will dress you up." Qin's face just said, my daughter is the most beautiful in the whole world, and she is also extremely beautiful with moving eyes.

In the end, she couldn't hold back Qin Shi, so Yun Shu only agreed to put on some light makeup and brought a set of simple and elegant accessories.

But after the results came out, she was still stunned by the person in the mirror.

Although she knew how to dress up, Yun Shu never thought about dressing herself up.

Qin shi tried her best to make her daughter look good, so she gave her a simple but eye-catching makeup.

So even Yun Shu looked at it for a while, and was about to raise her hand, but was discovered by Qin, who stopped her from destroying her labor success in time, "Mother thinks it's very beautiful, doesn't Shu'er like it?"

Yun Shu really wanted to say that she didn't like it, it was too eye-catching, but when she touched Qin's expectant eyes, she could only say, "No, mother's craftsmanship is very good."

But before leaving the room, she still chose to cover her face.

Qin Shi didn't know when to buy it. It was very similar to the color of the clothes on her body. It was a light blue color, a little thin, and showed some facial features.

She always felt that covering her face like this was more conspicuous than showing her face.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant inadvertently raised his head and was obviously stunned when he saw the two people walking down the stairs.

Unexpectedly, the ordinary mother and daughter who went in and out in the past, changed their clothes and heads, and they turned out to be very different.

It wasn't until the person walked to the door that the shopkeeper realized it, and asked curiously, "Mrs. and Miss are very different today. I don't know where they are going?"

Qin Shi wanted to talk about finding a friend, but Yun Shu stopped her in advance, "Go to the palace."

Enter the palace?

Unexpectedly, these two people still have this ability. The shopkeeper was stunned for a long time, and when he realized it, he only saw them getting into a very luxurious carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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