Chapter 315

Some time ago, the Yunxiu Pavilion was taken care of by the Jiang family, and the two workers were also hired by the Jiang family.

It was the two girls who looked very smart. When they saw Qin Shi respectfully called Madam, and then saw Yun Shu, they were a little afraid of her. After calling Miss, they stepped aside.

Yun Shu has often been in and out of the town in the past two years, but her personality is only gentle when she treats her family members. When outsiders see her, the first thing they think is that she is cold and difficult to get along with.

The reason why the two girls were afraid of her was because Yun Shu had some conflicts with the Jiang family once, and personally taught a servant of the Jiang family, who was sent out of town by Jiang Huaishan the next day.

I don't know how this incident was spread later, and it became that no one can offend this person.

Because this girl not only has a master with a strong temper, but also has an unkind personality. If you provoke her, not only the Jiang family, but even the Pei family will help deal with it, and it will not end well.

Yun Shu heard this rumor by accident, and was surprised at the time, but found that because of this rumor, everyone kept away from her, and when she got close to her ears, she also acquiesced.

Jiang Huaishan, who always thought Yun Shu was good, said that he didn't understand her very well.

After all, as a young girl who has not left the court, spreading such words in the town has a great influence on her boudoir name.

He was going to help her solve these rumors, but was blocked by Yun Shu. When he heard the reason for Yun Shu's blocking, Jiang Huaishan was shocked for a long time because he didn't understand.

But Yun Shu was different from the women he had seen, and he got used to being startled.

Yun Shu stayed in Yunxiu Pavilion for less than a quarter of an hour before leaving.

After telling Qin Shi that he would not go back for dinner at night, he went to Pei's house first.

She happened to be in time, Pei Yu went to Huikou Town early in the morning and was expected to be back at noon.

Yun Shu thought that she had already come and there was no need to leave, so she asked Butler Pei to take her to find Master Pei.

Mr. Pei's health has become worse and worse in the past two years. He used to cough when the wind blows, but now he faints when he goes out.

When the Pei Family Garden was built earlier, I thought it would be possible for him to go around, so I spent a lot of thought on this, but I never thought that I would not have the opportunity to go if I didn't go there a few times.

Now Master Pei is moaning in the room.

Pei Yu went to the capital some time ago, and Pei Hao secretly followed him dishonestly.When he found out, it was already a few days after the two of them left, and now they finally came back, but one left early and returned late, and the other hid in the room and could not come out.

Master Pei always felt that his body might not be able to survive the New Year, and he wanted to spend more time with his son before leaving.

Over the past two years, he has also figured it out. In the past, he always put the business of the Pei family as the first priority. He thought that his son would be happy when the Pei family was well. It was not until he became more and more afraid of being alone that he realized that money and wealth Nothing is more important than family.

In the past, for the sake of himself, Pei Yu never said any dissatisfaction, so he took advantage of the situation to make things difficult for him.

Thinking about everything he did before, Master Pei regretted it very much.

Although I still feel a bit regretful that I didn't hold my grandson before my death, but there is no way, my son has no thoughts in this regard, if he forces him, he will really do all the bad things.

Thinking of overhearing outsiders saying that he only had money in his eyes, Master Pei couldn't help but sighed again.

"Master, Miss Yun is outside the door. She said she has something to ask for you." The butler's voice came from outside the door. Master Pei paused slightly with his hand on the chair, and it took him a while to realize who he was talking about.

His gaze involuntarily fell on the chair below him.

The strange chair I am making now was sent by Pei Yu three months ago, and it is said that this girl Yun made it.

Mr. Pei had never seen such a strange chair, and he dismissed it at the time, but later he found that he could move around the room by relying on this chair just by moving his hands, that's when Mr. Pei realized its wonder.

Perhaps the prejudice against Yun Shu before was because she thought she was not very good at doing business as a woman no matter what the reason was, but later found out that the other party was indeed capable.

Just like this chair, I'm afraid most people can't think of this thing.

Perhaps because of the favor brought by the chair, Master Pei quickly responded, "Miss Yun, please come in."

Then there was the voice of the butler inviting, and the woman's murmured thank you.

After Master Pei sat upright, he looked up and saw the figure pushing the door open.

"I can't blow a hair dryer, the room smells a bit, don't mind." Master Pei's attitude was kind.

Yun Shu shook his head to show that he didn't care, and looked around the room. Indeed, there was this decayed smell that had been closed for a long time everywhere.

This kind of room is not suitable for patients, but considering the situation of this person, Yun Shu can't say anything.

She immediately sat down at the table next to Master Pei, and as soon as she sat firmly, she heard the other party say, "Pei Yu won't be back until noon, he never said you would come."

Yun Shu came here a few times before, but Master Pei only thought that she was here to find Pei Yu.

Yun Shu was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what was happening, but he didn't explain, and said with a light smile, "It's okay, I'll wait for him here, as long as Master Pei doesn't think I'm in the way."

"Miss Yun was joking. If you really talk about it, it should be whether you will dislike me, who is about to die."

Master Pei's voice was full-bodied, but his voice was a little weak after being ill for too long, but he couldn't hold back the sigh in his voice.

"Not necessarily." Yun Shu said with a smile.

Master Pei obviously didn't understand the meaning of her words. Looking puzzled, Yun Shu looked him up and said slowly, "I think your complexion is more than twice as good as that of a dying person. Such a person can live a long time How can Master Pei be short-lived?"

I didn't expect her to say that, but Master Pei only thought she was saying nice words, so he smiled happily, but after laughing, he showed a look of indifference to life and death, "I am not short-lived anymore, plus Pei Yu Pei Hao has grown up, so I have no regrets."

Most people say they have no regrets, and 90.00% of them have regrets.

Yun Shu didn't expose the lies of the person in front of him, and said indifferently, "Ants are greedy for life, why should Master Pei give up so early, maybe there is still a chance."

Unaware of the meaning in Yun Shu's tone at all, Master Pei laughed at himself, "So what if you don't give up, I'm tired after all these years, just treat me as inferior to an ant, and want to rest."

"So, even if the chance of survival is right in front of you, Master Pei doesn't plan to try again?"

"Heh, what else is there to try, and there is no chance in front of me... Well, what are you talking about?" He answered smoothly, but in the middle of the sentence, Master Pei suddenly realized that something was wrong, and squinted at his yellow and muddy eyes. His eyes looked at Yun Shu.

At this time, this old man who has no spirit, now his eyes are bright.

Yun Shu looked back indifferently, and smiled, "I promised to save you for Pei Yu, does this count as a chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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