Chapter 281

The people upstairs were obviously frightened, but no one moved.

When people breathed a sigh of relief, the Ninth Prince swayed on the tree with a 'bird' on his back.

Although it avoided falling, the branch was not too thick, and it would break sooner or later. The other party was still shaking because of fear, and the speed of breaking would be accelerated.

Qin's face turned pale with fright, and Hu Lingli next to her was not much better. It was not the first time that this kind of thing happened. It is said that last time the Ninth Prince was injured, everyone around him was punished. What's the matter, the group of them will at least be held hostage by the Queen.

Yun Shu watched coldly, not intending to make a move at all.

On the contrary, because of nervousness, Qin grabbed her arm and looked as if she was the one who was about to fall.

When Xu Fuyuan heard the movement, he looked at it with great interest. He didn't know what to think of, and stared at Yun Shu for a long time, "Actually, this is an opportunity."

"What chance?" asked with a frown.

"You didn't hear what the little girl said just now, this Ninth Prince is the queen's favorite son, if you save him, at least the queen will treat you differently." This is an extremely flattering tone.

Yun Shu snorted coldly, "No need."

Xu Fuyuan knew what she would say, and looked at the person in the distance sympathetically, "Hey, falling from that distance, a normal person would probably die from the fall, poor child, I think your mother doesn't want the other party to die, but you I don't want to save people."

Although the two were talking just now, their voices were not high, but at the end, Xu Fuyuan raised his voice,
Knowing his intentions, Yun Shu's brows thumped, and just as she was about to speak, Qin Shi and Hu Lingli looked at him at the same time, obviously asking, can you save him?
Xu Fuyuan retired and became a wooden man.

Yun Shu met the two pairs of eyes and sighed deeply, "Do you really want me to save you?"

"If Shu'er has a way, save her, that child looks about the same age as your elder brother..." There was indeed a pitiful expression on the back.

Although Hu Lingli didn't say anything, she meant the same thing.The point is that if you save the queen, you can't blame them. This is to avoid trouble.

But they didn't know that at the same time, when everyone was in a panic, the guards from far away and King Yu all came here.

They heard that the Ninth Prince was going to play trapeze, and they were rushing here. When they heard the sound, they knew it was late.

Wei Ziyu just happened to meet the guards who were dispatched, so he heard something and followed him to watch.

When he came, the Ninth Prince was hanging on the tree, looking very embarrassed, not as dignified as before.

He measured the distance with his eyes, and his martial arts were not enough.

The guards were also anxious, not because of anything else, but the tree was a bit tall.But thinking so in his heart, he still went there, planning to climb the tree first.

"Wow!" The crowd suddenly exclaimed.

Several guards saw that everyone was pointing upwards, their faces were full of surprise and shock, and they looked up, only to see a figure passing by like lightning in mid-air, who could be recognized from the fluttering dress. The woman was also shocked.

Wei Ziyu was also looking at him, that figure flew past his head, the look of surprise on his face was still there, a face suddenly popped up in his mind, and his expression became meaningful.Yun Shu didn't feel anything.

After that guy Xu Fuyuan tricked him, he became a spectator, and he was too conceited that he couldn't do it, so he didn't dare to replace him.

Yun Shu had no choice but to do it herself. She still remembered Qin Shi and Hu Lingli's stunned expressions when she climbed over the railing. She probably never thought that this is how she said to save people.

Yun Shu has continuously improved her internal strength in the past two years, and this distance is not difficult for her.

She flicked away in mid-air, but the skirt was too flamboyant, and she always felt that many people were staring at her, pretending not to see it.

When she flew to the tree, the branch held by Ninth Prince Wei Xuan just couldn't support it, so she gathered strength from the tree trunk, took advantage of the opportunity to grab the falling figure of the opponent, and swooped down.

"Help! I don't want to die!" The Ninth Prince yelled loudly. People who didn't say they were afraid before didn't dare to open their eyes now. They didn't even know that there was another person beside them. They were still yelling until they fell to the ground.

Seeing that his goal had been reached, Yun Shu was about to leave when he heard a familiar voice, "Yun Shu?"

She heard the sound and looked, and met Wei Ziyu's interested eyes, glanced at him lightly, and continued to leave.

The eyes of the people around were all on Yun Shu, wanting to see how divine that girl who could fly was, but unfortunately they only looked at a scarf covering her face, and vaguely saw that face was no worse than the most beautiful woman in the capital.

The guard was a little slow to react, and helped Wei Xuan, whose legs were limp and fell to the ground, who was still screaming.

"Ninth Prince, you are fine, you have reached the ground."

It wasn't until the guard kindly reminded him that the voice suddenly stopped.Wei Xuan opened his eyes in disbelief, and found that he was not in mid-air, nor felt any pain, and was sitting on the ground.

He touched his body in disbelief, then looked at his hands, and then touched the 'bird man' on his body gratefully, "This king knows that what he did this time was the most successful. Did you see it clearly just now?" , Did this king successfully fly?"

The guards were startled, some didn't know how to speak.

Wei Ziyu couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. He is a dignified prince, playing such unsafe tricks, and now he doesn't pay attention to his image at all.

He pulled away the guards in front of Wei Xuan and looked down at the young man on the ground, "I didn't see the man who flew up, but saw one who fell on the ground. Ninth Brother, if someone just saved you just now, do you think you are still alive?" Can you stand here properly? Don't do this kind of thing again, otherwise I won't speak for you next time Father speaks."

Wei Ziyu mercilessly exposed Wei Xuan's dream, and even taught him a lesson in a bad tone.

Wei Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what he was saying, and immediately became sluggish, "So it still didn't fly." It was true that he didn't hear Wei Ziyu's other words at all.

"My lord..." The guards shouted softly when they saw Wei Ziyu's downcast face.

But that person didn't know it at all, and it took about a while before he stood up, as if he had come to his senses, "The fifth brother just said that someone saved me, who saved me?"

Wei Ziyu saw that he was still holding the thing like a baby, so he didn't bother to talk to him, and left directly.

The guards were sweating even more, Wei Xuan simply didn't care at all, seeing that he didn't say anything, he asked the guards again.

The guard only needs to tell him the scene just now, "Actually, the prince almost fell down just now, and then we saw..."

Before Wei Ziyu left, he looked up at the place where Yun Shu was walking, but he didn't see the other person's figure. Thinking that she didn't pay attention to his appearance before, he twitched his lips and left here.

On the other side, Yun Shu picked a forest to go through. If she went to the attic now, she would be stared at.

Just now I saw Qin's coming down, and he should come here soon.

Just as he was waiting, another person came in from Lin Zi. That person looked straight at Yun Shu, sizing her up as he walked, "I can't tell, you can do light work?"

(End of this chapter)

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