Chapter 318

Almost as soon as Yun Shu and Pei Yu left, the branch moved, and Pei Hao walked out from behind the tree, frowning, looking worried.

On the other hand, Yun Shu had thought about Master Pei's treatment plan in advance, and what he wanted to discuss with Pei Yu was only a detail.

And Pei Yu never expected that she would be so confident about her father's illness, she listened carefully the whole time, and when he finally heard that if he cooperates with the treatment, he may live a long life, the man's eyes flashed surprise and joy.

He couldn't wait to ask, since he was sure that he heard correctly, "Are you sure it's... healed?"

Yun Shu saw that he clearly heard it, but was uncertain. It was rare to see him like this, so she repeated patiently, "You heard me right. What I mean by recovery is to make Master Pei a normal person."

After that, she took a sip of the hot tea on the table.

The weather is a bit cold, even with internal protection, the surrounding area is still chilly.

After drinking the hot tea, the chill subsided in an instant. Yun Shu relaxed and breathed comfortably, but at that moment she paused slightly.

"What's the matter?" Pei Yu saw that she was looking at the upper part of the room, seemingly unhappy, and subconsciously looked over, but there was nothing, but when she was about to look away, she suddenly noticed a trace of breath.

The aura seemed to be messed up, which is why Pei Yu found a clue.

He looked at Yun Shu, her eyes were not only displeased but also helpless.

Then he looked at the roof again, with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

He pretended not to know, picked up the tea in front of him, but didn't drink it, and asked casually, "Auntie said earlier that you went to Nanyuan, did your journey go smoothly?"

"Fortunately, it's just that there was some trouble when I came back." Yun Shu was stunned for a moment, then snorted, and looked away lightly.

Pei Yu's eyes flickered slightly. At first he was just guessing, but after hearing Yun Shu's answer, he became more sure of his thoughts.

His eyes were also warmer, but there was still a trace of apology in his heart at this time, "It's good that everyone will come, I hope that the things I helped to hide before did not cause you any trouble."

"Hiding it up?" Yun Shu asked back.

As soon as Pei Yu raised his head, he saw the suspicious look on the girl's face. There was a cold and evil look in her eyes, and she was taken aback for a moment, realizing that she had said the wrong thing.

But under the questioning eyes, it was too late to take back the words.

At the same time, Pei Yu noticed that the atmosphere on the roof was getting messy again, and he was even more sure that the two of them hadn't confessed completely, so he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

"You know, I don't like people leaving half of what they say." Yun Shu was impatient to wait, her tone was gloomy, and her eyes seemed to be full of threats.

Pei Yu pretended to be uncomfortable and coughed, ignoring that he was talking ill in front of others, touched the tip of his nose and said, "Actually, I knew about Chengfeng back then, but at that time I wanted to compete with Chengfeng , I thought I would use his absence to get acquainted with you better, but I think too highly of myself..."

'Wow! 'Before Pei Yu finished speaking, there was a sound from the roof.

The two raised their heads at the same time, but they heard the sound of rubble falling, and they looked towards the door, and indeed a figure fell down.

Pei Yu stared blankly at the figure approaching the gate, but before he could react, it was dark in front of him, and then the sound of the wind flowed, he reflexively stood up and took a step back, only to hear a 'crash', and the chair he was sitting on cracked open.

Seeing this scene in surprise, Pei Yu's face was darkened, then he looked at the person in front of him who should have been 'dead', and said nana, "Chengfeng, you are back."

However, the other party didn't give face at all.

That originally indifferent face was completely dark at this moment, and there was a swish of cold air all over his body, and his tone was even more gloomy, "Leave at that time, and you promised to take care of her for me, so that's how you took care of her." It was this idea, Wei Chengfeng vowed not to come to him.

Pei Yu was also a little embarrassed. He told Yun Shu frankly because the two had confessed clearly about this matter, and he also knew that he had no chance.

But in the face of Wei Chengfeng, his best friend, Pei Yu admitted that what he did was unethical, and he felt a little apologetic.

Yun Shu on the side stared blankly at the two of them. Ever since she knew that he had followed secretly, she had been furious.

But when he heard the words he just said to ask Pei Yu to take care of himself, his heart was inevitably moved.So it turned out that even though he left silently, did he actually ask Pei Yu to take care of her?
She couldn't help looking at the man in front of her, but what she saw was the man's straight back.

The inexplicable anger that had just filled his heart subsided instantly.

Seeing him stepping forward, as if he was going to fight Pei Yu, Yun Shu couldn't sit still anymore, if his body used any more internal force, it would be fatal, so he stepped forward to stop him, "Try it? "

Maybe it was too eager, and Yun Shu's tone was not very good.

But this scene fell into Wei Chengfeng's eyes, but it became her defending Pei Yu.

Feeling sore and uncomfortable, she opened her mouth, but thought of the things she had done when she left silently back then, compared to him, Pei Yu was indeed more qualified than him to stand by her side.

His expression moved slightly, the loneliness in his eyes was fleeting, and finally he calmed down, and said in a low voice, "Sorry."

Just as Yun Shu was about to speak, he looked up and saw the deep apology in his eyes. He moved his mouth, but before he could say anything, he turned and left.

Emotions were obviously lingering in that back figure, and when Yun Shu realized something, the man could no longer see the figure.

"It was I who made him angry, and we just finished talking, so you can go to him." Pei Yu saw everything in his eyes, and knew what his friend was thinking.

Just as he was about to send Yun Shu away, he saw the girl who was standing at the door. After a pause, she turned back and sat down again.

Pei Yu looked puzzled, and looked at the figure who had disappeared, and felt that the only one who dared to ignore him was Yun Shu.

At the same time, he also understood that if it was her, Chengfeng would definitely not be angry.

I had no choice but to move the chair again and sit down, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Yun Shu admired his sensitivity, and nodded without concealing it, "You said you knew something about him, so how much do you know about his identity?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at it, wanting to see his reaction.

Pei Yu obviously thought that she would ask this, and his expression was very calm.

This also made Yun Shu more certain that he knew Wei Chengfeng's identity.

That is to say, she was right at the beginning, she was indeed the last one to know his identity among those who were related to him, and it was only a rough idea.

"If it's about Chengfeng, I can tell you whatever you want to know." Pei Yu said again.

Yun Shu took advantage of the situation, "Then tell me everything you know."

Pei Yu, "..." I feel like I've dug a big hole for myself.

But he promised a thousand dollars, thought for a while and started directly from the fact that he and Wei Chengfeng knew each other.

This noon, Yun Shu and Pei Yu sat in the room and chatted for half an hour.

Although Pei Yu was the one talking all the time, Yun Shu showed no sign of impatience.

(End of this chapter)

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