Chapter 289

At that time, Wei Xian had read the detailed report in the letter, and he waved his sleeves angrily, and there was a sudden silence below.

After a long time, I looked at the guard, "I know, this Nanyuan doesn't intend to talk about peace, and since that's the case, I can only feel sorry for the people of Linjiang."

"Put down my will to dispatch [-] soldiers and horses to Linjiang as soon as possible, and prepare tens of thousands of grains from the treasury. I don't believe that a Nanyuan can turn the sky upside down." Wei Xian in anger issued an order, and there was Officials responded.

The national treasury has been relatively abundant these years. In the past few years, Nanyuan was doing small things, and they were saving the country's capital, but now it seems that they will use it.

The general Wei Xian who led the army personally ordered a few. Although the Chinese New Year was approaching and it was cruel to be separated from his family at this time, for the sake of the Great Zhou, the soldiers had no complaints.

The soldiers from all sides went out and went back, but it was difficult for Yun Shu and Qin Shi to stand aside.

When the order was fully issued, Yun Shu was thinking about returning to his seat first, but the guard said something again.

"Your Majesty, the reason why Nanyuan was able to kill tens of thousands of my Da Zhou soldiers this time was because they used an extremely light weapon, and the shape and color were somewhat similar to those produced in a certain town in our Da Zhou. I suspect that there are spies in Da Zhou cooperating with Nanyuan Li Yingwai."

Weapons, briskness, a certain town!The moment these words were said, Yun Shu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a strong bad feeling.

Just when she frowned and looked, the guard had already taken the tray handed over by the eunuch, lifted the curtain on it, and raised his hands high.

Yun Shu was standing next to him, so he could clearly see what was above.

If it was just suspicion before, now she is almost sure that the so-called weapon used by Nanyuan was designed by her.

She knows whether she has cooperated with Nanyuan, but now that the thing really appears in the hands of Nanyuan soldiers, there is only one possibility.

Wang Caifeng didn't have this ability, so Qing Longxing was the only one who could fully supply the soldiers.

Before Yun Shu could figure out why Qing Longxing did such a thing, a man in brocade clothes came out somewhere above.

He seemed to know a little about weapons, he fumbled for the dagger for a while, and said suddenly, "The prince has seen this weapon before, if I remember correctly, it seems to be a white weapon produced in Liangting Town two years ago."

Bai ware is the name for all iron ware with raw stone added, just because the things made are white and bright.

Yun Shu didn't think that his small finished iron shop would be so famous that this man who seemed to be a prince could say it, so he knew that everything was not easy.

It was obviously the first time Wei Xian had heard of it, and he had observed the dagger for a long time.

In terms of appearance, the blade is ordinary, but the blade is very sharp. If you want to make such a thing, the blacksmith in the palace can also make it, but the cost is higher.But since everyone in the Nanyuan soldiers can help, it can be seen that the practice is average.

At this moment, Wei Xian's first thought was, if he knew about this craft, could he turn Nan Yuan into an army?
Before he had time to think about it, the crown prince hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Father, there are some things that I don't want to say, but now it's about the fate of the entire Great Zhou, so I can't be more selfish."

"Say." Wei Xian spit out a word majestically.

But the prince suddenly raised his head and looked towards the opposite side, it was the place where Wei Ziyu and his princes were sitting.

The people below, after noticing the prince's gaze, combined with his words, had already guessed in their hearts. Although there was no result, their hearts were turned upside down.

"Yes! What I want to say is that I paid special attention to Bai Qi a year ago. I wanted to know more about it to see if it could help Da Zhou, but was stopped by my second brother. Originally, I didn't want to think too much, but These years, the second brother wandered from the south to the north, and finally stayed in the small town where the second brother lingered. There were frequent accidents, and now the soldiers of the Great Zhou were damaged, and the weapons held by the other party were also from the town where the second brother was. I think it's not a coincidence."

"So, what do you want to say?" Perhaps because he loves this son very much, Wei Xian can still ask the question calmly even when he hears that he is implying that the second child is plotting something wrong.

"It's because I have doubts, so I paid attention to my second brother's whereabouts in the past six months, but found many unexplainable behaviors. For example, the company that sells white wares called Qinglonghang is operated by my second brother!"

If it was said that he didn't understand what the prince wanted to do before, but now that he heard the words Qing Longxing, Yun Shu felt astonished.

She suddenly looked to the other side, with so many emotions rarely surging in her bright eyes.

And he, even if he was identified, even if the behind-the-scenes operations were pointed out, he didn't have any nervous worries.

It also made Yun Shu have to wonder if everything was the prince's trick, or was it really him who did it?
If so, then it is impossible for him not to know that the white utensil given to Qing Longxing was made by her "master". Now that the weapon is sold to Nan Yuan, her master is the first to be questioned, and even her apprentice can't get rid of it.

Yun Shu stared at him blankly. Could it be that everything was his conspiracy?

The prince's words continued, "My son also heard that the emperor invited the genius doctor Su who cured the plague in Yudu into the palace today. , so I investigated further, only to find that the white utensils given to Qing Longxing were all made by this genius doctor."

Wei Xian was already looking down, his eyes were dimmed.

Xu Fuyuan, who was watching other things, suddenly heard the mention of the smelly girl's master, oh no, it seems to be his own, and he forgot to drink all the tea that came to his mouth.

He quickly looked at Yun Shu, wanting her to help with the conversation, but he saw that her expression was wrong.

At the moment, I have a bad premonition in my heart, that what the prince said is not true.

The master of this stinky girl, cooperated with others to sell weapons to people from Nanyuan?

Xu Fuyuan hadn't recovered from the shock yet, he heard the prince talking about 'his' guilt again.

"Speaking of this miracle doctor, I got to know him a little bit, and found that he was not a simple-minded person. Although he saved the people of Yudu, he also did a lot of things that violated orders. Apart from the matter of white weapons, he also partnered with others to smuggle Private salt, the person who cooperated with him is called Hu Sankui, and he has been doing it for two years, and the son-in-law just arrested him some time ago, and the other party refused to admit it at first, but later confessed that he has been buying goods from this genius doctor Su all these years."

If the first thing is shocking, the second thing is shocking everyone.

Everyone knows that the late emperor ordered no one to smuggle salt when he was still alive.
Wei Xian's expression was always serious, but he couldn't see any joy or anger.

Yun Shu, on the other hand, was staring at the man above him. The man who always looked at him seemed to be sitting firmly in his seat after the prince spoke, without looking sideways.

There seemed to be a breath stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get up or down, and even Xu Fuyuan's gaze for help was ignored.

"Su Miracle Doctor, how do you explain these things to me?" Wei Xian finally spoke, his voice was low and somewhat oppressive.

(End of this chapter)

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