Chapter 286

Not far away, the guard of the country, Yun Chi, had just recovered from the mess. When he heard Yun Shu's refusal, he was relieved, but he didn't see his son who was sitting next to him suddenly get up and rush out.

Madam Hou was still gnashing her teeth, when an inattentive son ran out, she was stunned.

Not only her, but also Yun Chi was startled by the figure kneeling in the middle when he was run out, and after hearing what his son said after kneeling on the ground, he almost lost his temper.

"Empress, I think this marriage is very good. As long as you nod, I will take care of the rest. I hope the queen can make an order to fulfill us as soon as possible."

The appearance of Yun Zhe was unexpected by everyone, but it was taken for granted by everyone.

Who doesn't know that Yun Zhe is a womanizer, and when he walks on the street and sees beautiful girls, he will be amusing.Now a great beauty descended from the sky, not to mention Yun Zhe, even they were reluctant to let her go.

On the side, Yun Chi and Madam came to their senses angrily for a long time, their faces were black and red, but they couldn't speak.

When Yun Qingyue found out that her younger brother was actually fascinated by that witch, she was also very angry. She wanted her parents to discipline her, but when she turned her head and saw that the expressions of the couple were wrong, she was so shocked that she didn't dare to speak.

Unlike Yunchi's family, Qin's face turned pale after hearing what the queen said.

After hearing Yun Zhe's voice, her body was even more shaky, her face was full of embarrassment, unwillingness and anger towards that family.

Before the emperor had time to speak, the empress nodded, "Since that's the case, this palace is in charge of this matter."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yun Shu, as if he didn't hear her rejection at all, and said with a sneer, "I heard that you saved the Ninth Prince before. When you get married, I will prepare a big gift to congratulate you. Don't you Xiao thinks too much."

What, saved the Ninth Prince?
When countless people heard this, they couldn't help thinking of what they heard about the Ninth Prince falling down the stairs today. They remembered that it was a woman who flew to save others, so it was this woman?
No wonder he didn't have any grades, but he was able to sit in the front row of the palace banquet, and now he was able to join the Hou's Mansion. Presumably it was all arranged by the queen, right?

Yun Zhe kowtowed to express his gratitude from below, "Thank you, Queen, for your success."

"There is nothing to thank, I like to see you young people in pairs, but it would be great if everyone could appreciate it." The queen smiled gracefully and looked at Yun Zhe softly, but Ji Yunshu's look was very dissatisfied, obviously hinting at what she just refused.

And hearing this in everyone's ears is also an explanation.That's why this woman didn't want to join the Hou Mansion as a noble concubine, because she actually wanted to find a better one.

Amidst the discussion, everyone expressed their opinions. At first, they were envious of the girls who looked at Yun Shu, but instead they became sympathetic.

What kind of thing is this Yun Zhe, most people know it, if he married into it as a concubine, at least he would have a reputation, but now he is just a noble concubine, he would be beaten and killed at will.

I thought that the matter was settled like this, even the queen sat down proudly, holding a cup of tea and preparing to take a sip of Shun Shun Qi.

Yun Shu raised his head and glanced at the present emperor.

Then he said coolly, "If the emperor has no objection, then the civilian girl will agree to marry."

The queen sneered, why is she still struggling at this hour?In the past, it's not that she never pointed out the emperor's favorite woman to his courtiers, but for the sake of emperor's prestige, the emperor never said anything. Could it be that she really thought that she could make an exception because she had a pretty face?
After taking a sip of tea, the queen stood leisurely on the left.

But I heard another voice from the side, "This... I do have an opinion."

The queen, who had just drank the tea, sprayed it out unprepared, so she quickly covered her face and wiped it to avoid embarrassing existence.

Then she put down her sleeves and looked at the emperor next to her in disbelief, with a dissatisfied expression, "Your majesty..."

Wei Xian didn't wait for her to speak, he raised his hand to interrupt her, "The queen doesn't need to say any more, there is something wrong with this marriage." But he didn't give her a chance to ask what's wrong.

Wei Xian originally thought that the atmosphere of the palace banquet today was very good, and he was a little unsure whether to mention the Huguohou Mansion at this time, so he procrastinated again and again, but who knew that this episode would appear.

Seeing that everyone was talking, he frowned slightly, and then thought about how to speak.

But at this moment, a dissatisfied voice came from below, "Why does the emperor have any objections? Yun Zhe dared to ask, is it because I am just a county lord, not as good as a lord, so I need to be in the back row to marry the woman I like?" ?”

Yun Zhe originally thought that he could marry this woman back, but when he was thanking him just now, he even went through the matter of the couple's bridal chamber in his mind, but he didn't know that the emperor came out to speak again at a critical moment, which meant that he disapproved of his marriage.

How can this work?
Afraid that there would be no chance later, Yun Zhe just got up and now knelt down again, determined to grab it once.

Yun Chi sat on the seat with a dark face, and now he didn't even have the mood to look at his son.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Even Wei Xian had a strange look on his face, wondering if he didn't know about his relationship with the woman beside him?

Yun Zhe didn't do anything wrong at all, he suddenly raised his head and looked up, his eyes fixed on the man standing on the first place, "Could it be that the second prince fell in love with her first, so the emperor wants to stop this marriage and intends to fulfill the two of them person?"

Wei Xian paused for a moment, he couldn't help looking at his second son who was often ignored by him, obviously not aware of this matter.

Wei Chengfeng didn't seem to see his gaze, but his gaze was on Yun Shu. Although his expression was calm, it was different from looking at others.

It's just that occasionally when sweeping across Yun Zhe, there will be some cold fluctuations.

And Yun Shu didn't raise his head, even though he knew that the man was looking at her.

Noticing that there were more discussions below, Wei Xian didn't intend to pull out these messy things, but said with a calm face, "You think too much, the reason why I stop it is not other things, but that you and Yun Shu are really not suitable."

Yun Zhe was even more dissatisfied, "Why is it inappropriate, and as long as I like it, it's fine?" After speaking, his voice was obviously raised.

The extremely arrogant words made Wei Xian's face sink even more.

Yun Chi, who was likely to have an accident until he ignored it, didn't dare to pretend he didn't know, got up and went out, and quickly turned off the fire, "Don't be angry, your majesty, Yun Zhe is still young and doesn't know about some things, that's why he contradicted you." emperor."

After finishing speaking, he frowned and glared at his son, "You bastard, whatever the emperor says, follow me."

Yun Zhe was usually pampered, how could he be so obedient, the key is that his wife will be gone after leaving, and he can't survive.

Wei Xian looked at the pair of father and son, he said no, and he didn't say no.

But at this moment, Yun Shu, who had been silent all this time, said coolly, "If the emperor had rehabilitated my family earlier, these things would not have happened. Now that it has caused such chaos and made my family suffer so much humiliation, Yun Shu doesn't want to say anything else, but only asks the emperor to fulfill his previous promise as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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