Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 180 2nd Career Transfer Negotiation

Chapter 180
"Still nothing has changed!"

Pick up the wings of the Archangel of Light, and perceive the incoming information.

There was no disappointment on Su Ye's face, but surprise.

"The more this is the case, the more it shows that this thing is not simple."

Chu Wei thought the same as Su Ye.

He continued: "Also, we don't know how many colorful eggs this wing absorbed in the hands of its previous owner."

"Or, how many masters it has experienced and how many colorful eggs it has absorbed."

Su Ye didn't care after listening to it, "Never mind it, anyway, just feed it the colorful eggs that won't be needed in the future!"

"I'll find someone to inquire about the magical equipment when I have a chance in the future."

After speaking, he continued to equip the wings on his back.

After gently inciting it, Su Ye felt it for a while and said, "It is completely certain now, except that the information has not changed, and the wings have not changed."

"It seems that the change will not appear until it absorbs enough amount and evolves to a lower level or higher."

Instead of worrying about the wings, Su Ye was just about to go out.

Chu Wei stopped him again.

"Let's determine your career choice for the second turn first!"

In one sentence, Su Ye stopped in his tracks.

He pondered for a while, "It's good to make a decision in advance. In case of an emergency, if you choose in a hurry at a critical moment, if you choose the wrong one, or if the choice is not suitable for you, it will be quite troublesome."

With that said, Su Ye opened the Doomsday Currency Mall.

Click on the corresponding interface, and look at the row of professional second-turn scrolls that are grayed out and cannot be purchased.

Not surprisingly, after he was promoted to the fourth rank, these second-turn scrolls would be released by the mall and become available for purchase.

There are a total of 13 professional branches for the second turn of the mage.

Thunder Mage, Flame Mage, Frost Mage, Storm Mage, Earth Mage, Elemental Mage, Deception Mage, Black Mage, Light Mage, Luminous Mage, Phantom God Mage, Spiritual Mage, Strange Mage.

It is different from the magician's first-turn professional scroll.

There is a description on the second-turn scroll of each magician profession.

Su Ye probably looked at it once, and briefly described the information he saw.

First of all, the first five occupations, as the name suggests, correspond to the five elements of thunder, fire, water ice, wind, and earth respectively.

The sixth elemental mage is a combination of the first five professions. They know a little bit, but they are not proficient.

The seventh trick mage mainly masters the power of mystery.

The eighth black magician mainly masters curse, darkness, transformation, and strengthening.

The ninth light magician mainly masters enchantment, healing, blessing, and defense.

The tenth luminous mage mainly masters the power of moonlight and contracted beasts.

No. 11 Phantom God Mage, who mainly masters illusion.

No. 12 spirit summoners, who mainly master summoning and nature.

No. 13 strange mages, mainly mastering impact, gravity, mind, and magnetism.

After Su Ye told all the information, Xia Guo's player group suddenly boiled.

"Nimma, with so many professions, how do you choose one?"

"It's not for you to choose. If you are so excited, it depends on what Brother Huohua wants to play."

"It makes sense, everyone, let's go, it has nothing to do with us."

"Stupid or not, it has nothing to do with us. If there is a synchronization of strength in the future, isn't the profession that Brother Huohua chooses now the magic ability that we will master later?"


The audience is constantly discussing and arguing.

Su Ye also looked solemn.

"Which career do you think is most suitable for you?"

In the ear, Chu Wei's inquiry came.

Su Ye didn't rush to answer, but carefully observed the description and introduction of each profession, and read and understood word by word.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Mage Thunder!"

After hearing Su Ye's choice, Chu Wei pondered for a while and said, "Think about it clearly, this branch of profession has no defensive skills at all."

On the skill scroll interface of the Doomsday Currency Mall, all the skill scrolls of Thunder Mage are not about attacking but also related to attacking.

Does not have any defensive skills.

It belongs to the kind of occupation that directly maximizes the damage.

Hearing Chu Wei's question again, Su Ye hesitated for a while, then his eyes became firm.

"That's it. It's good to be simple and rough. After all, the best defense is offense."

"Let's decide first!"

Su Ye closed the interface and made a preliminary intention.

main battle room.

Behind Chu Wei, there was a crowd of people standing.

If you look carefully, they are top professional gamers from around the world.

"You guys go back first, and submit a report on the Thunder Mage to me as soon as possible, from all angles."

After hearing Su Ye's initial decision, Chu Wei didn't say anything more, and instead gave orders to the professional players behind him.

"Okay!" A group of professional players nodded, and then walked out of the room one after another.

As soon as they came to the aisle, every player's face changed instantly.

It's okay to let them play games.

write a report! ?

Oh my God.
But after the bitter face, when they thought of the incentive reward, they were instantly full of motivation again.

As long as the contribution can be recognized by Senior Colonel Chu, then according to the level of contribution, there will be different levels of rewards.

The lowest level of monetary rewards alone is 1000 million.

As for the highest level of rewards, aside from other aspects, the monetary rewards are as high as [-] million US dollars.

the other side.

Just as Su Ye came to the door of the room, Hoshino Kanna just opened the door and came in.

"Oni-chan, we have discovered a special situation."

Hoshino Kanna saw that Oni-chan was at the door, and immediately explained.

Just now, after the three of them finished making the bomb drone, they followed Su Ye's instructions to deploy and control nearby buildings.

As a result, just after the control was completed, the last bomb drone discovered an earth-shattering sound coming from the due east.

Naturally, the next moment, the three of them controlled the bomb drone to check.

As a result, when they saw the screen displayed on the monitoring panel clearly, the three of them suddenly took a deep breath.

Those are two huge monsters with a height of nearly [-] meters, and they are rushing towards the high-rise buildings.

Su Ye came to the living room, and after listening to Hoshino Kanna's simple explanation, he took the tablet and looked at it.

Immediately afterwards, he sneered, especially when he saw those figures running in front of the monster.

Don't think about it, it must be Lin Yunxi and the others who attracted them here.

I want to use my own shortcomings of accumulating too many evolution points to target.

However, Su Ye would not simply think that Lin Yunxi only relied on these two monsters to deal with him.

The shot must be at the same time.

I'm afraid it's just letting the monster take the lead!
Analyze the cause and effect in twos and threes.

In his ears, Chu Wei's analysis and speculation similar to his came.

Su Ye stared at it for a while, then seemed to think of something, and took out the monitoring tablet that monitored Lin Yunxi's drone.

After a moment, he chuckled.

The monster came from the due east of the building.

As for Lin Yunxi and the others, they were in a building to the south of the building due east.

Based on the current speed of the monster, it is estimated that it will reach the closest distance with Lin Yunxi and the others in another 5 minutes.

Do you want to show up with the Guardian-2D rocket launcher?

A gleam flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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