Chapter 291

It is indeed an obvious booing.

Yun Shu glanced at him, and said coolly, "The daughters of the people can't bear the love of King Yu. It's late at night, so I will leave."

As if he didn't intend to say more to the two of them.

Before she lifted her foot, Wei Ziyu's voice came from behind, "My elder brother never likes to leave troubles, this time he brought up these things at the palace banquet, and it is estimated that the offensive will start tonight. Brother is still your master, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out of the prison."

Are you reminding her, or taunting her?
Yun Shu looked back at him, only to see that his face was still as enchanting as before, but there was an expression of not caring about anything on his face.

Obviously not long ago, this man had talked about how he was grateful to his second brother, but in the blink of an eye he looked at the joke in the tone of an outsider.

Yun Shu felt that what he did was heartless, but he couldn't compare to this person, right?
Wei Ziyu clearly wanted to say something else, he smiled lightly and moved his dazzling face, and looked to the side, "I know there is a place nearby that is suitable for conversation."

Pei Yu frowned beside him, not understanding Wei Ziyu's intentions.

Qin was a little worried about it, and Wei Xuan made no secret of his curiosity, and even added, "Really? Fifth brother, can I go then?"

"You go back first, the queen is not in a good mood, and I just need you to persuade her. You also want to repay this girl's life-saving grace, and you can just show it." Wei Ziyu glanced at him calmly, and the latter agreed Nodded, "That's right, then the king will go right away."

After finishing speaking, he left, but before turning around, he suddenly stopped and turned back, and came to Yun Shu, "Don't worry, I won't let the queen mother get angry with you."

She winked at Yun Shu like a child. Apart from seeing his unreliable behavior before, Yun Shu felt that among the few princes she had met, this Ninth Prince was still the most innocent one.

Seeing her staring at the danger, Wei Ziyu raised his eyebrows and teased, "Ninth brother seems to be incomprehensible, but he is easy to deceive. In fact... if you attack him, you might be able to save your master." The implication is very is obvious.

"Your Majesty, please be careful with your words." Pei Yu on the side couldn't bear it anymore and opened his mouth. The gentleman who has always been gentle and caring to others, now frowned at Wei Ziyu, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Wei Ziyu knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, then looked at Yun Shu and waited for her decision.

In fact, Yun Shu has been extremely calm since just now, so calm that there is no unnecessary expression on his face.

After thinking about it for a while, she looked at Pei Yu who was next to her, "I will trouble you to send my mother back first, there may be some things here that I need to solve."

Pei Yu seemed to want to say something, but she looked calm and didn't open her mouth.

Qin was obviously worried, but she never refuted her daughter's words, and she might not be able to help if she stayed here, so she obeyed, "Come back early, mother will wait for you to come back and sleep."

After saying that, he walked away with one step and three turns.

When Wei Ziyu saw this scene, his unscrupulous expression seemed to deepen a bit.

When he caught a glimpse of the woman in front of him who was equally focused, even softening his expression without noticing himself, the eyes were even more interesting.

"Let's go!" He turned and left first.

Yun Shu nodded and followed.

The place Wei Ziyu talked about was actually a small road next to the lake.

However, after the palace banquet, the maids and eunuchs were packing up their things, and the people at the banquet had already left, so there was indeed no one here.

After the two walked back and forth for a few steps, Wei Ziyu stopped, his dark eyes stared at the lake, whether it was the palace lanterns or the expression in his eyes, his whole body was full of emotions, and he couldn't see clearly.

He said, "You must have been thinking before, this king kept saying thank you to the second brother, but when he was falsely accused, he was indifferent. It's hard to understand this king's hypocritical appearance, right?"

"You're very self-aware." This is tantamount to an admission.

Wei Ziyu was not as direct and angry as Wei Yunshu, but the corners of his lips curled into a curve, but that curve seemed to be smiling at first glance, but when he looked closely, there were some incomprehensible emotions, "Still Do you remember that the prince said earlier that the crown prince cared about the matter of the second elder brother? I didn’t understand his intentions before. After all, even if he needed to pay attention, the crown prince’s opponent should be the prince. It wasn’t until not long ago that the prince realized that the crown prince is more important than the prince. Be smart, at least he can see clearly the disguise of some people, and this king is the stupidest person."

His voice was a bit self-deprecating when he said it later.

Yun Shu listened in silence, always feeling that Wei Ziyu could say something that surprised her later.

In fact, she guessed right too.

After calming down for a while, Wei Ziyu returned to his usual appearance, with that frivolous look again, "The reason why this king is indifferent is to protect himself. After all, everyone in Dazhou knows that this king has a very good relationship with the second brother. Although this king also wants to do something, this matter is more serious than anyone thinks, at least the only way to ensure the safety of this king is to wait and see!"

Maybe what he said was a little heartless, but Wei Ziyu's words obviously had difficulties.

"You want to tell me that what the prince said is what he did?"

Wei Ziyu looked at her, seemed to pause for a long time, and then said, "This king said, this matter is more serious than anyone thinks, what you said is only one of the problems."

Obviously halfway through, the truth is about to come out, but Wei Ziyu doesn't intend to say any more.

"This king knows that you are very smart. In fact, the last time we talked, this king hinted at something, and you can figure it out." It's very interesting to play tricks like this, Wei Ziyu looked at her with a smile.

Yun Shu frowned suddenly.

The last time Wei Ziyu mentioned about him was mostly due to his incomprehension of the prince's investigation of him. If it was combined with the previous content... Yun Shu felt that it contained too much.

She didn't think she was smart, but hoped that Wei Ziyu would tell him directly.

However, the other party was unwilling to speak, "I don't want to suffer disaster just because I say one more word."

Yun Shu didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but he changed the subject and said, "If you want to save your master, you'd better figure out a way tonight. The king and the prince are brothers, and he knows his character. Since he makes a move, He will convict his opponent in the shortest possible time, which is his usual style. This king has said nothing more than this, and if there are too many, he will not be able to help you."

At night, the lakeside is quiet.

After Wei Ziyu said these words, he left, leaving Yun Shu standing on the path alone, staring at the lake water in deep thought.

I don't know how long it took, the voices of coming and going gradually decreased.

Guessing that almost everyone who attended the palace banquet had left, he packed up his emotions and left by the small path.

The passing maid was obviously stunned when she saw a person walking out of the forest, and then she reacted and saluted.

Yun Shu glanced around. After a while, all the tables at the Kung Fu Palace banquet were cleared, and there were not many people.

She called the maid who had just saluted to ask about the location of the prison, and then went to the gate of the palace in the direction that everyone left.

(End of this chapter)

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