Chapter 287

Yun Shu's words had no intention of making the situation tonight more severe.

Wei Xian coughed and had to admit that what she said was absolutely true.

On the contrary, the queen, who was offended by Yun Shu, was very dissatisfied with her publicity.Finding that the emperor had no intention of blaming him, he was even more jealous, guessing what kind of promise the two of them had.

Yun Shu could feel that Yun Chi was looking at her sharply.

She stood there with her head down, neither humble nor overbearing, and looked straight up.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Wei Ziyu and the Ninth Prince staring at her with interest, but the man's brows would be furrowed instead.Of course, she won't be narcissistic to the point that the other party is worrying about her.

Among the crowd, Pei Yu was also worried and looked ahead.

Yun Qingyue, who had been paying attention to him all the time, found that when he hardly took his eyes off the woman, the jealousy in her heart almost overwhelmed her whole body.

When everyone was puzzled and puzzled, Wei Xian finally opened his mouth, as if he didn't know what to say. After planning for a long time, he said, "Today's palace banquet, I have always wanted to find a chance to say something, but everyone is very interested so I don't want to disturb you." , now because of my hesitation to cause such chaos, just like Princess Yun said, it is my fault."

As soon as Wei Xian finished speaking, several people present turned pale.

There is also Yun Qingyue with a puzzled face, what did she say?

And there were not a few people who also made the realization fall on Yun Qingyue, only Yun Chi and Mrs. Hou felt something faintly, and their faces were almost colorless.

Wei Xian then beckoned, and Eunuch Li on the side came over with a stack of things. He took the things on it in his hand, flipped through them with a very calm expression, then looked at Yun Chi and said, "Mr. Yun, Are you guilty?"

This sudden questioning made everyone stunned.

Rao Yun Chi, who was already prepared, was stunned before reacting and knelt on the ground. He said righteously, "I don't quite understand what the emperor is talking about."

Wei Xian clearly knew that he would say that, and with a wave of his hand, he swept away the things he was holding before, and it was a large stack of papers.

Just as the night wind blew, the paper fluttered in the air and fell to the ground.

People who are nearby can occasionally pick up one, but when they see the content on it, they are very weird.

Yun Chi deliberately picked up a few photos and looked at them, thinking that they should be evidence that the Qin family was designed to get out of the wall back then, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.Because the few sheets he held in his hand were not written about things in the backyard, but his records of Yunchi's corruption over the years!
"Your Majesty, please be careful. I don't know about these things. Someone must have wronged me." Yun Chi knelt on the ground holding the paper, with a sad expression on his face, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"I have always thought of you serving the late emperor, and I have been loyal to me, and I have a lot of trust in you, but I have evidence for each of the above-mentioned crimes, and you say you don't know?" With a cold snort, Wei Xian's breath condensed, and even The voice is a little bit lower.

He already had the power of the emperor, but now he was really angry, not to mention Yun Chi, but the others got up and knelt on the ground seeing that something was wrong.

The palace banquet was full of people kneeling and worshiping, of course there were a few exceptions.

Like Xu Fuyuan, and Yun Shu.

Wei Xian didn't seem to care, and after getting everyone to stand up, he said, "These things will be handed over to Dali City for verification tomorrow, so you can do it yourself."

Yun Chi's face was ashen, but thinking of the people he knew well in Dali City, he still said righteously, "I will wait until the time to prove my innocence."

He said it as if he was really wronged.

Seeing this situation, the officials who had been friends with Yunchi in the past hesitated to make some suggestions, "Your Majesty, the Marquis Protector has always been loyal. This time, I'm afraid someone with a heart will cause trouble. I hope the Emperor will see clearly."

"That's right, Your Majesty, we all feel that Marquis Huguo is not that kind of person."

"The old minister thinks so too."

When Hu Lingli found out that her father was about to get up, she gritted her teeth and dragged him down. She didn't like Huguohou's family, but many people were perfunctory. Her father always said that he would follow others, but the emperor was obviously furious , Now the past will definitely not leave a good impression on the emperor.

Of course, the most important thing is that Hu Lingli felt that Yun Shu didn't like the appearance of the Marquis Hu Guo very much, so she said nothing to let her father go there.

When Mr. Hu realized it, everyone had gone out, and it was too late for him to leave now, so he could only stare at his daughter.

Wei Xian didn't want to make a fuss at first, in fact, he knew a little bit about the corruption of his courtiers, but if it was investigated, Da Zhou's loyal courtiers would probably be reduced by half.

Now that he has agreed to the miracle doctor, he will naturally do what needs to be done.

"You don't need to say too much, I have the ability to distinguish. In addition, I shouldn't take care of your family affairs, but I promised Yun Shu's master before that in order to repay her life-saving grace, I will rehabilitate the Qin family who was arrested in the past. What do you think of the injustice, and now the evidence is at your feet?"

What else can I think?
Yun Chi pretended to pick up a few more pieces of evidence, and found that when the Qin family was framed back then, the backgrounds of all the people involved were investigated thoroughly, until they couldn't renege on the debt, so he could only say sadly, "So the truth is like this! It's all because of the lack of education by the ministers." , I didn’t expect this to happen under my nose, I ask the emperor to be the master, and I will accept all punishments.”

Wei Xian nodded, "Since you said so, then I will make the decision for you."

After finishing speaking, he looked aside, "Where is Madam Huguohou?"

"Your wife is here!" Mrs. Hou stood up immediately after being called on. She always felt that something was wrong and felt uneasy, but she still stood up.

Just passed by, it was too late to say hello, Wei Xian's next words made her face ashamed.

"Back then, in order to seek the position of the wife of the Huguo Houfu, you framed the Qin family for leaving the wall, and her mother and son were kicked out of the Houfu. Now I know the truth is that you did all of this, thinking that you are the Houfu After working hard for many years and raising a pair of children, I will punish you to go to Jing'an Temple to wash your body and mind, and you must not violate the order."

"Emperor... Your Majesty, my wife has been wronged..." Madam Hou, who finally came to her senses, seemed to have fallen into the ice in an instant. Bloodline, how could I forgive you so easily."

Later, Wei Xian asked someone to check the Qin family. He heard that the mother and son were kicked out of the mansion, and they were tricked and sold one after another. Looking at the well-dressed Mrs. Hou, I just didn't want to see more.

Originally, she could be her side wife in peace, but she has a big heart, and now she is content with herself.

After he finished speaking, Mrs. Hou had already slumped on the ground.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yun Qingyue ran out to support Mrs. Hou with a look of disbelief.

But Wei Xian looked aside again, and raised his voice, "Where is the Qin family?"

Everyone was amazed, today is really the end of the matter, the woman was familiar before, but it turned out to be Mrs. Hou who was driven away back then?

So in this way, isn't the woman who was sitting next to the Qin family and was married by the empress... the daughter of Marquis Huguo?

 --There is no heating, but the air conditioner can't stand it. The day before yesterday, I turned it on greedily overnight, and the next day I felt soft and sore, and my throat was itchy and sore. I took the medicine today, and my voice has gone hoarse. Fortunately, my head doesn't hurt anymore. .

(End of this chapter)

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