Chapter 308

However, although the plan is good, there are also surprises.

Before the few people were ready to leave, there was a commotion outside the camp.

Gu Fang walked quickly to the door for a peek, and when he came back, he had a weird expression on his face, "There are a lot of people standing at the door, and I don't know what to do."

"What else can I do? It must be that the Lord has not gone out, and those people can't sit still." These were Gu'an's words. He obviously knew who it was, and his tone was disgusted.

Yun Shu frowned when she heard this. She wanted to come and leave secretly. If she disturbed the Nanyuan soldiers, it would undoubtedly lead to a big battle, which would cause a lot of trouble.

"He belongs to the emperor's uncle." As if he knew what she was thinking, Wei Chengfeng supported the edge of the bed and stood up. Although he still looked weak, his kung fu has improved a lot after a while, at least standing here now The way he spoke made it difficult to see that he was the one who was about to die.

At this moment, he held Yun Shu's right hand with one hand, and touched the sword on his waist with the other, showing his sharpness.

Yun Shu glanced disapprovingly, "No matter what happens later, you can't do anything."

Hearing the undisguised concern and nervousness in her tone, Wei Chengfeng froze for a moment, and comforted, "I'll be fine."

Yun Shu frowned even deeper. He couldn't hear it. This man obviously didn't intend to listen to him.

But whether something will happen is not up to him.

Thinking of this, she turned her eyes to Gu An who was beside her. Although she didn't speak, the other party understood Yun Shu's intention and nodded at her.

At the moment when Wei Chengfeng stepped up and was about to go out, Yun Shu suddenly stepped forward, raised his hand like lightning and slashed at the back of his neck.Even though Wei Chengfeng had already noticed Yun Shu's movements, he was too late to stop him who was seriously injured, and his eyes clearly showed helplessness before he fell into a coma.

Yun Shu held him up, motioned to Gu Fang, and when he came over, put him on Gu Fang's body, and then pulled him from the back, no one saw how she did it, a piece of dark The long cloth appeared out of thin air, wrapping the man's figure.

After finishing all this, let Gu Fang stand aside, while Yun Shu took a look at the tent, opened the curtain in the inner room, and before going in, she did not forget to confess, "Wait for me for a while."

When she went in, she took the package along with her, and when the curtain covered her, she had already slipped into the space.

Changing into women's clothes, painting his face heavily, and pulling up his long hair, Yun Shu had turned into an ordinary boy when he came out.

At that time, everyone in the tent looked at the changed Yun Shu and didn't understand what she wanted to do.

Even Xu Kun stared at Yun Shu without saying a word, his eyes rolling around.

Yun Shu didn't want to bother him at first, but thinking of the plan for the meeting later, she walked over and gave him a touch on the shoulder.

Almost without any feeling, Xu Kun suddenly found that he could move. He moved his stiff body, but he was not as impulsive as before.At least after he could move, he didn't attack Yun Shu, but stared at her with guarded, probing and curious eyes.

"I'm not as skilled as others, I'm willing to bow down, and I'm up to you if you want to kill or cut, but I hope you can cure her of my daughter's poison." Xu Kun's tone was lower than ever.

If the group of genius doctor Gu were here at this time, they would definitely be shocked, because only others have always humbled Xu Kun, when will Xu Kun treat others like this in front of others?

He didn't look like he was joking, his tone was very serious, and his eyes were determined to die.

However, Yun Shu glanced at him, and said with a sneer, "I'm not interested in killing people. As long as you people in Miracle Doctor Valley know how to win, it's impossible to end up like this. Now that everything is your own fault, what right do you have to ask me to do it for you?" Your daughter detoxified?"

Xu Kun's face was red when he said these words, but he still stiffened his neck and said, "Then what do I want, that you agreed to detoxify my daughter?"

"If you really want to, there is nothing you can do. I plan to take him away later, and I need you to cooperate with me in a play." Yun Shu looked at him for a while, and then let go.

Xu Kun nodded without thinking at all.

Seeing this scene, Yun Shu's eyes sparkled.

The people outside the tent were obviously in no hurry to wait, and after vaguely hearing some nice words from a certain general, they hurriedly instigated everyone to come in and check.

But just before they opened the curtain when they reached the door, a cold wind hit their faces.

A long sword came out of the tent with a cold wind, only to hear someone shouting, "There are assassins."

The general who took the lead was even more shocked, but found that the long sword was coming with a fierce momentum. Even though he reacted very quickly, the tip of the sword brushed his neck, and his neck felt a cold pain.

The soldiers and other generals who came together saw that the situation was wrong, and spread out, exclaiming in alarm, while drawing their swords.

Under the night, the white weapons exuded sharp edges, but most people looked at the people who came out of the tent with panicked faces.

It was an extremely thin and thin figure, but it was this person who was holding their prince hostage and walking outside.

Xu Kun clutched his heart, rushed out from the tent, and shouted, "Stop him, he is an assassin, he just attacked the prince."

Everyone heard that this voice was the voice that just called for an assassin.

At this time, he looked injured, and when he came out, his body was shaky, but in a place where no one was paying attention, his slightly closed eyes were calm.

Being disturbed like this, no one paid attention to the other two people coming out from the side.

Gu Fang helped the person around him, although the black clothes covered the other person's body, but the half of the ghost face was exposed.

But now even if someone saw it, no one would care about the guards around the prince.

"Get out of the way, or I'll kill him!" Yun Shu had already taken the voice-changing pill. At this moment, her eyes were staring at the group of people in front of her with murderous intent. At first glance, she was no different from those vicious killers. .

Her words made some people panic, but there were also a few people whose eyes lit up because of her words.

One of them was the general who had just been stabbed by her. Even though he was pretending, the change did not escape Yun Shu's eyes.

"Don't let them go, the prince will be in danger." Sure enough, the general didn't retreat but approached, obviously provoking Yun Shu on purpose.

Yun Shu was worried that he couldn't do anything, so he moved the sword closer to Gu'an's neck when he saw this.

Everyone in the army knew that the prince was seriously injured, so no one doubted Gu An's appearance of being unable to resist, but someone found that the prince was crumbling.

"Since you don't move out of the way, don't blame me for killing!" After a while of delay, seeing the time was right, Yun Shu drew his sword and charged directly.

Her first target was the general.

She shot very quickly, and the other party didn't react, probably because he didn't expect Yun Shu to turn his target on him. By the time he realized the danger, it was too late, and Yun Shu's sword hit his right chest.

Precise and deft, with little bloodshed, the general fell with his eyes wide open.

"He killed General Chen!" The soldiers panicked, and the other generals were even more shocked and angry.

(End of this chapter)

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