Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 307 Chapter 30 Positive 8

Chapter 307 Chapter Three Hundred and Eight

She lowered her voice and said, "Let go of me", and the people under her were unmoved, and instead held her tightly in her arms with both hands, as if this way people would not leave, but Yun Shu's face turned red .

There were other people in the camp, but the two of them remained intimate and just lay on the bed.

Gu Fang blushed and forgot to close his eyes, but Gu An was calmer, pulled him aside, and blocked Xu Kun's sight.

Xu Kun, "..." But what really surprised him at this moment was that he thought the woman was just talking big, but she really woke him up.

For the first time, this man who had always thought that the genius doctor Gu was the best in the world in medical skills began to doubt his own ability.

Is it really like what she said, 'There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky? '

Xu Kun's eyes became obviously complicated.

"Have you hugged enough?" There wasn't much strength in her waist, but she had just bandaged the hand on her back. Yun Shu was afraid that if she exerted force, she would hurt him.

I thought it would be enough to just say it, but the man really leaned next to her ear, and said softly, "No." Such shameless.

Although she knew that the people next to her were not looking at her, but this was the first time she did this in front of others, Yun Shu was naturally extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, after a while, the hands on the waist were finally loosened. Yun Shu took the opportunity to sit up straight, staring at the person on the bed with a blushing face.

Looking at the rare and shy girl in front of Wei Chengfeng's pale face, he smiled instead. It was a curvature that he seldom showed, and it also made that thin face look elegant. Even Yun Shu looked a little absent-minded.

But thinking of what this person did to him not long ago, as well as his hooliganism just now, he turned black.

By the way, he pressed heavily on his wound.

After successfully seeing the other party's stiff expression, Yun Shu bent his lips and smiled lightly, "Isn't that enough?"

"...Enough is enough." It was obvious that the words did not mean what they said.

Yun Shu was in a good mood, but thinking of his current state, he straightened his face again, not knowing how to speak.

Her desire to speak was stopped by the man's eyes, something flashed in her eyes, and she said lightly, "Actually, I thought I would never see you again, but fortunately... I am satisfied with this opportunity." He looked over with deep affection in his dark eyes.

The gauze-wrapped hand stretched out, as if afraid of hurting her, and gently landed on her face, every touch was so gentle and loving.

Yun Shu met those eyes, saw the emotions inside, felt as if thousands of hot soup had been poured into his heart, he hesitated and said, "If I say that there is a way to save you, but the method may be unheard of by you and may even sound like a bible. Will you trust me?"

Her eyes were serious and determined.

Wei Chengfeng stared at her blankly, although he didn't know how to make her show this expression, he stroked her long hair along the way, and his voice was unprecedentedly gentle, "It's nothing, believe it or not, if you like it, this I can give you my life."

Although his tone was slow, he was clearly serious.

Yun Shu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I told you when you were unconscious before, if you wake up this time, your life will belong to me from now on."

He obviously didn't know about this, he was taken aback for a while, then a smile flashed in his eyes, and he nodded.

"This...Miss Yun, can you tell us by the way, what method are you going to use to save the Lord?" Gu Fang, who had been facing the screen, was not as calm as Gu An, and asked anxiously as he pushed Gu An away. with.

Wei Chengfeng was obviously a little displeased with the person who interrupted the conversation, but unfortunately his stupid subordinate obviously didn't notice.

Yun Shu didn't mind, she thought about it, and described it in very simple words, "Probably just open the head of your Patriarch and take out the contents, then it should be fine."

Hit...open the Lord's head?

Gu Fang looked confused, wondering if Yun Shu was joking with him, and asked a little more, "How do you open Keren's head?"

"Why can't you open it?" Yun Shu looked at him with an idiot expression on his face, "Could it be that your head is an iron wall?"

"That's not what I mean! What I mean is, if a person's head is opened, wouldn't the person be able to live?" Gu Fang almost cried out anxiously, and he felt more and more that Miss Yun was not joking, she really wanted to open the head. on the head.

Not to mention Gu Fang, even Gu An was stunned when he was listening.

Including Xu Kun, who has always been regarded as a wooden man, is full of incredible eyes.

This woman is simply nonsense.

On the contrary, Wei Chengfeng, who was the person involved, looked calm when he heard the words 'open your head', as if that person was not him.

"I can't explain the specifics, but this is the only way to save someone. I probably...can guarantee that he won't die." After finishing speaking, Yun Shu nodded.

Everyone in the room was stunned, probably?

Yun Shu didn't look at them, but turned to look at the man sitting up, "At worst, I owe you my life."

"Just now you said that this life is yours." The man's tone was slightly dissatisfied.

Yun Shu was startled, then smiled, nodded heavily, "Yes."

This scene is really bad for Gu Fang and Gu An, they can't wait to rush over and take a serious look at the person on the bed to see if someone is pretending to be their master.

How could it be possible to joke about such a dangerous thing?

Even Gu Fang felt a little regretful, whether it was the right decision to ask Miss Yun to come over by himself.

But now apparently no one is going to ask for their opinion.

Yun Shu calculated the approximate time required for the operation, and after all the calculations, he sized up the tent and frowned. It was obvious that he could not be operated on in such a place.

Then she looked at Gu An, "If you want to save him, you have to leave here. Although I don't know what you guys are plotting, I don't have much time." Although she rescued him, his physical condition is already very dangerous. The best timing for surgery.

Gu'an was still looking for other excuses for the word 'open the head', for example, he had heard it wrong, but now he had to face it squarely.

Miss Yun said that she didn't have much time.

Thinking about how life would have been worse than death lying on the bed before, and looking at the figure who could sit up now, Gu'an finally made a decision.

"Let's leave then. The Lord's life is the most important thing. Everything else...is nothing." At this moment, the man had a determination on his face. To Yun Shu, "The master will bring this later, so no one will stop him."

After finishing speaking, he flipped from the side again, found a whole ghost mask, and put it on his head.

Yun Shu vaguely guessed something, put the half ghost face on Wei Chengfeng's face carefully avoiding the silver needle.

But the other party grabbed his hand, and he put Yun Shu's palm on his face, slowly moved it to his mouth and kissed it lightly.

Yun Shu felt his palm go numb like an electric shock, subconsciously withdrew his hand, and glared at him by the way.

The man indeed smiled.

 I owe a chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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