Chapter 290

The 'ignorant' 'Miraculous Doctor Su' came out numbly, and when he realized that there was no one to help him speak, he could only sullenly say, "Su is worthy of the heaven and earth, and he has never done anything to offend Da Zhou. I hope the emperor will find out."

What Xu Fuyuan thought was that although the master of the smelly girl was weird, he shouldn't be a bad-hearted person.

Even if he really did something bad, it is impossible for him to be caught with his ability.After all, he cared so much about the stinky girl, if something happened to him, they would inevitably be implicated, so he guessed that maybe the prince deliberately lied to him.

Xu Fuyuan is not good at other things, but no one can compare to pretending to be stupid. He doesn't say much, and just said a word, as if he was really wronged.

Yun Shu didn't react until she heard a hoarse voice beside her ear. She lowered her black eyes, and the corners of her lips were drawn slightly, revealing a cold arc.

So far, there is nothing to say, is there?
Qin Shi was a little worried, and touched her arm again, Yun Shu held back the grievance in his heart, and turned his head to comfort her with a smile.

In fact, Wei Xian did not implicate them.

There are too many people and things involved in the prince's statement, and they all need to be verified. It is impossible to convict immediately. Wei Xian made a decision after thinking about it.

"Although the second prince is my own son, the emperor committed the same crime as the common people. Before the truth was found out, the second prince was imprisoned. As for Doctor Su, although you saved my life, selling salt and smuggling the enemy's weapons are both It’s a serious crime, and you’ll also be detained.”

A good palace banquet, first to rehabilitate the crime, and then to really find the criminal.

No one could have imagined that in a short while, the second prince was imprisoned first, and even the legendary genius doctor was imprisoned.

Wei Xian waved Yun Shu's mother and son to stay in the capital for the time being, obviously to investigate together.

But when the guards were leading the people, the number one beauty suddenly rushed out of the crowd, knelt on the ground crying, and begged Wei Xian, "Your Majesty, please be careful, Nishang thinks that the second prince must be innocent. I am loyal to Da Zhou, and now I am plagued by illness, I can no longer stand any criminal law, I hope the emperor will show mercy. As long as the emperor agrees, Nishang... Nishang can do anything."

Everyone couldn't help sighing when they heard the words, what a sincere woman.

I heard that Princess Nishang has a lot of affection for the second prince, but now she is asking for love in the face of the emperor's anger, which shows her sincerity.

When Yun Shu saw this scene, the sneer at the corner of his mouth deepened, it was indeed a deep affection.

She immediately supported Qin Shi and walked out. She didn't want to see this unsightly scene, but Qin Shi stopped her and said in a low voice, "Mother doesn't think Cheng Feng is like this kind of person."

When she first knew that this was the current Second Prince, Qin Shi still couldn't accept it.After Wei Chengfeng left, she talked about it a few times, but with Pei Yu's frequent appearances, she forgot about it.

But I didn’t expect that she would speak for him at this time.

Just as Yun Shu was about to speak, he felt a gaze fall on him.

And then she heard the familiar voice, "If Princess Nishang didn't have to do this because of the kindness of saving her life back then, this king has already forgotten about it. Now... this king already has his own heart, and he is not worthy of the princess' pleading."

After saying that, he turned and left without looking at the poor beauty who was crying on the ground.

The back was as indifferent as before, but now it seemed to see the frailty in it.

Yun Shu stood there in a daze, but she didn't ignore him. He glanced at her when he said the next sentence.

As soon as her heart was moved, she immediately turned cold, pretending to be fake.

"Shu'er, your master..." Watching Wei Chengfeng leave, Qin couldn't say much, but when he noticed another figure being taken away beside him, Qin became anxious again.

Yun Shu seemed to remember this person only now, looked over, and met Xu Fuyuan's expression that was about to explode.

She glanced at him lightly, and then opened her mouth to say something. Although she didn't make a sound, her thin lips moved clearly, and she was sure that the other party understood.

Because Xu Fuyuan in the back really became honest, and he really responded to that magnanimous appearance.

The palace banquet began to unravel without anyone saying it was over.

Wei Xian was stimulated a lot today, so he took the lead to leave, followed by the Queen.

After Yun Shu realized that the two had left, she helped Qin Shi to leave. After walking not far, she was stopped by a voice behind her, "Yun Shu, Yun Shu..."

Hu Lingli obviously broke free from Master Hu's restraint forcefully, and ran over to comfort Yun Shu. She wanted to say that her master must be fine, but when she saw that Yun Shu seemed extremely calm, she couldn't say anything.

Finally, he said, "The emperor told you to stay in the capital, so can I go to you later?"

After she finished speaking, she realized that it was inappropriate to say this now, and Hu Lingli lowered her head and clutched her little hands in anxiety.

Yun Shu glanced at her lightly, before she could speak, Qin agreed first, "There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that Shu'er and I live in a restaurant, as long as you don't mind it."

Hu Lingli quickly shook her head and said no, so Qin took advantage of the opportunity and told her the name of the restaurant.

Before leaving, Hu Lingli claimed that she would definitely go to them tomorrow.

Yun Shu held Qin Shi, who was smiling with the other party, and couldn't tell whether it was good or bad for her mother to be so big-hearted.

That Master Hu has a good relationship with Yun Chi, and he obviously doesn't want his daughter to make friends with them, so why bother?
After walking a few steps, Pei Yu chased after him.

When Yun Shu heard footsteps, she turned her head slightly and saw that he was hesitant to speak.

"I know what you want to say, but I'm not in the mood to listen now." Yun Shu said bluntly.

What Pei Yu said was extremely helpless, "I didn't know you knew me so well."

"It's because you always forget to pretend, you just have to write your thoughts on your face." Yun Shu retorted.

Pei Yu was even more speechless, could he say it was because he didn't want to pretend in front of her?

But saying this kind of thing would make the atmosphere bad, so he didn't explain it at all.

"Although you don't want to hear it, I still want to ask, is the genius doctor really okay?" In fact, what he wanted to ask was whether the things the prince said were true.

Yun Shu stopped in her tracks, "You can be busy or you can be fine." If it doesn't work, it's no big deal to just give up this identity.

On the contrary, Pei Yu was baffled by her answer. Xu could see that Yun Shu was in a bad mood, and was about to send them back, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the two walking quickly behind him, and paused, "Yu Wang is here!" .”

When Yun Shu looked over, it was not only Wei Ziyu, but also the Ninth Prince who she had saved before.

Wei Xuan came over and put his gaze on Yun Shu's face, sizing him up without hesitation, but without malice, "Fifth brother said you saved this king, is your name Yun Shu? This is the first time this king saw someone like this Talk to the queen mother, the king likes you very much."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area became visibly silent.

But Yun Shu heard that the other party's liking was only on the surface, nodded and said, "Thank you, Ninth Prince, for your kindness."

Her indifferent performance made Wei Ziyu raise his eyebrows, and then looked at Wei Xuan, "Ninth brother has a good vision, and this king also likes her."

(End of this chapter)

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