Chapter 288

That is to say, Lord Yun and that woman, who were just married by the queen, are actually siblings?

When they figured out the twists and turns in the middle, everyone's expressions were wonderful.

It's okay for the queen not to know, but that Lord Yun knelt down to propose, did he really not recognize her, or was it something else?

All kinds of eyes shot at him, Yun Zhe was completely taken aback, Yun Chi kept his face slightly down and didn't speak, the most embarrassing thing was indeed the empress who was sitting on the throne above.

The queen's expression was obviously in disbelief.

In fact, it's not just her, but everyone present who knew Yun Shu before, I'm afraid they didn't recognize him. The person in front of him with a unique temperament, exquisite face, and light attitude would be the one who used to have heavy makeup and an extremely arrogant personality. The former princess with an idiot belly?

Although Qin's hasn't changed much, she has been conditioned by Yunshu's medicinal diet in the past two years, and her face is rosy and smooth.Even if there is some doubt, I can't be sure. After all, that Mrs. Hou is notorious. Who would have thought that she would come back and appear in the palace banquet?

After Wei Xian finished speaking, the people present were quiet for a while.

When he saw that it was really the lady next to the girl who came out, he no longer had any doubts.

"Back then, your mother and son were quite wronged. Today, I decide to restore the position of Mrs. Hou..."

"Thank you, the emperor, for rehabilitating the three women." The voice above continued, and the people around were all surprised. Before even Qin could react, Yun Shu raised his voice to interrupt Wei Xian, ignoring the dissatisfied eyes , Yun Shu continued, "The daughter of the people and her family have lived a good life in the past two years. Now that she returns to Beijing, she just doesn't want to bear the stigma. She doesn't plan to enter the Hou's Mansion. I hope the emperor understands."

Yun Shu could feel countless eyes cast on her, and most of them probably didn't understand why she gave up this easy-to-get glory.

Although Qin was surprised, she was not dissatisfied. She looked at her daughter lovingly, as if what she said was exactly what she thought.

Even Wei Xian didn't expect Yun Shu to say such a thing. He thought that he couldn't help too much, so he wanted to do something with little effort, but he didn't expect that the other party would not appreciate it.

The queen was dissatisfied with Yun Shu because of her embarrassment. When she heard her interrupt the emperor, she dared to reject the emperor's kindness, and took the opportunity to shout, "Bold Yun Shu, the emperor is doing this for your family. This honor is something that others ask for." If you can't ask for it, you dare to disobey the order and disrespect? Could it be that you don't pay attention to the majesty of the royal family."

Obviously she knew before that her fingering was wrong, but she didn't stop her. Instead, she misled her to make a bigger mistake.

In short, looking at this face now, the queen finds it extremely unpleasant.

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows lightly, but said in a calm tone, "The queen is worrying too much, it's just that the girl feels that it is not suitable for her and her family to return to the Marquis' mansion when they are living among the people, and back then, the Marquis Huguo was so ruthless to drive him away. The three of us, mother and son, if we say we don't know the truth, Minnv won't believe it, so we just stepped into the Marquis' Mansion for a bigger house, Minnv thinks it's unnecessary."

Although it was an explanation, there was a sharp edge in those restrained words.

Yun Chi suddenly raised his head, squinted at this eloquent daughter who hadn't seen him for more than two years, even though he was displeased, his tone was heavy, "It's true that I did something wrong in the past, but I won't do it in the future." gone."

It's a pity that Yun Shu didn't give face, "With the first time, the second time is not far away. Hu Guohou's promise, the women can't afford to lose weight. After all, it's only two years apart, but Hu Guohou is seeing me You can't even recognize her as your eldest daughter, how cold this feeling is, everyone knows it well, those bitter scenes and so on, it's better not to embarrass yourself by performing them."

Speaking of the latter, Yun Shu still showed a generous smile.

Hearing that she directly said that he was the disgraceful Yun Chi who was pretending, he wished he hadn't sent a few more people after the first meeting.

Standing above, Wei Xian could clearly see the confrontation between father and daughter.

Ever since Huguohou was quite powerful, there was no one else who dared to talk to him like that, no matter in court or outside.

It seems that this Princess Yun is more interesting than he imagined, no wonder his son pays so much attention to it.

Wei Xian glanced over a row of sons who were all staring down, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and finally said, "Well, since you don't want to, I won't force it, after all, you mother and son have suffered a lot of grievances. "

Not far away, Yun Qingyue, who had been staring at her, let out a sigh of relief.

Even if she didn't believe it, she could only admit that this woman who repeatedly embarrassed herself, and even overwhelmed herself by doing nothing at palace banquets, was actually the Yun Shu who she didn't look down on back then, that bitch... man's daughter!
Unexpectedly, the emperor would help her in this way, and her mother was assigned without even a chance to explain.

Fortunately, the position of the princess has not changed.

She gritted her teeth and stared at the mother and daughter, wishing she could kill them.

Yun Chi knew that it was not appropriate to talk too much at this time, so he admitted his fault for not managing the backyard well, and led the confused Yun Zhe down. This time he went down, not returning to his seat, but leaving the palace directly.

If he stayed any longer, he might not know what would happen, not to mention that the privilege given by the emperor was that he could go to Dali City tomorrow, so he still had to protect his face.

Yun Shu caught a glimpse of the figure who left calmly, but actually fled in a hurry in her eyes, with a mocking sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Even if she can escape Dali City, she will not let him go easily, so let him enjoy a normal life for a few days.

Little did he know that this arc had already been taken into the eyes of the man above him. He drank the tea indifferently, and deep meaning had already shone in his deep eyes.

The Huguogong's family took away those who took away, and those who left left. In an instant, only Qin Shi and Yun Shu were left.

Originally, the two thanked each other, and Yun Shu was about to resign, but there was a change behind him.

People were discussing and looking at the entrance, there was indeed a guard with an anxious face, standing restlessly and looking inside.

Wei Xian frowned immediately, "Who is making noise here?"

At that moment, a eunuch trotted forward, knelt down and said, "Report to the emperor, it is a hundred miles from outside the palace to send a message urgently."

"What? Then don't let people come in!" Angrily shouted, the eunuch dared to explain that he ordered no one to disturb the palace banquet, but he still went back.

Not long after, the guard trotted over, dragging a roll of letters with both hands, walked to the front and knelt down, and then Eunuch Li came down to pick up the letters.

When Wei Xian opened it to look, everyone could see that the emperor's face was full of anger.

The guard was burying his head and reporting, "Nanyuan's army and horses attacked suddenly, our army suffered numerous casualties, the letter was sent by the garrison general desperately, please the emperor to send troops to support immediately."

Nanyuan coming to commit crimes?

The hearts of the people at the palace banquet were fluctuating, and there were many discussions.Originally, the war in the past two years has not been peaceful, and they also know it, but now they can force the border to invite troops, which shows that the situation is serious.

(End of this chapter)

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