Chapter 319

Yun Shu didn't expect that Wei Chengfeng's story was more complicated than she imagined, full of thrills and ups and downs.

It was the same as the novel she had read in front of her, with a different beginning and a different result.

According to what Pei Yu said, the two met 15 years ago, and they were only four or five years old at the time.

And Wei Chengfeng had just come from Nanyuan at that time. In order to replace the prince who died of illness in Biezhuang, he stayed in the Royal Biezhuang west of Liangting Town for a few years. During this period, he occasionally went to Liangting Town, and the two met.

Pei Yu was smart since she was a child, and she intended to get acquainted with Wei Chengfeng, and the two quickly became friends.

This feeling lasted until they grew up, and instead of becoming thinner because of the gap between them, it became stronger.

Wei Chengfeng's identity was also discovered by Pei Yu when he was ten years old. The situation was special at that time. Although Pei Yu was shocked and surprised, he also cut off contact with him because of this, but they reconciled later.

In recent years, the two deliberately did not mention things about their identities, because they were worried about conflicts on the national border.

Speaking of this, Pei Yu's tone was very complicated.

Over the years, because of Wei Chengfeng's relationship, he had a deep understanding of Nanyuan, and only then did he know how difficult his living conditions were.

"Concubine Chengfeng was framed by Empress Nanyuan and sent to the cold palace. She also had her tongue cut off and her limbs crippled. If he hadn't been smart enough to restrain his edge, the Empress would never have kept him."

"Chengfeng blocked an arrow for the queen, and now he has the old disease. Later, he pretended to have amnesia, and entered the name of the queen."

"Back then, Nanyuan's royal heirs were weak, and something happened to the queen's youngest son. No matter what her intentions were, the queen helped Chengfeng to become the crown prince. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. The Nanyuan spies heard how much the prince looked like Chengfeng on Tuesday. So similar, the emperor thought of replacing the prince with a civet cat."

Pei Yu didn't know how to say many things.

Although he was recognized as the empress, Wei Cheng was not doing well back then.The queen has a weird temper and is suspicious and jealous. She often beat him to vent her emotions in the middle of the night when no one was around. Some traces are still there today.

In addition to these, just think about it for a while, a child of a certain age crosses the border and takes the risk to replace the prince of another country, the danger and difficulty can be imagined.

Back then, in order not to reveal his secrets, Wei Chengfeng tried his best to keep silent, so that the people behind him were really reticent and indifferent.

After Pei Yu said this, there were still complicated emotions in his eyes, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

In fact, Yun Shu's mood fluctuated greatly.

I didn't ask before, not because I didn't care, but because I wanted to wait for Wei Chengfeng to confess to her.

But the other party kept silent, she was just curious, and now after hearing Pei Yu's words, she understood why he didn't mention it.

That kind of thing, if you say it casually, it is a bad memory, and you probably don't want to think about it.

Just like in my previous life, living alone, although I gradually got used to it later, the memory of loneliness and helplessness when I was alone will always remain deep in my brain, as long as I get over it, it is a kind of pain.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt sympathetic and distressed for him.

Yun Shu stood up suddenly, "I think I'd better go back first."

Pei Yu was startled by her action, and seeing the expression on her face, she knew something, and said with a smile, "Go."

After leaving Pei's mansion, Yun Shu suddenly realized that she left suddenly, forgetting to keep the medicine that she promised to give to Pei Yu.

I had no choice but to go back again and hand the prescription to the other party, and then I gave up.

Yun Shu didn't go to Wangzhuang or take pictures of Wang Caifeng, but went back to the village directly.

The Qin family hasn't come back yet, and Yunfeng's people are no longer there. When they entered the door and saw Su Yi and Gu An talking in the kitchen, they asked, "What about him?"

Who he is, everyone knows.

Gu An was a little surprised by this question, Su Yi said directly, "He said he went to find you, Miss."

Yun Shu was taken aback, that means he hasn't come back yet?
Thinking of how he ignored Pei Yu for half an hour before he left to hear what he had to say about him, he suddenly regretted it. Could it be that he was angry?
She walked back subconsciously, wanting to take a look again, but just as she reached the door, she bumped into someone who came in.

A familiar smell came over his nostrils, Yun Shu's face was filled with joy, and when he looked up, he saw that familiar face.

She felt relieved suddenly, and blurted out, "Where have you been, and why are you only coming back now?"

Even she herself didn't notice the tension and worry in her tone.

The man who was still a little jealous because of the previous incident, saw that he took the initiative to grab himself and didn't say anything, but was still worried about himself. All the previous thoughts disappeared in an instant, and there was only a warm feeling in his heart.

He subconsciously reached out to stop the person in front of him, "Sorry, I made you worry."

If it was the original Yun Shu, she would have replied 'who will worry about you', but this time, she didn't say that, but raised her head in dissatisfaction, "It's good that you know."

He freely admitted that he was really worried about him.

The corners of Wei Chengfeng's lips outlined a pleasant arc, and when he released his palm, a green Buddha statue jade pendant fell off.

Yun Shu only felt a glimmer of green light in the corner of his eyes, and then realized that it was a jade pendant tied with a red string. Just as he was about to ask, a man's voice came from above his head, "When I came back, I heard that the nearby temple was very spiritual, so I went to ask It’s okay, you don’t have to if you don’t like it.” The last sentence was added by Wei Chengfeng after thinking about it.

Because he remembered that there was another man's jade pendant on her body.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his hand was empty.

Yun Shu had already taken the jade pendant and put it on.Because it was an active interface, she adjusted it to a suitable size, put it under her clothes after wearing it, pressed it with her hand, and then looked up at him, "I like it very much."

The man's stunned expression has not yet retracted, and he met her smiling eyes, as if infected, and an intoxicating smile was also smudged in his black eyes.

Although he knew that her liking was probably just to make him happy, it was for this reason that he felt happy.

I thought it was over.

Wei Chengfeng took her hand and prepared to enter the room, but the person beside him didn't move, he pulled her again, but the other party still didn't respond, he couldn't help but looked puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Yun Shu had something to say, but didn't know how to say it.

She glanced aside, Su Yi received her cue, patted Gu'an on the shoulder cleverly, and the two went to the back room.

Wei Chengfeng naturally also saw this scene, and the light in his black eyes moved slightly.

Just as he looked sideways, the girl's voice came softly, "I have something to tell you, about the jade pendant from before."

Unexpectedly, what she was going to talk about was this matter. Although Wei Chengfeng was surprised, he looked at her seriously and said, "I understand the importance of that jade pendant to you. I will not interfere with you in the previous matters."

"It's not what you think." Seeing his misunderstanding, Yun Shu immediately said, "I just want to tell you that I don't have the kind of feelings for Yan Zhu that you think." The one who really likes Yan Zhu is the original body, not her.

 It was written in despair. .

(End of this chapter)

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