Chapter 282

The voice was so frivolous that Yun Shu knew who it was without turning around.

He snorted coldly, "There are many things that King Yun doesn't know." His tone was already blunt.

Yun Zhe saw someone flying downstairs just now, and he was amazed by his appearance. Before everyone could react, he went downstairs very quickly, and then came after Yun Shu.

It's a pity that this woman is the same as before, making him lose his temper.

Yun Zhe chuckled, his greedy eyes rested on Yun Shu's face, as if he was recalling the original appearance of this face.

Yun Shu frowned and continued walking forward.Knowing that she was going to leave, Yun Zhe didn't do what she wanted, he used to look at people who were not very good, but now he would flexibly stand in front of her.

"Little lady, you haven't answered my question yet. Is this the first time you have come to this palace? Although the king of this county doesn't know how you came here before, he has the skills of the world. What's the matter, you're going to run out of food." Yun Zhe looked at Yun Shu in a threatening tone.

He was sure that if a woman like Yun Shu had been to a palace banquet, he would not have known about it.The first thing that comes to mind is which family members, and this kind of family members are mostly wary of the palace, and he would be terrified as long as he was slightly frightened.

It's a pity that what happened next didn't go as Yun Zhe expected.

The woman didn't even move her eyebrows, she was about to leave if she missed him.

This is not the first time, Yunzhe was patient once or twice, but now he only feels face, his brows and eyes are all ruthless, "Stop! It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine. Today, the county lord I will teach you a lesson..."

Does that weak chicken want to challenge her again?

When Yun Shu heard these words, he snorted coldly, thinking that she would not dare to do anything if she thought it was the palace.

She looked over impatiently, but what caught her eyes made her slightly stunned.

Yun Zhe, who was talking wildly, seemed to come over to make a move, but at this moment, his raised hand was restrained by one person.

When Yun Shu looked over, the man also took a look, his eyes were calm, but when he turned his head to look at Yun Zhe, there was a turmoil inside, and his voice was cold and sharp, "Master Yun's hand is stretched too long, my king's When will people need you to teach me a lesson." After speaking, Yun Zhe took a few steps back in embarrassment as he loosened his hands.

He obviously knew Wei Chengfeng, and he took a quick look at Yun Shu, with some fear in his eyes.

Seeing that he still hadn't left, Wei Chengfeng's brows and eyes darkened again.

Yun Zhe found that the atmosphere was not right, so he didn't dare to stay longer, "So it's the second prince's person, I was reckless, the previous thing was a misunderstanding, I'm leaving now." Then he ran faster than a rabbit.

When there were only two people here, the man's eyes finally fell again. His eyes stayed on Yun Shu's clothes, and then fell on her face. Press it down, only the voice came faintly, just as indifferent, but less alienated, "I'll let Su Yi follow you."

how?Want to send someone to protect her?
Yun Shu reacted from what happened just now, and when he heard this, his first feeling was a surge of anger.

She also suppressed her emotions, and said with a sneer, "The Second Prince and I are just passers-by who have met a few times, and we can't bear this honor. Although what happened just now was unnecessary, thank you for your help and leave."

The moment she turned around, her wrist was grabbed by the opponent, Wei Chengfeng stepped over and looked down.

"Talking to me like this will make you happy?" His eyes seemed darkened, as if he was suppressing some emotions, his hands tightly held his palms and wrists, and Yun Shu's heart skipped a beat when he touched the slightly rough skin, "I don't want to See you suffer any grievances."

She hurriedly broke free, took a step back to keep a distance, "That's your business, I'm not interested in knowing."

Just as someone was coming on the road ahead, Yun Shu took the opportunity to leave.

This time there was no sound from behind, and he did not chase after him.Although he had prepared himself for a long time, Yun Shu still felt blocked.

It seemed that he hadn't seen him for a few days, and his face was paler than before. When he got close to him just now, Yun Shu clearly saw the bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

She guessed that Xu Ziyan was not awake, so she worried about suffering day and night, right?
Thinking of this, Yun Shu's expression became even colder.

After searching for a long time from the other side, they finally saw Yun Shu's three members of the Qin family. Before they came over, they felt the cold air emanating from that slender body.

Hu Lingli wanted to ask excitedly about what happened just now, but Qin's eyes caught her and shook her head, "Shu'er seems to be in a bad mood, so don't go there."

Xu Fuyuan shook his head next to him, speaking at such a close distance, that stinky girl must be able to hear him.

Yun Shu did hear it. She raised her head and glanced at the three of them. Realizing her current expression, she calmed down slightly. She walked over, "Let's go, there's nothing to keep here."

These few people agreed that after the Ninth Prince heard that a woman had saved him just now, he made people start looking for Yun Shu aimlessly.

Fortunately, they noticed Yun Shudao's place before and joined him.

Turning back now will definitely be found by many people, and none of them like to be lively.

The attic, the quietest place, was no longer quiet, so there was no need to think about the nearby garden. A few people simply walked along the quiet path, and finally found an unnoticed pavilion to go to rest.

Maybe it was because the expression on Yun Shu's face gradually softened along the way.

Being urged by Hu Lingli again and again, Mrs. Qin took her daughter's hand and became concerned, "Is Shu'er okay just now? Mother thought that what your master said to save people was to help see a doctor. When she saw you turned out, mother was terrified. "As if remembering the scene just now, Qin couldn't help clutching his chest.

Yun Shu was speechless, so her mother thought she would go down and wait for the Ninth Prince to fall down, and then see a doctor for him?
Even Hu Lingli nodded in agreement, but she was not thinking about seeing a doctor, but about using other methods.

But now her mind is full of the stunning scene of Yun Shu's flight just now, and her heart is still beating.

When she read the storybooks before, she was particularly envious of those martial arts masters, but she never thought that Yun Shu, whom she knew unintentionally, was actually a hidden master.

"Yun Shu, you were really beautiful just now, I was dumbfounded. The people below were also dumbfounded. After the palace banquet at night, there will definitely be many people staring at you." Hu Lingli said emotionally.

Yun Shu sighed helplessly, yes, this was the last scene she wanted to see.

The four of them chatted for a while in the pavilion, of course it was said that there were four of them, but only Qin Shi and Hu Lingli were really involved.

It's a quiet place, with a beautiful view, and it's not bad to have a voice to speak with.

So Xu Fuyuan simply didn't want to pretend to be lying on the side and fell asleep.

Until the sky was getting dark, the voices of the guards reminding them to enter the palace banquet came from a distance, Yun Shu stepped forward and kicked Xu Fuyuan, "Wake up, you can go."

Qin Shi and Hu Lingli happened to see this scene, and they both stared.

Probably because he didn't expect Yun Shu to treat his master like this.

(End of this chapter)

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