Chapter 310

Although Gu An hadn't woken up yet, Gu Fang was also worried, but seeing that his master was in a good mood, he couldn't help being happy.

While staring at Yun Shu again, his eyes were full of gratitude.

He even felt that he had done the right thing this time, if he hadn't gone to find Miss Yun, the lord might not be able to wake up.

Thinking of this, Gu Fang panicked again.

In fact, there are some things that others don't know.

Although he has the same surname as Gu An and a similar name, he is not the same as Gu An who followed the master since he was a child. He was picked up halfway.

At that time, his parents sold him to support his younger brother. Apart from being poor at home, the most important thing was that he could eat.

At that time, when there was a disaster in his hometown, the person who originally bought him planned to store food, but fortunately, the master bought him as a helper.But that being said, life is even better than at home.

It's just that he is not as smart as Gu'an, and he has followed the Lord for so many years, and he still hasn't understood some things.

If it wasn't for the fact that the master was imprisoned this time, Gu Fang always thought that his master was from the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Gu Fang's eyes became hot again.

He didn't tell Yun Shu that it was his own intention to stay in Da Zhou to find Yun Shu, because when the lord left with Gu An, he didn't take him away, but removed all his identities and let him stay in Da Zhou Be an ordinary person and live happily.

They left him money and bought a house, and everything was settled.

But Gu Fang felt a strong gap, he didn't want this kind of life.

Fortunately, his persistence was right. Looking at the scene in front of him now, he felt that everything he had done before was worthwhile.

This night, the dilapidated hut exudes soft warmth.

Gu An had a fever at night, Gu Fang diligently changed the gauze and applied medicine for him, after tossing for an hour or two, he finally stabilized.

Gu Fang, who had been busy for a long time, also sat down, couldn't hold back his drowsiness, leaned against the wall and fell asleep unknowingly.

Yun Shu went over and hugged some weeds and placed them at the door to cover them up. While signaling the man next to him to relax, he pointed to Gu Fang and explained in a low voice, "We've been driving for two days. He probably didn't rest a few days ago."

After finishing speaking, the man's eyes looked even softer, obviously not aware that they had come here so hard.

Seeing Yun Shu approaching, Wei Chengfeng grabbed her hand and hugged her in his arms.He didn't do anything, but leaned gently on Yun Shu, smelling her familiar scent, as if he could feel at ease just by doing this.

But after Yun Shu sat down and calmed down for a while, she felt something was wrong. She frowned, thinking that this was not a good time to ask questions, but she couldn't hold back, and looked up at the person beside her, "I've been Curious about something."

"What's the matter?" The man also looked at it.

Probably felt that the question was a little hypocritical, and Yun Shu didn't know how to speak, but then thought that he had reached this point, if he was still ignorant, it would be too low of himself.

Thinking of this, his expression became serious, "What's the relationship between you and that woman?"

Wei Chengfeng obviously didn't expect her to ask this question. He was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and was about to speak, when Yun Shu's voice continued, "It's the first time we meet you and your relationship is not like ordinary friends, and I found out earlier, The scent that has always been on you is exactly the same as hers."

She looked with some doubts in her eyes, she clearly cared, but she acted very frankly.

Wei Chengfeng was in a happy mood and wanted to laugh, but he was afraid of angering her, so he only pursed his lips and organized his words to explain, "Back then when I came to Dazhou from Nanyuan, the first force to recruit was Miracle Doctor Valley. The relationship between old illnesses, Xu Kun sent her by my side, the scent you a certain habit of hers." Although a man has a strange smell, but this is the only medicine in the world that can relieve the pain of his old illness.

Choosing between strangeness and comfort, he naturally chose the former.

"I don't know, but you paid so much attention to me before?" Wei Chengfeng looked at her with slightly teasing eyes.

Yun Shu avoided subconsciously, and snorted, "I'm a doctor, so I'm naturally more sensitive to these things."

After all, Yun Shu was extremely upset when he thought that since the meeting, he had been so acquainted with him without touching his hands and feet.

"Don't think that if I saved you, the previous old accounts can be overturned. I still remember those things in the capital, including you asking Yan Zhu to set me up. I will settle these accounts for you slowly in the future." Even Yun Shu didn't realize that , Talking about others, her own tone is so casual.

The corner of Wei Chengfeng's mouth showed a soft arc, and he looked at her meaningfully, "Well, you can count as long as you want."

He also heard something wrong in these words, and realized that he was taking advantage of his own loopholes, Yun Shu directly reached out and twisted the arm on his waist severely.

Wei Chengfeng frowned cooperatively, but the smile in his eyes did not diminish.

Until the cold wind came in and whimpered, he suddenly covered his lips and coughed.

"I'll make the fire bigger, and we'll leave in the morning." Seeing this, Yun Shu got up and set up a few more logs that Gu Fang found nearby, until the house was rendered as if it were daylight by the fire, and she didn't give up.

While patting the black ash off his head, a trace of worry flashed across his black eyes.

If it wasn't for Gu'an not waking up, it was windy traveling at night, she would like to find a nearby place to settle down and perform surgery on him once and for all.

But after a while of calmness, she became cautious again.

After all, the times are different, even if she prepares well, she can't guarantee [-]% success of the operation.

Thinking of this, Yun Shu felt a little tormented.

She should have had the operation when she hated this man in her heart, so she wouldn't worry about it anymore, instead of worrying like now.

She did not show her worry in front of Wei Chengfeng, and even rarely mentioned the operation.

And the other party didn't pay attention to these things. It seemed that as long as Yun Shu didn't mention it, he wouldn't even turn the topic on himself.

After an unknown amount of time, Yun Shu felt a slight pain in his shoulder, and when he opened his eyes, he realized that he was sleeping on Wei Chengfeng's lap, and it looked like he had slept not long ago.

As soon as she got up, the man opened his eyes.

Her pitch-black eyes were clear, clearly she hadn't slept all night.

Yun Shu immediately apologized, "Is your leg numb?"

"It's not in the way." He said lightly, and stood up, but unfortunately, when he stood up, his legs still couldn't move.

Seeing his indifferent expression, Yun Shu didn't poke him, but felt a fever in her heart.

In the past, the Qin family always said that a woman's life is the most fulfilling when she is married.

Maybe she once felt that a person's life is very good, but when she occasionally finds that someone is always by her side, this feeling is not bad.

She looked at the man's figure, staring at the stalwart's back, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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