Chapter 317

For so many years, Mr. Pei has suffered from a dry cough from a sore throat to vomiting blood.

Every time those who are tortured want to just die, but never thought that one day they will have such a comfortable time.

He felt the situation in his mouth in surprise, and he really didn't feel like coughing anymore.

At the same time, I was also curious about what kind of medicinal material is so effective.

He just put it in his mouth, so he doesn't want to cough anymore?
It stands to reason that if there is such a medicine, why didn't those doctors give it to him before? Could it be a secret recipe?

He then told Yun Shu what he was thinking, and he got the nod of confirmation from the other party.

Because of this medicine, Master Pei suddenly felt that this attempt might be a good one.

Pei Yu usually didn't come back until noon, but after the housekeeper sent a letter saying that Yun Shu had arrived, it didn't take long for others to rush back.

Because the end of the new year is approaching, the family's properties have to be summarized and inspected, and there are many and complicated things, Pei Yu hasn't had a good rest since returning.

After asking the servants, when they said that the guest was relaxing in the garden with the master, Pei Yu only thought that he heard it wrong.

His father's illness was unrecognizable, and now he didn't need to tell him, he would be so uncomfortable that he would not step out of the room.

As for Yun Shugen, it is impossible to come out with him knowing that his father has this disease.

He thought that the servant must have misread it, maybe it was Pei Hao.

After playing wildly for a month, that kid became more honest.

At first, he thought that he was getting too serious, but by accident, Pei Yu found out that his younger brother was actually in love.

It's just that he usually acts like a jerk, but he doesn't want to tell his big brother that if he didn't force him to question the person who served Pei Hao since he was a child, he might not know anything.

Thinking that Pei Hao had a crush on Yun Shu, maybe he might tell her.

In fact, Pei Hao did go, but he didn't dare to show up...

Yun Shu didn't want to go out for a walk with an old man, but just felt a little bored staying in that room.

Before she left, she asked a few servants to give a bag of powder to each of them, and asked them to put it on the incense burner and put it on the four corners of the room to smoke away the cold air in the room.

It's going to snow soon, if that time comes, the room will be even more air-conditioned.

At that time, a 'weak' person like Master Pei will definitely not be able to bear it.

Yun Shu even thought very bluntly that if he hadn't come by himself, this old master Pei might not even survive this year.

At this moment, she was standing in the gazebo in Pei's garden. Mr. Pei leaned on a stick and looked around with interest, as if he had never seen a garden before.

In fact, Master Pei doesn't even remember when he came to the garden during the day.

Because there are more trees in the garden and the wind is stronger, I avoid walking on weekdays.

So just now when Yun Shu said to come out for a walk, he casually said that he also wanted to come out and have a look.

It was probably the first time he came out without coughing anymore. Master Pei was in a great mood, and he took the initiative to talk to Yun Shu from time to time.

Yun Shu didn't talk much, she came out for peace and quiet, and she just waited for Pei Yu to come back and discuss something before leaving.Now there is someone talking next to her ear, which gives her a sense of déjà vu that Xu Fuyuan is by her side.

Speaking of which, after the old thing sent her family back a few days ago, she didn't know where she went.

The last time I asked casually, I didn't expect Su Yi to take out a letter and give it to her.

It turned out that the old man saw that his internal strength had recovered, and he planned to settle accounts with the enemy he had hunted and killed in the past two years.

Before leaving, he took away the pills given by Yun Shu, saying that he had studied them carefully.

In the end, he said shamelessly that he would be away for a long time this time, so that Yun Shu's family should not miss him.

After reading the letter, Yun Shu threw the letter into the stove and burned it clean.

It was fine to leave, she was happy and quiet.

The garden of Pei's family is very beautiful. Although it's winter, it's still green in the eyes, which shows how meticulously it is taken care of on weekdays.

Right now in the pavilion, some servant girls passed by, and most of them would take a look curiously, and the most lingering eyes were on Mr. Pei.

Probably because he was curious about why Mr. Pei was fine standing in the wind, but the housekeeper didn't rush back to his room while he was guarding nearby?
Yun Shu stood for a long time, only to feel his face was cooled by the wind, and frowned slightly.

A nearby breath stayed there for a long time without moving.

At first she thought it was Pei Yu's guard, but the breathing was light and heavy, and she obviously had no internal strength. Afterwards, she pretended to glance casually and found a corner of the figure hiding behind a tree, so she knew who it was.

I don't know what the other party wants to do, and I hide behind in such a cold day without moving.

So he didn't come out, and Yun Shu pretended not to know.

This situation lasted until Pei Yu came back.

The housekeeper stood waiting at the intersection to deal with emergencies, so he was the first to see Pei Yu approaching.

When Yun Shu in the pavilion heard the housekeeper call 'Master', the wrinkles on his brows instantly smoothed away, and he finally came back.

Master Pei didn't know it leisurely, as if he was not afraid of the cold, he sat on the stool beside the cool.

Just now, the housekeeper brought a cup of hot tea in case he would catch a cold, and put a piece of ginger in it.

While drinking slightly spicy tea, Master Pei looked at the garden comfortably, his good mood was almost written on his face.

And when Pei Yu came over, what he saw was such a harmonious picture.

He frowned subconsciously, and was about to speak, but realized that Master Pei was acting normally, and he didn't cough at all, so he was startled immediately.

The butler wanted to speak in advance, but Pei Yu hurried over and didn't listen to him finish.

Seeing him staring blankly at the old man in the pavilion, he hurriedly said, "Miss Yun used medicinal materials for the old man. Now, as long as the old man has the medicine in his mouth, he won't cough even in the wind..."

They also said things like magic later on, but Pei Yu obviously didn't listen any more.

He already stepped into the pavilion, looked at the girl who obviously knew she was coming and turned around, and said with a light smile, "Yun Shu, you're here."

"En." Yun Shu was a little surprised when he saw Pei Yu.

But I haven't seen each other for a few days, and the other party is not as energetic as before, because the tiredness is too obvious.

His face was still as jade-like and handsome, but a layer of beard stubble also appeared, and he looked a bit vicissitudes.

Seeing Yun Shu staring at him for a few seconds, Pei Yu obviously knew it, raised his hand to stroke the beard on his chin, and said helplessly, "I'm too busy to let you see me like this."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to rest. There are not so many people in the Pei family, so why do you have to do everything yourself?" Yun Shu knew how busy the Pei family was, she had heard that Pei Yu was serious enough to be paranoid before, now seeing him like this , not by accident, but incomprehensible.

Hearing the concern in her words, Pei Yu's heart warmed up. He was about to speak, but seeing the two of them still standing, he said, "Let's go to the front room first, I have someone prepare hot tea."

After speaking, he ordered the housekeeper to take Master Pei back, even if he didn't cough, he couldn't blow like this.

Master Pei obviously didn't see enough, but at his son's insistence, he had to go back to his room.

Then Pei Yu led the way, Yun Shu followed, and walked a few steps, but she thought of something and looked at the tree in the distance. She wanted to speak, but then she thought of something, so she didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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