Chapter 314

After dinner, Gu'an and Su Yi were like tacit brothers. One cleaned up the dishes and the other went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

The atmosphere where the two stood together was unbelievably harmonious, and it was the kind of atmosphere that one could feel just by looking at it. Even Yun Shu noticed that she couldn't help but look at her several times, and she wondered if the two of them were together when she didn't know it. just know.

But when he noticed Wei Chengfeng who was also looking at the two of them, he knew it wasn't.

"Is his name Gu'an? I think it's good to see the two of them having fun. Why don't you let him squeeze with Su Yi at night? I think they're all willing." Even Qin could see it, and was careless after speaking. Seeing Gu Fang and Su San who were flying sparks on the opposite side, he silently looked away again.

Speaking of which, these four people are also interesting.

The two are inexplicably related like brothers, but the other two are like enemies.

For this reason, Qin seemed to be doing it on purpose, and arranged Gu Fang and Su San in the same room that night.

So in the middle of the night, the room was still full of excitement, but everyone didn't care about the excitement, and no one cared about it.

After returning to the room, Yun Shu went to the space.

Combined with the things she bought in the town before, she processed them a little bit, washed and soaked the set of surgical tools in spring water, and prepared enough Mabosan to start the operation the next day.

She didn't have time to tell Qin Shi about this, because she didn't know what to say.

First of all, she was not sure about the customs here, and since she had nothing to do with Wei Chengfeng, whether arranging Wei Chengfeng to live here would affect her family.

Furthermore, she is not sure whether she wants to spend her life with this man.

Although it is still early to think about these, it is also a problem that will be faced soon.

This night Yun Shu was busy very late, not because there were too many things to do, but because he couldn't calm down.

In the first half of the night, she prepared her things and stopped after making sure that she didn't need to do anything the next day, but she still didn't feel sleepy.

The difference between the space and the outside is that there is no night, so in the second half of the night, she sits on the space floor with a book in her hand and reads.

At dawn, Mrs. Qin got up to wash up.

Since she came back, she would go to Yunxiu Pavilion when she was free, but she was not there all day, and came back around noon to rush for lunch.

Yun Shu heard the movement, washed up, changed and left the room.

Seeing that Mrs. Qin was about to leave, she called her to stop, "Mother, I'll go with you." She happened to be going to the town, after all, she promised Pei Yu to visit Master Pei for him, the sooner this matter is resolved it is good.

Qin Shi felt that she was alone, but she was happy, "Mother felt cold, so I didn't ask Su Yi to make breakfast, and we just happened to go to the town to have a bowl of hot soup later." As for Yunfeng and the others, she didn't care.

Yun Shu wasn't hungry, but after hearing her say that, she also nodded, anyway, she wasn't in a hurry for a while.

Before the two left, Wei Chengfeng also came out of the room.

He lived in the guest room in the front row of the courtyard, and went with Yun Shu, but Qin's room was separated in the middle.

Apparently he had woken up a long time ago, his clothes were already neatly dressed, and he walked out when he heard the two talking.

And naturally followed, and said, "I'm with you."

"No, Gu'an will boil medicine for you in a while, and you must rest at home." The medicinal diet has only lasted for a few days. If the time is not fixed, the effect may not be the best, and the risk of surgery tomorrow will be even greater.

When the man heard that he was rejected, his pretty brows frowned immediately, and he wisely used a discussing tone, "Can't you come back in time to take the medicine?"

Yun Shu shook his head.

In addition to going to Pei's mansion, she also needs to visit Wang Caifeng's place. If she has extra time, she will also go to Xiawangzhuang, and she will probably come back in the evening at the soonest.

And she is not used to being around someone.

Wei Chengfeng was rejected to the end, and finally stopped talking. He seemed to give up, so he just took a step back and said, "Then... come back earlier?"

How can this be early?

Yun Shu fell silent for a moment.

In Wei Chengfeng's eyes, she frowned and looked embarrassed. She was a little unhappy that she would be left alone at home, but now she couldn't see her being irritable because of it. She sighed and had to say, " Forget it, I'll wait for you at home."

Yun Shu also breathed a sigh of relief, this is the best.

After the mother and daughter walked out of the gate for a long time, Qin looked back, and when he found a figure standing on the hillside in the distance, he said to his daughter, "It doesn't matter if Chengfeng is still standing there?"

When several people came back yesterday, the Qin family vaguely knew that Wei Chengfeng was injured, which seemed to be serious.

But today, there is no sun, and there is still a small wind blowing from time to time. After all, she is someone her daughter cares about, so Qin can't help but be concerned.

When Yun Shu heard this, he was obviously taken aback.

Turning his head to look, as expected, he found the figure standing like a benchmark.Even if she couldn't see clearly, she knew that the other party was staring at her.

Like a warm current gushing out of his heart in an instant, warming the blood in his limbs, Yun Shu deliberately snorted, "He's such an adult, he won't make fun of his body."

And when she had just left, she had already sensed the movements of Houwu Gu'an and the others, and they should have already woken up.

When I come out and see him, I think someone will take him back.

Thinking of this, the indifference on Yun Shu's face became more obvious.

Qin Shi saw that although her daughter was light and light, but just now there was a look of worry in her eyes, she smiled without piercing it, and looked at her daughter's eyes revealing a clear look.

Perhaps it was rare to see her daughter like this. After walking away for a long time, Qin seemed to think about it again, and when she found that the voice could still be heard, she deliberately said it again.

This time she clearly saw the dissatisfaction in her daughter's eyes. Although she quickly covered it up, Qin Shi was even more convinced of her guess.

Don't look at her daughter's calm and indifferent expression, she actually cares about Chengfeng in her heart.

Thinking about a few days ago, someone came to ask about her daughter's marriage, so Qin was thinking about when to secretly ask the other party to mention it.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at my daughter for a while.

Yun Shu was sensitive to the fact that her mother's eyes were changing back and forth when she was staring at him, but there was also a strange light shining.

Based on her years of experience with the other party, this look is very meaningful.

But she was also afraid that the Qin family would say something heroic when she opened her mouth, so she simply pretended not to see it.

It was still early when the mother and daughter entered the town.

There are only half of the shops open in the town, but there are a few early shops.

Mrs. Qin knew the delicious places in Liangting Town very well, so she led her daughter for a few streets, and finally came to a suggested shed, and chose a seat for the two to sit opposite each other.

The breakfast seller was an old lady with white hair, but she was very energetic. Hearing Qin's request, she quickly moved her hands without saying a word.

After sitting down for a while, hot steamed buns and white porridge were served.

Yun Shu was not very hungry, so after eating a little, he sat and waited for Mrs. Qin to eat, and the two of them went to Yunxiu Pavilion together.

(End of this chapter)

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