Chapter 309

But it didn't end there. Yun Shu took advantage of the situation and hacked and killed a few soldiers, only to make the air full of blood before giving up.

She then snorted coldly, looked at the generals staring at her in shock, and raised her hand.

The white powder was dispersed, and a few "bang bang" sounds were heard almost in the next second. The soldiers in the front row didn't even have time to react, and fell to the ground directly, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

It only took more than ten seconds, and when she made a move, half of the people suffered, how could anyone present dare to underestimate her.

Before Yun Shu could speak, these people no longer blocked them as before, but obediently moved out of the way.

At this time, Xu Kun, who had successfully retired, stood obediently on one side and pretended to be the injured. Seeing that no one was watching him, Gu Fang walked around from the other side to the front.

Yun Shu put the sword on Gu An's neck, and the two of them also walked to the door of the tent.

When the night was getting darker, braziers had been set up all around.

The sound of 'cracking' covered up the footsteps of the crowd, but the tense atmosphere made the camp tense.

Seeing that he had reached the gate of the barracks, Yun Shu looked up, but saw that the gate had been lowered, and a row of soldiers were standing with long guns.

She snorted, seeing that Gu Fang had already charged forward, she also followed with a little tiptoe.

Almost at the moment Yun Shu got up, there was a loud sound of arrows coming from behind, and they fell densely from the head.

When Yun Shu heard the movement and saw this scene, his first reaction was to look forward.It is simply that these people's main targets are themselves. There is no danger to Gu Fang, but he has already left the gate while the guards are not paying attention.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she fended off those arrows.

The blade of the sword was already airtight by her dance, but all the arrows that approached were shot back, and many of them fell on the soldiers who followed, and there were constant screams at the scene.

When the arrows were few and far between, Yun Shu noticed that a soldier in the crowd aimed a crossbow arrow at Gu An beside him. She immediately understood it and took a defensive posture.

However, at the moment when the arrow came over, the hand she was blocking was gently flicked by Gu'an.

The arrow that was supposed to be stopped by her passed directly through his shoulder, and she clearly felt Gu An's body stiffen, and then a strong smell of blood came to her nostrils, and Gu An spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, the Nanyuan soldiers panicked and shouted 'Prince', they probably didn't expect their own people to shoot arrows at the prince, their faces were full of grief and indignation.

Even Yun Shu didn't even think about this result. She just pressed lightly on Gu'an's wound quickly, without caring about checking his condition, and took the opportunity to use her internal strength to the extreme and jumped up.

Under the hazy moonlight, everyone saw that the assassin's body turned into a shooting star and disappeared, together with the prince who was seriously injured and whose life was unknown.

"The he dead?" When there was no one else in the camp, the soldiers reacted and looked at each other, a little unacceptable to this ending.

The prince himself was seriously injured, how could he survive now that he was shot through by a crossbow?
Several people in the crowd looked at each other, but there was a light of unexpected joy in their eyes.

I thought that although the prince was injured this time, they might not be able to do anything together, but I didn't expect to kill such a powerful assassin at the critical moment.Now it doesn't matter whether the prince is dead or alive, they can get rid of him.

When the emperor asked, even if the prince really survived, so many soldiers saw it, the emperor would not say anything.

Thinking of this, those people walked out with heavy faces, "We are incompetent, and let the thief take the prince away. The prince's old illness was not cured before, and now he was accidentally injured again. I'm afraid..."

I didn't say anything later, everyone already understood.

And the soldier who shot the arrow was naturally arrested and executed as if he had done it.

Although they soon sent soldiers to chase after him, everyone knew that they might not be able to find him.


Yun Shu was an ancient prescription found ten miles away from the camp.

He tried his best to take Wei Chengfeng far away, so that he didn't calculate his internal strength well, and in the end his internal strength collapsed and he almost fell off.

When Yun Shu came, Wei Chengfeng had already woken up, and she didn't use much force on her own. Now that he was so sensitive, he was naturally alarmed by such a toss.

It seemed that he was not surprised by the change of place. He looked around for a while, and then noticed something on the face, so he took the ghost mask off.

At this time, Yun Shu had just landed, and the eyes of the two met in midair. He was about to say something, but when he saw Gu An who was unconscious beside him, his eyes paused slightly, "What's wrong with Gu An?"

Yun Shu didn't know how to explain it either. She looked around and found an old dilapidated house not far away, "Let's go to the front first and then talk about it."

Several people have no objection to this.

The old house has been abandoned for a long time, and the inside is dirty and messy.

Gu Fang pushed the door open and went in. After a long time, he managed to get in.

Wei Chengfeng took off the black cloth from his body and spread it on the ground, and put Gu An there.After the people settled down, Gu Fang's fire was also lit.

"The soldiers from Nanyuan won't come after them, right?" Gu Fang was a little worried, he felt that this place was too close to the military camp.

Yun Shu thought of the bad-minded generals he saw before, and didn't take it seriously, "Probably not, even if they come, there is nothing to be afraid of."

As if it was to reflect Yun Shu's words, no one came over later.

However, after tidying up the old house, the four of them could barely settle down.

Yun Shu began to deal with Gu An's wound.

The arrow in Gu Anzhong was very serious, the arrow only pierced through the whole body, and the wound was terrible, otherwise it would be impossible for him to spit out blood directly with his kung fu.

Gu Fang was anxious, but he didn't dare to ask. His eyes were red, and he watched Yun Shu rush to help if he needed it.

There was a small river near the old house. After treating the wound with wet gauze, Yun Shu rinsed him with spring water from a gourd, sealed off the senses on the opponent's shoulder with silver needles, and sewed up the wound with the existing needle and thread.

During this period, Gu'an didn't wake up once, but his face was pale and frightening.

Yun Shu also moved quickly, the wound was stitched up in less than a cup of tea time, and by the way, medicine and gauze were applied.

After thinking about it, I gave him another medicine.

After finishing all this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to sit down, when her back felt hot, and her whole body was wrapped into a warm embrace.

The man hugged her waist and let her close to him, but he leaned over and put his forehead on her shoulder.

There was breath blowing from her neck, it was hot and itchy, Yun Shu's face flushed, she grabbed the hands on her waist, unceremoniously got out and stood up, "Hooligan."

Having said that, he tried not to refer to his wounds when he stood up.

Wei Chengfeng sat obliquely on the ground, his skirt was partly opened, revealing white gauze mixed with red blood stains, his brows and eyes were slightly lowered, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly, looking at Yun Shu with an intoxicating smile in his eyes.

Apparently he was not disgusted with the description of rogue.

 It is estimated that this period of time may be two updates, and then it will end at the end of this month or the beginning of next month, so please bear with the pigeons~
(End of this chapter)

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